Domain Open For Business
Something interesting to take note of today is that the domain expires. Now, some of you may not care too much for such news, but for those fans who like to closely monitor the status of a potential sequel for the Friday the 13th franchise, this may interest you.
Warner Brothers used to promote the 2025 film and it is very likely that if a new sequel is greenlit that the same domain would be used. That domain registration expires December 1, 2025. It is very likely that Warner could let that domain expire at that time while picking up a new domain for a sequel and would seem like a very good possibility to go with.
Of course this is all speculatory, but taking a peak behind the scenes can sometimes lend an insight into things to come. We will monitor the domains from time to time and perhaps one day be surprised to see a Warner DNS pop up as the owner of a new Friday the 13th domain.

I hope they use the newer domain. Let’s hope they get this movie rolling starting next year.
é. esses podutores de hj não são mais pau-ferros como so dos anos 80, qdo ele lançavam um sexta-feira 13 por ano. esses daí de hj tão mto devagar. devagar qse parando pra depois sair um roteirozinho mais do mesmo. pfffffffff
Yea, I would like to see something about the new movie happen next year. Even if it was just preliminary talks on how to proceed. That would be enough to me.
Now, my Portugese is not ther best, but I gather that you are just as frustrated as the rest of the fans. Hang in there. At some point we will see another movie.
I wont get My hopes up. Remake sequals dont seem to be the big thing right now. But I know eventually we’ll get one.
I just saw the new Nightmare on Elm St. and as much as we debate the Friday re-boot … it was CLEARLY better than the new Nightmare, and light years better than either of the new Halloween films. Therefore, i am confident we will eventually get a Friday Part 2, the box office sales initially were great and that’s what counts; A hot start. The new Friday Pt 2 will definitely have it. If not, then a great injustice has been done to our boy Jason !
Ok I have had enough. Jason fury anyone listening there will be NO NEW FRIDAY MOVIE; Its horrible i know. The reason? Well Hollywood sucks balls thats why; Look how come there was no freddy jason sequel it took good money. Where is f13 part 2? it took good money. All that happened is that the powers that be marketed the shit out of both movies which by the way were both poor entries and took the money. The success of these movies paid for all the previous failings, i hope i am wrong, but i know i am not ahhhh
What have you had enough of, david? Not sure what you mean. And, yes, there will be a new movie. It may be 7 years, but there will be another. ;)
Yeah ANY news (good) off course….would be fantastic!!
Someone just took over. I hope it was Warner Bros. !
It’s not listed as Warner Bros. who owns the domain. However, it is listed to a Private Registration via 1&1 Internet, Inc. – Interesting …….
I’ve heard Platinum Dunes has left Friday the 13th and that Warner’s got its rights and they are preparing a new movie. Is that true?