Fan Film: Friday the 13th Retribution

Back in July we mentioned a new fan film for Friday the 13th, called Retribution. Yes, there have been a lot of new fan films created as of late, mostly to capitalize on the most recent holiday in August. However, these films are getting better and better as technology has really enhanced the viewing experience for the audience. Also, fans who are creating these films really have a descent grasp on what we want to see in Jason Voorhees and Crystal Lake.

Retribution is about four teenagers going to an old camp to clean it up for a boy scout group, but they decide to party instead of clean. Unfortunately for them it is Camp Crystal Lake, home to the infamous Jason Voorhees.

Well everyone, sit back and have fun watching the film below. It is broken up into four parts.

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8 Responses to “ Fan Film: Friday the 13th Retribution ”

  1. Alright so the first thing I just have to get out of my system its not a negative but I gotta say it.,

    Mullets: Business in front, party in back!

    lol now that I got that out of the way, this fan film was entertaining. I won’t take anything away from anyone who puts this kind of effort. Have wee seen better, of course, have we seen worse ohhh you better beleive it. So props to you guys for doing it and as usual I look forward to more fan films posted on the site. Thanks JF!

  2. just started watching part 1 and so far so good. Too bad they can’t spell Pamela….

  3. It’s actually pretty good!!!

    Few slight errors like: Pamala (Pamela) & Masscre (Massacre)

    But it was decent!!

  4. yea i know I was in such a rush by my cast to get it on youtube that we had some spelling errors but oh well, that wont ruin a movie

  5. That was hilarious and cool at the same time. I was kind of thinking it was going to be lame because they spelled Pamela wrong. But maybe they did it on purpose. Thats what I would call a horror comedy, kind of like Jason Lives was. I like how they took alot of the ideas from previous films. And I like how they mostly used Manfredinis music. Its kind of funny how they used Roys theme from part 6 for Killjoy, the dude was a joke much like Roy. Good job guys, I loved it.

  6. Dig the crazy ralph homage.

  7. did you notice how I had my crazy ralph character die a similar way to crazy ralph in the movie

  8. Not bad at all. Fun to watch. That one guy looks like Andy Samberg from Saturday Night Live. LOL.

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