Steve Dash / Warrington Gillette Interviews on AMC tv
These interviews were posted a few years back as part pf AMC Monsterfest that runs at Halloween time. I’m sure there are a lot of you that have seen these, but I thought I would post them as they are quite entertaining for both sides of the discussion. There is an interesting confession by Warrington as well. Also, Todd the interviewer looks really uncomfortable or scared during the Steve Dash interview. He has this nervous laugh going on. Check them out below.
There has been trouble embedding the video here so click on the links to view the interviews.

Makes me like Gillette even less.
Why don’t you like me? Everyone knows I was the better Jason AND I wore the best clothes on the set of Part 2 when I was out of character. I’m amazing.
What a fucking liar, Warrington.
He must have bumped his head again.
He has some serious issues
like some of the idiots who post on this board….\
I was referring to “T”
steve dash is the man warrington is, an idiot get real, he never hear of dash for 20 yrs give me a break.
i wonder if gillette knew that steve miner directed the movie, or did he find that out 20 years later as well. what a dork, lol. in every new interview, this guy just buries himself a little bit further each time. lol
This ”kills” me every time I hear Warrington say that he ” did some scenes in the movie.” That’s another big lie….he did only one scene in the whole movie, and plays down Dash’s input in it.
Hey Warrington… where’s that movie Bloody Social? It’s only been in the planning for , like, almost 5 years?
Gotta agree with scabboy (aka: cuntrytrash on YouTube). Gillette is beyond lame. Long live Mr. Steve Dash, the REAL scarey and intimadating Part 2 Jason Voorhees.
I have his confession on Gutas And Gory right before his forum was removed. He confessed in great detail and he said he was fired after a week and left the movie. He then said he has no clue who stunt coordinator Cliff Cudney was (there are pics of them together). Warrington also said other things that Cliff later proved wrong. Warrington at least confessed (although it seems like he has gone back to his old story) and that was noble. The fact that he will never come clean about the window crash and how he had to be swung in on a pendulum sort of proves that he is a waste of time for fans.
Friday the 13th: Part 2 (2010)
lmao, I agree with Warrington, Who really cares? lol. I think it’s a prime example of an idiocracy when we debate about who ran around in the woods with a bag on his head 30 years ago.
You would care if you were a fan.
I wouldn’t want something signed by a phony who never wore a sack on his head…especially if the picture he is signing is of Jason with the sack on his head.
That would be pretty damned idiotic.
um, silly I AM a fan, do you think just random people come here haha. I enjoy the films, but I am not a idiotic “fanboy” that needs pictures and props signed to validate myself.
All in all, if you can’t see the silliness of getting glossy pics of a mongeloid with a sack on his head, signed… then I feel sorry for you.
If you really feel that way, then I feel sorry for your mother.
Trolls are funny.
“You would care if you were a fan.
I wouldn’t want something signed by a phony who never wore a sack on his head…especially if the picture he is signing is of Jason with the sack on his head.
That would be pretty damned idiotic”
I so personally agree. After all, if it was an even more overtly mainstream and more respected, cause it’s not Slasher/Horror franchise, such as Superman, during the much better first two Christopher Reeves movies, and some douche claimed that well over 90% of all of the flying scenes were infact close-ups of him and not the late/great Mr. Reeves that we all know & love, then it would most certainly raise suspician.
Haha, I remember that Warrington confession on the old Guts & boards. Some legendary battles that I hope one day will surfac once again. Very amusing stuff to read.
What a fraud Gillette is. I wish I could have thrown him through that window. Steve Dash rules.
“What a fraud Gillette is. I wish I could have thrown him through that window. Steve Dash rules.”
I can understand Dash being pissed about Gillette taking credit for his part in the movie. Hell anybody could’ve done Gillette’s part… Anyway, Brooker has always been my favorite Jason, part 4’s my favorite movie though, with part 2 being a close second.
It all comes down to someone taking credit for your part, and I don’t give a damn who you are…if you’ll let someone take credit for your part…then you are a sap.
lol i like u to cody j/k
its a big deal not to allow someone else assume credit for what youve done esp in a pivotal and hugely successful franchise such as the jasons you know!steve is right to tell gillette to cease selling his pics at fan 1 guy put ithed be a sap not to do that.i think dash is the best j but all were unique in their portrayals.kane 4xs as jason is cool beans and yes many agree that brooker was the best to play the role.its a matter of opinion i guess and presence.anyone can act as a jason or myers but some are really good at glad we have the movies to fall back on regardless of any controversies having arisen.
Very good site and very nice…..