Italian Jason X PhotoBusta Posters
These posters are from the original Italian release of the film. They measure 18 in x 26 in (47cm x68cm), which to me is basically oversized lobby cards. As a stand alone movie, I liked Jason X. It was a lot of fun. Yes, Jason flying in space was a very poor moment in the franchise, but what can you do about it.

i personally liked jason x, at least the characters were somewhat believable and the plot was decent. it wasn’t as much of a letdown as freddy vs jason in my opinion. i’d love to get a hold of those posters though, they’re pretty cool
It’s very sad that here (in Italy) italian posters about Friday the 13th saga are very hard to find (or better, impossible to find :p).
This one is pretty nice btw.
I find it cool that (in pic 3) they used only the left side of the main poster as an image. I hated it to see Uber-Jason already on the regular poster artwork. This took the surprise away for me.
I remember someone mentioning the same thing in the Crystal Lake Memories book.
Oh, and I LOVE Jason X.
I agree, Mario. Todd Farmer did not want Uber Jason mentioned at all in the marketing. Unfortunately, after the movie sat on the shelf and everyone in the world saw the bootlegged copies over the Internet, New Line decided to use it in the US and oher countries for the marketing campaign. It would have been great to have been surprised by Uber Jason, instead of knowing ahead of time.
Jason X is a top five in the franchise for me. I love it. I love everything about it. The flying in space was the only thing I didn’t like, but that doesn’t ruin it for me.
Love the cards by the way.
Another big Jason X fan here (after all, I spent weeks of my life to create a Jason X fangame). It´s also among my Top 5 Fridays.
BTW: If you are wondering about the FvsJ pic on the upper left corner of those posters: In Italy, Jason X was released AFTER FvsJ was released. The italian distributors didn´t seem to care about JX because of the poor american Box office … bt the sucess of FvsJ changed theri mind.
Another lover of Jason X.
I must qualify that by saying the moment Uber-Jason showed up I pretty much dismissed the rest of the movie (except the “80’s Crystal Lake” scene).
But that fist hour or so was great (a bit too much gun play but whatever).
And I loved Rowan!
…you brought him onboard?….
The posters are pretty sweet.I wonder what the Freddy vs Jason references in the top corners mean.
Germaniac actually explained it a few responses up:
BTW: If you are wondering about the FvsJ pic on the upper left corner of those posters: In Italy, Jason X was released AFTER FvsJ was released. The italian distributors didn´t seem to care about JX because of the poor american Box office … bt the sucess of FvsJ changed theri mind.
Jason X was a pretty good popcorn flick. I don’t really count it as part of the series…more of a spin-off, really. But still fun. Uber Jason is a great idea, it’s just too bad that most of his screen time was spent kicking down metal doors.
Oops pardon my lack of attention Jasonsfury and Germainiac.My bad…………….KI,KI,KI,MA,MA,MA.
JASON X was awesome! Friday meets ALIENS- what could be better???
It says “after FvsJ All must die, you too!”