Jason X “Uber” Hock Available
Yes, this is for all of you completist collectors out there that must own any and all hocks associated with the franchise. I know that there are a number of our visitors that absolutely despise Jason X, period. Others like the first hour and then despise Uber Jason and his look. However, I had no problems with the movie outside of the score. I wish Harry would have blown us away with his score, but this was the only time it felt rushed. Anyways, I love this mask and Fiberglassmasks.com is now offering the “Uber” hockey mask for anyone that is interested. I know that Jason X has its fans and they would love to own this awesome mask. Check out their website for more information and view pictures of the mask below.
They make the best Jason masks. Hands down.
I particularly like JX…I’ve proved that before, and as the mask goes if I had the $ to buy it I would! I just wish Jason and Uber-jason didn’t have 2 eyes in JX…I mean i know they emphasize on his unique ability to grow lost and damaged tissue, but it just kinda made him look unlike JASON at times…
I was not a fan of jason x, I thought it was a waste of time making a film on a horror icon and putting him in space, writers are getting bored with trying to come up with something that will scare the pants off people, Jason was boring to watch, and if I was the director for this film I would be living in shame for a horrible film, I am sorry but Jason probably wishes he was truely dead after being thrown into a film such as Jason x.
Great mask! How difficult would it be to get a face cowl to match?
I love all the Friday the 13Ths. Jason X, and honestly Friday the 13Th Parts 6-11, are great examples of when an icon becomes self referential and pop culture. The same thing happened with Freddy, Bond, Batman. It is a cycle in horror. The last Friday the 13Th they had the goal of being serious, and I think the new one will as well. But, they will likely become self referential again as well.
There are two genres often intertwined with horror. Horror, and horror parody. And long running series almost always cycle in and out of the two genres as people become board with one and desire the other to be fresh. Try to think of all twelve movies were series like the first four. It might get stale very quick. Same with parody. This cycle keeps the franchise alive.
Sending Jason to space, and then to go fight Freddy, was the end of this cycle. Fans enjoyed the parody cycle; but they were ready for a serious Friday again.
Tom Gotti Mar 20th, 2025 at 3:46 am
“They make the best Jason masks. Hands down.”
That’s crazy, even though they offer JasonX masks, doesn’t mean they have the best Jason masks “hands down”
If you want the best “Jason” mask “hands down”, then go to Frightstuff.com…fiberglass eats undermasks all to hell.
Just to show how cool I am, I still like the masks shown on this thread, let’s not get the story twisted.
Good Job Fiberglassmasks.com
Fantastic looking mask, have always thought that from when i first saw the film. Would love one off those.
Any way i do like that film, its really good, esps when Jason wants his original machete back, and the bloke keeps trying to do a deal with him its amazing how calm Jason is for a short time! lol
Not sure if I agree with Tom Gotti but I tip my hat to Fiberglassmasks, this is definitely a great hock.
love all the Friday the 13Ths. Jason X, and honestly Friday the 13Th Parts 6-11, are great examples of when an icon becomes self referential and pop culture. The same thing happened with Freddy, Bond, Batman. It is a cycle in horror. The last Friday the 13Th they had the goal of being serious, and I think the new one will as well. But, they will likely become self referential again as well.
There are two genres often intertwined with horror. Horror, and horror parody. And long running series almost always cycle in and out of the two genres as people become board with one and desire the other to be fresh. Try to think of all twelve movies were series like the first four. It might get stale very quick. Same with parody. This cycle keeps the franchise alive.
Sending Jason to space, and then to go fight Freddy, was the end of this cycle. Fans enjoyed the parody cycle; but they were ready for a serious Friday again.
Lets not forget the same w/ Godzilla…it’s time to remove his silliness and forget all about 98 with loser american broerick and giant lizard ripping off Godzilla…bring him back as the ultimate destructor!
I love the uber-Jason mask. I just wish they wouldnt have shown the mask in the trailer, and the poster (which looks cool). They shouldve saved the cover for the DVD release, and had a different theatrical poster. It wouldve been alot cooler if it were a suprise.
i liked the move.
and “f13ticket” took the words out of my mouth!
i fully agree.
its well said mate!
“That’s crazy, even though they offer JasonX masks, doesn’t mean they have the best Jason masks “hands down”
“If you want the best “Jason” mask “hands down”, then go to Frightstuff.com…fiberglass eats undermasks all to hell.”
Spoken like a true fright stuff idiot. Bet you don’t even own a fiberglass mask…That’s just his opinion. You don’t have to pounce on the guy because he didn’t recommend your fanboy flavor. God fright stuff fans are sickening.
Jason X reminded me of Lord Zed from the Power Rangers. Such a bad Friday the 13th movie. Who comes up with these ideas anyway?
He does look like Lord Zed!