Friday the 13th 2025 EPK (Electronic Press Kit)
I recently received the EPK for the most recent Friday the 13th from Mario Kirner. Normal press kits would come in an envelope containing production stills and a booklet of information. Those types of press kits have all but disappeared. The new press kits now usually come on USB flash drives and contain trailers, jpg images and various other information.
This EPK was originally created for television studio use, is in BETA data form, and contains trailers, selected film clips and audio bites (interviews) from actors, producers and the director. For collectors, I think this is a pretty cool item to own and I really enjoy seeing how studios come up with different ways to market and promote their films.

And not to forget is the B-Roll material over 15 minutes on this casette that shows some rough filming material and behind the scenes footage.
Ah yes. Thanks Mario.
I find it weird that the press kit is on VHS, but the movie has never (probably will never) be released on VHS.
But still neat.
Well, this is not a normal size VHS. It is huge! I am sure that the TV station this tape was sent to uses machines that require this sort of tape. And as stated before, the tape contains BETA data. Anyone out there able to help with explaining the use of this tape over a DVD or other media?
It’s actually not a VHS but a BETA casett. BETA is a bit larger in size and as Jasonsfury said, it is usually used by Television Studios. A German leading TV Studio used this EPK for their broadcasts to promote the German theateical release. By the way, it started here on 12th, so one day before the US release.
Oh, you was faster, Jason. Tiping by Iphone needs time