Film Location Visit: Friday the 13th Part 7 The New Blood
We at try to get as much information to the fans pertaining to the filming locations of the different Friday the 13th movies as possible. A few months back we brought you an exclusive behind the scenes look at the never before talked about filming location of A New Beginning. That brought out some great information about the location and we recieved very positive responses to that. Now, Will (Cinezombi) has been gracious enough to share his recent trip to the filming location of The New Blood. Below is his account of his trip to the shooting location and some of his photos he has taken to give an updated look at the area that Kane Hodder and John Carl Buechler invaded 22 years ago.

These are the filming locations for F13 New Blood Ext. Of the party and main house, road and soon Firetruck at the end of the film. It has proven more difficult now to get the photos.
I started out to the Stockton Fire Dept, where the original 1934 Chevy Firetruck resided in 2025. The truck as most of you know can be seen at the end of the film when they are putting out the fire of the main house. The firetruck now resides at Stockton Gas right down the road. It is behind the rustic old Gas Station down in the woods (rusting). The truck is now owned by a Mr. Lee that owns Stockton Propane Gas. He will let you look at the truck but only during business hours 9 to 4:30. So call before you go. If you don’t go up to the door of the business which looks closed down and ask to see it before going back. (Note: there is no fences, no gates and no no trespassing signs.) It would appear that you could just drive down the dirt road to it, but do not, this is how I almost got shot (for real). I got as far as to see the truck and my wife said there it is, as I was screamed at to halt. The neighbor and I’m guessing employee guards the road and is told to shot first and ask questions later. Luckily I was going slow and had kids in the car. I explained to the man why I was there and told him I meant no harm after that he was nicer than nice, but detoured me to Mr. Lee’s house. which is down the road a ways.
I pull up at Mr. Lees house, which is one of the coolest old men I have ever met. Mr. Lee looks like a mixture of Waylon Jennings and Burt Reynold’s before all the face lift and plastic surgery. He walks out of his garage nicely dressed with a huge Mr. T style gold medallion and necklace. He has tons of old cars behind the house, mostly old Cadillacs and a pretty new Cadillac Limo in his driveway, what for in the middle of no where I have no idea. But this guy was a country pimp. I humbly walk up to this man and say, “Hello Sir.” “Are you Mr. Lee?” He answers back, “What’s left ov’ him, who’s asking?” Like out of a movie or something. I extend my hand to shake his hand and he just stares me down. I am thinking to myself at this point, this is a no go. The man asked me next what I am doing there and who sent me. I tell him his employee and that I am a fan of Friday The 13th and he was “neighborly like” as they say after that. He told me that if I come to the office during business hours, he will be more than happy to show it to me and let me take some pics. I will be going back tomorrow and will update after I get some pictures. He also told me that the two fireman/ EMT’s in the film were Burns or could be Mr. Henry P Barns and Mr. Seals (A.K.A. Uncle Seals). They were both real firemen real Stockton Firemen. Barns moved to North Alabama and is still a fireman. Seals retired an lives at a retirement home in around the area in Baldwin County.
Below is a link to my facebook album where I am uploading photos of the visits. I made it to the main filming location at Byrnes Lake off of 225 in Baldwin County Al. It is right of 65 north of Mobile Al. The location is a public camping/fishing area with a boat launch and the small pier that was beside the bigger pier that was torn down by telekinesis in the beginning of the film still stands. The place where the main house was is flooded and grown up, the big house was blown up and destroyed as yo now in the film. The party house was also a “Shell House” and was moved to another unknown location, which I am looking for. That area is cleared and is partly accessible. There is a ton of trails and paths in the woods for hiking which looks to be were they filmed the woods scenes. This is a great location still to have a picnic or fish so it serves more than one purpose and can be enjoyed all day or camp out all weekend.
I went back out today and got some pictures with the firetruck, pier and tried to see if I could make out where the main house was. It is clear as day where the party house was cause there is pavement there. The place where the main house was is like marsh land now. I put on some boots and went out there to see If I could get some good shots of where it might be but it is all marshy and grown up could be any woods.
The little pier is exactly the same, exept repairs have been made for safety. The road leading in has been paved up to the actually landing, but you can still tell it is the place. There is a big clearing right before that would make an excellent campgrounds. If that area was there I can tell why they used this location, it would be perfect for trailers, camp and production crew area, being close by, but still hide from the houses and lake.
I am still looking for the party house because I am told it is near by somewhere and the shell was moved. I assume the shed out in the woods was somewhere else or torn down. I have video of everything coming soon.
Follow the updated image collection from the visit as they happen! Big thanks to Will (Cinezombi) for sharing his pictures and experiences with the fans and this website!

Holy cow! Why don’t they shoot anything cool in flipping Kansas? I’d love to go no a shooting location hunt.
Wow, this is awesome! I haven’t seen any updated images of this location in a long time. And the fact that you found the fire truck from the ending is spectacular. I love seeing this stuff. Thanks Will for sharing with us. Super job!
Coordinates in Google Earth:
pier: 30.7930092703,-87.8999698928
signboard of lake: 30.798980426,-87.8718165335
Fire Dept: 31.0144480151,-87.8470868822
Nice job daizab. You indeed are a wiz at Google Earth! Thanks for the info. ;)
Great article and pics. I love this kind of stuff.
That is great.
Really great job daizab.
I love seeing these locations years after filming.
The pics of the old fire truck are amazing
wow thats really awesome. I want to get out to Blairstown later this year, and I leave a few miles away from where they filmed part 2 and never been there, time to go soon…
Those italics are hard to read. I had to copy and paste the article into Word just so my eyes didn’t go crazy. Great article though!
Who placed that hockey mask on the Stockton sign?
William placed the hock and machete on the sign before he took the picture. :)
Thanks for all your comments. I figured that new movies get all the press and behind the scenes scoops, why not do an in detailed piece on the older ones.
I would like to add that I found there is absolutely no reason to go to the fire station unless you don’t know where to look for the other sites. It is a volunteer fire dept. and there isn’t anyone there most of the time.
I have video coming but it isn’t much more than what I have already shown. I did however go out to the swamp like area that was the Shepard’s house.
@ Cinezombi:
Any luck finding the shell house?
No, I’m still trying to locate the party house. I was thinking of contacting Delano J. Palughi the one rescue worker that was credited Delano J. Palughi (He still lives near here and is a judge from what I found online) and the two fireman that Mr. Lee spoke of. They may have some pictures? Maybe? What do you guys think? Good Idea or waste of time?
I also found this from Kane’s Facebook
“One story that Hodder loves to share takes place after he completed one night of filming Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood (1988). He was walking back to his dressing room, which was about a quarter of a mile away. Still dressed as Jason, he cut through the woods on a path to his dressing room. As he was walking, he crossed paths with a man. The man asked Hodder if he was in the new Friday the 13th film. Hodder, thinking that was a stupid question, did not respond, considering that he was standing in front of him dressed entirely as Jason. The man asked again. Hodder lunged and grunted at the man. The man took off running and tripping. The next day, director John Buechler told Hodder the local sheriff was going to stop by to discuss the incident with the actor/stuntman, but never showed.”