Coming Soon to…
Greetings everyone! What a time to be a fan of Friday the 13th and our good friend Jason! We’re quickly approaching the return of Jason Voorhees to our local big screens, we have a slew of new DVD’s coming out, new action figures are hitting the shelves (WIN ONE RIGHT HERE!) and much more! February will be a big month for all of us! (It’s also my birthday. So get those presents coming!).
We plan on having articles covering all of this in the coming weeks and I’m proud to announce that I just completed an interview with your brand new Jason Voorhees, Mr. Derek Mears! Be sure to hop on here on Friday, January 30th where you can read this exclusive interview with Derek! After doing the interview, I have learned that we are in good hands with Derek. He is very proud to be the new man behind the mask and is one of the nicest and most humble people I’ve ever had the pleasure of dealing with. He really appreciates the Friday the 13th fans and is just as big of a fan of the series as any of us!
So stay tuned folks! Lots of good things are coming. We want to say thanks to all of our dedicated readers. We love reading the comments from you and hearing from you in general. Let us, as Friday the 13th fans, enjoy this new blitz of interest in Friday the 13th! And let us, as staffers, say thank you!

A Thank You goes out to everybody who has kept this legacy alive for almost 30 years and running!!!!! JASON LIVES!!!!!….. I WANT $100 MILLION AT THE BOX OFFICE, IT IS POSSIBLE IS FREDDY VS JASON DID $85 MILLION!!!
he had the perfect head to play jason bald what a shame
haha, for real he does, thanks to everyone who has made this website what it is, I got some high hopes for sure & am positive J is gonna be killin em
It’s all good I think he’s gonna be a great Jason :D.
i want this movie rock! and make a lot of money!
This is the best Friday-resource online, no doubt about it. It’s great to hear what the fans have to say and share your own thoughts, and I’m glad all the latest is posted here (don’t forget the 15+ awesome pics at!). I also read something’s going up at the official website soon.
And as for Derek, I can’t wait to see him. He seems humble and dedicated, without a shred of ego. Guess we’ll hear more from him firstly this interview, more when “His Name..” arrives, and finally (hopefully!) a solid unrated special edition on DVD and Blu-Ray later down the line. I feel proud of Derek as Jason, he seems to have done us well. :)
I\’m so glad it\’s not Kane Hodder. The man was just too bulky to play Jason. Does anyone believe Jason (much less a zombie Jason) PUTS ON WEIGHT?
this is all just so awesome. I don’t know what the hell i’ll be doing after feb. I’ve been looking forward to this so much. i wont know what to do in between the time it’s in theaters ’till i can buy that sh*t on bluray! Hooray Jason! Derek Mears, you make us all so happy!
This is just great. I grew up on Friday and all those movies at the time. Such wonderful memories of renting these movies(when we thought VHS was just the coolest!)with my friends(and Dad), and either counting how many people got it, or picking out a character to be and seeing if we lived or not. Lol. Never did I think that all these years later, in 2025!, that we would be in the midst of Friday The 13th mania again!. It’s wonderful.
This site has also been the best and most informative F13 site out there. You do a fantastic job!!.
I debating on buying my tickets in advanced. Anyone else doing that? As much as I think that F13th deserves to be #1 at the box office and rake in millions, do you guys think the average movie fans are going to be lined up for this and it will sell out? Because if not then I’ll just take my chances on Feb.13th and buy them that night. I remember being able to see RZ’s Halloween without a problem on the 1st night of showing.
Pete **READ THIS**… I usually buy mine a couple days in advance for a couple reasons. It has happened in the past where if I hang around the theatres outside waiting for tickets, someone who has come out from a prior showing blurts some spoiler out!….. Quick funny story
I was waiting to buy my ticket for Halloween resurrection back in 2025 and some idiot walked out from a showing blurting out “that was awesome but I thought Jamie Lee was gonna come back” I thought to myself “You fuckin piece of shit!!!” … so from that day on for horror movies that i eagerly anticipate I buy my tickets early! hahaha
Hopefully I’ll get to meet Derek at a horror find soon. Put that picture next to the one of Kane choking me.
I’m a huge Friday the 13th fan and been checking this website for a while. I always look forward to the latest news and updates. Not to mention the fact that you have pictures of me as Jason on here. Very cool :)
Thanks for everything.
New images available!!!
EXCL: Over 15 New Friday the 13th Photos! January 15, 2025
Continuing our onslaught of Friday the 13th (set visit) coverage, has been provided over 15 new images! That means: More Jason! More victims! More mayhem! Click here for our full photo gallery where you’ll find all you see below in hi-res. We’ve also got an alternate photo of the “baghead Jason” image that premiered here a few weeks back. As we draw closer to the film’s February 13th release date, keep an eye on Shock as we’ll have a lot more coverage. Also drop in on the film’s official site – there will be some major updates occurring there as well!
The FINAL version of the official website is up!
the new site looks cool
January 30?! That’s my Birthday! Can I have a Jason Figure?! PLEEEEEASE?????
Wow, that really sucks BTdoe! I would have thrown something at the asshole that gave that away! Like I said I’ll probably end up buying them early that week anyways. I just saw My Bloody Valentine 3D yesterday (better than I thought it would be) and of course they played the trailer for F13th and seeing it on the big screen like that is such a fuckin’ tease! I can’t wait!!!
Oh and great new pics! Thanks Mark! Damn that chick with the wine bottle is HHHHOOOOOOOOOTTTTTTT!!!!
Whoa, the 30th huh? Cool. Just two days after the 28th, which is my 26th birthday. ;) A lot of birthdays on the Blog boards ths month, it owould seem.
Congrads on conducting the Derek interview. And yeah I loved the 3-D redux of My bloody Valentine. The theater (Tinsiltonw) was packed here in Shreveport, and it was a crowded 10pm showing.
It was dman good. Way too much tlakin’ in my screening, though. People acted as it was fuckin’ Mardi Gras.
And yeah the trailer for the Friday the 13th redux was fine as well. Loved seeing it projected on a big screen on 35mm, of course. :D
Bring on next month, baby! :D
hey everyone check out the new posters
jason is so fucking awesome
derek is fucking buff