Image of the unknown origin.
Maybe I’ve just been gone a little too long, but this is an image only a mother could love. I don’t know if it’s photoshopped or an image from a deleted scene in the series. One thing is for sure, it’s a great image of mother and son. This was my first time discovering it, but if anyone knowns anything about it please post about it. Thanks
looks photoshopped, the background is a dead give away
That´s wickedbeard in one of his costumes with Betsy Palmer at an convention. The background and the rain was photoshopped in there of course.
Its from a convention (can’t recall which). Dude had an AWESOME fanmade costume and posed with Betsy Palmer. The background and rain are the only things photoshopped.
Probably Wickedbeard, at a con with a photoshopped background.
damn, beat me to the punch by a few seconds
I’ve seen this image of him floating around the net previously. Here is a link to Wickedbeard in full costume at Scarefest last month.
Yup, yup. Definitely Wickedbeard. Greatest fan picture of all time.
Yeah, I knew it was with a fan at the Kentucky conventions, but I forget the kind sounding gentleman’s name, and now everyone has beat me to it. Dammit!
Ah well.
But yeah, that image–even though it’s obviously photo shopped–is AWESOME. I mean totally beyond cool. It could be one of those superior mainland European ads for a future installment from New Line Cinema or something! Truely, congrads on the costume & pic with her in person, but also in creating that. It truely look’s oddly touching and nicely atmospheric in going with the more modern lookin’ New Line Cinema approach (which even if I prefer Paramount, as modern side stories, they do have they’re place in the Jason universe).
Again, VERY cool photo there. I love it.
Yeah you can see that Photoshop background and rain.. I mean if it was raining that hard her hair would have been soaked haha.
Thanks guys for clearing that up for me….it does make a good image you got to admit.
I talked to the guy that took this, the back ground is photo shop, but the image was of a guy in a real jason suit and asked Betsy Palmer to pose with him for this mother and son reunion thing.
Love It.
In a sick sort of way, it is beautiful. Someone needs to mass produce some Mothers Day cards for next year!
its a great pic, i think that was at scarefest 08 when they had friday the 13th reunion, he was there, both great people to meet.
thats old i used it as my wallpaper a while back
but my pc blow up and i lost
Ma-ma-ma-mama’s boy!
That’s awesome!!!!!!
That is a kickass shot that deserves to belong to something original of the series.Mabye they could make it into a mothers day card for M/Day 2025.(LOL)………………..KI,KI,KI,MA,MA,MA.
Apologies for my ignoance but who’s Wickedbeard?
leave it 2 wickedbeard lol love it