More Hocks Up For Sale from Slasher FX

Slasher FX is selling some of their custom painted hockey masks and they are reasonable price right now on eBay. You can pick them up for between $75-$80 with shipping included. Click on the pictures for purchase and get them before they are gone!




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26 Responses to “ More Hocks Up For Sale from Slasher FX ”

  1. It is VERY cool logging on here and seeing a feature done about your own work, thanks guys!!! Jasonsfury is right, I have sold 13 masks this week, the few that are up are the last of them for the next few weeks, have to get ready for the Halloween rush.


  2. I seen these masks at the Monster Mania Convention in New Jersey. This artist does an amazing job!! The masks are even better in person!

    Keep up the great work SlasherFX! I look forward to seeing more masks in the future!

  3. Great Job! Congrats for getting on the Friday the 13th site man!! I look forward to seeing more work to!

  4. His stuff rocks. I don’t know why he doesn’t ask for more money…

    Those prices are a steal for that caliber of paintjob quality, plus good strapping on good masks. Heck, the hocks also come with COA’s indicating they were from the Part 3 mold.

    You know what OTHER mask came from the Part 3 mold? The one used in the actual film. If that’s not accurate, I don’t know what is.

    Anyways, nice find.. Just in time for Halloween shipping too!

  5. Hey, when is the website going to fully open? It’s a had a splash page for a while now. I would like to see what you are going to do with the website.

  6. Good to see your work on this site VF80, and hopefully people understand that these are done on Frighstuff blanks…what a steal of a deal!

  7. movie mold or not, those look like crap. and what the hell is up with the eyes on that part 5?


  8. “done on Frightstuff blanks”

    This is probably the biggest crutch makers use to sell a mask. Like the dude above bluntly states, they don’t look very good. Good luck with your sales mate.


  9. yeah nice job!

  10. “Biggest Crutch”

    Excuse me european douche but I’m a little confused as to why you think that’s a crutch. It’s a quality mask made from ABS Poly Styrene. Will hold up and looks great. That camera doesn’t do the mask justice and I’ll prove that in a couple days after I receive mine.

    “eyes on part 5″

    It’s from the Part 3 mold genius, the owner of Frightstuff hasn’t gotten ahold of the Part 5 buck. So until that gets released or you release something better, I suggest you shut your mouth :D.

  11. Thanks for the kind words guys, much appreciated. Jasonsfury, the site will be up soon. It has kind of evolved over the course of the past few months from what it was originally going to be due to some personal and professional reasons, but there is still some cool stuff planned for it.

    On a side note, I don’t expect everyone to dig my work, so to each his own. There are a lot of great artists out there, who do latex masks, hocks, etc., so if you don’t dig my interpretations of the masks in my work, or where I prefer to purchase my blanks from, that’s cool.

  12. I like the part 5 mask.

  13. I wonder if the first or second J in JJ stands for Jagoff?

  14. Heavymentl13,
    Everyone is entitled to their opinion. I, however, find it simply amazing that whenever their is anything posted on this site that has anything remotely close to being associated with Frightstuff that their are people that post negative comments almost immediatley. Again, people are entitled to their opinion and I respect everyone’s thoughts as long as it doesn’t turn into flaming or trolling.

  15. The pictures are stretched a bit to fit on the site, if you click on the auctions, the masks are all properly shaped.

  16. Jasonsfury,

    I’m willing to stick up for Frightstuff, and VF80 on any site, especially when it’s blatant trolling of people like JJ.

    Lookin’ good VF80, don’t let the haters bother you one bit.

  17. I don’t see where JJ was trolling. He gave his honest opinion, and if you guys can’t take that, find a new hobby. I actually agree with him that anytime someone brings up the name Frightstuff, it’s mainly to sell masks due to Ken Tarallo’s lies about it being from the movie mold. I know a guy who paints masks up (no offense to vf80) ten times better and sells them for about the same price, but since his are not on Frightstuff blanks, sales divebombed from the get-go. Now you can all flame me or get this comment deleted because I know how the truth hurts.

  18. I don’t think anyone was trolling, like I said everyone has their own opinions and beliefs, and their is nothing wrong with that at all. No offense is taken at all, I have fans of my work and am proud of it, but by no means do I expect everyone to love it, be a fan of it, or be willing to buy it. Feedback, both good and bad, is always welcome, and without it artists cannot grow and improve. I know some people argue about different blanks and such, that is just not an argument I would choose to be involved in.

    Anyone interested in seeing more of my work, can check out the different folders of masks here, it is not a sales site or anything, just a link to my photobucket, with masks, costumes, and photo shoots I have done setup in galleries:

    Feedback is always welcome, positive or negative. It is just helpful if it is more helpful if it is constructive ;)

  19. If you don’t have something nice to say….

  20. Truth, we’re not going anywhere. I’ve been around the site since sometime around 2025, just because some idiot behind a keyboard (JJ, not you) went against what I beleive in, it doesn’t mean I’ll leave. It’s a quality site for all and JasonsFury is right, it is bull that when someone posts something Frightstuff related, everyone calls it crap. Whether you beleive Ken or not, the masks are quality and that’s all I have to say about it. That’s why we say it’s a frightstuff mask, to show it’s strong and durable abs. Sorry if you took it the wrong way, Truth but it’s my own opinion and I’ll stick to it.


  21. Truth, glad yer buddy paints so well.. maybe his hocks would sell better on a better mask? You know, like an accurate one from say… frightstuff? :)

  22. My buddy’s masks are made of abs plastic, and they ARE accurate. In both paint job and mask style. I own a couple of them myself, and they’re just as good, if not better than Ken Tarallo(who calls some of his past customers, fans AND his own artists backstabbers behind their backs)’s knockoffs. VF80, good luck on the sales, man. I have nothing against you and only wish you the BEST of luck.

  23. First post here since 2025… I bought all of VF80’s masks from ebay. He gave me a great deal, free shipping, and they were on my door step in less then 48 hours. The quality of these masks in person are just amazing. I would definitely have bought them again given the chance.

  24. That’s kick ass, you have some fine masks right there.
    VF80 + Frightstuff blanks = badassery


    Awesome masks, thanks Mike!

  26. Ken and Brandon, very glad to see you guys are happy with your orders, and thanks hevy :)

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