

7 Responses to “ dscf0823 ”

  1. wow, look at that lot!!! lucky guy!!! i bet u have high security!!!! lol

  2. what set/series is the jason with the blue marks on his mask (far left) from???

  3. That is a custom Roy Burns figure that I made

  4. Are my eyes playing tricks on me or do I see Roy in that picture?!

  5. Yep. It’s a Roy figure. But it’s a custom that I made myself. Hopefully one day he’ll get an official release.

  6. WOW! FINALLY! Another one like me out there… I have all these msyelf (except of course the ROY and Pt. 3 at the moment) and then some! Good display man! I always seem to find myself buying 2 of each though so I can display one and keep one away you know?
    Nice to know people like you and I can exist in the same plain!

  7. Make that 3 Corey! My collection is pretty insane too, I’m sure there are alot of fans on here that are just as fanatic w/ these figures as we are! Tony, beautiful work on the Roy figure! How did you do that man?! That is absolutely awesome!!! You should definitely try to get an official release one day! I’d buy it in a heartbeat! Cheers to the collection as well, nice set up! ;)

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