Check Out These Dutch VHS Covers
I posted recently about various posters I found and one in particular was very different. The Part 3 poster I posted about is very unique, but I could not figure out where the poster originated from. After many comments by visitors to the site and emails that I received, I found out the poster was Dutch. One of the website’s visitors, Sybren, contacted me via email and also mentioned the poster was Dutch. He then sent me a number of scans of his Dutch VHS collection. I really like the Part 3 cover as Jason looks real psycho and the mask at the top looks like it is becoming part of his head. I also like the Jason Goes To Hell cover with the black background. I have seen that version in the Thai poster before. Take a look and let us know what you think. A big thanks to Sybren for sending these images in!

Ok new news already …. part2 needs to get a move on to be good 8 months till august 13th..lets get rolling crap dunes!!!!!I want my new friday sucky or not!! and I hope not….:)
DUDE! That part 3 is sick!
Any body noticed that thay botched the part 5 cover? the credits are from part 6! whoops!
The part 3 cover art is crazy good. Now why can\\\’t the states have movie art that resembles that. I just don\\\’t know.
Nice catch, Sheriff Garris! It’s not the first time that’s happenned on covers distributed outside the United States. Hell, in the States we even had Roy on the back cover of Part 6. Sad moment. :(
Not really a fan of the part 3 cover, it just doesn’t seem like Friday to me, blue eyed Jason!!! Just doesn’t seem right, just my thoughts
looks like a modern nhl goalie mask almost. similar to the bogus mask used on the partV vhs in the states. doesnt even look like jason
These are NOT danish! These are the dutch covers!
The language on the covers is dutch, and I own these myself. =)
Thanks Lammert. Sybren emailed me and told me the correct language, I just mixed it up with Danish as I was working on something else that was Danish at the time I was posting these. Too many late nights this past week. Geesh! :)
Wow. Anyone have that Part 3 one I’d give boku.
I honestly don’t like that part 3 cover. I mean it’s good in its own way but did anyone else get that “Hellraiser” feeling when looking at it?
I mean take the Hellraiser box cover, crop it and throw a hockey mask on him and there ya go. Same head shape and all.
part 3’s may not look like jason, but it’s artsy and stylish…& i like the way the mask looks like it’s melting into the head. alot of the US covers are inaccurate and they’re NOT artsy or stylish, so i give this more credit than many of those.
Part 3’s cover reminds me of the exploitative horror artwork of the 80’s video covers that i really miss.Everything seems to be too highbrow or overglossed nowadays.Does anyone else out there agree with m or is it just me………….KI,KI,KI,MA,MA,MA.
Hi guys, I’m glad the uploading worked. Happy to contribute these covers for you. Part 3 is indeed not a official Jason, but the mask looks very real and glass viber….when I was a kid, and went to the rental-store, this was the first video tape I really found creepy…I thought Jason was a young boy on this cover…later on I discovered ( offcourse) that he was already a grown up psycho…but this mask just makes you immagine about what his looks are behind the mask.
Anyway, if I have something else I can make somebody out here happy with, I’ll up load it again….now I know how it works..
Greetz from the Netherlands!
I like the Friday The 13th part 3 poster, it looks great, even though that\’s not the correct mask, it looks F***ing brutal!!
The cover for part 3 we had in sweden also
I have a question for you fans outhere: the documantary His name was Jason, when will it be released in europe? I’m very curious about it and with a lot of luck I managed to find the 4-disc set from the Halloween 25 years of terror. This Jason-doc would be also a must have to fans overhere in the Netherlands…can anyone tell me if this will be released?
I sent an email to the distributors about this and did not receive a response yet. You’re not alone in wanting to know when this will be released in Europe. They did release it in Japan last year, however.
I’ve read several places that the Dutch VHS version of Part 5 is longer than the USA R-rated print. Can Sybren or anyone else confirm this? Thanks.
Well the dutch VHS version is not longer or uncut…the only difference I noticed, was that of the murder of Pete in his car…on the dutch DVD you don’t see the actual slice over his neck, but the VHS version shows the slice and the bleeding very good. But thats the only thing I noticed comparing VHS and DVD…but you guys in America have alot of special edition dvd’s with lots of extra goodies…so I can’t really tell if those versions include any extra footage…I hope within a year, these S.E. will be available too in europe