New “Concept Jason” Figure Goes Retro

One’s Customs has created a new concept Jason Voorhees 12 inch figure for a commission and this figure definitely gives off a Part 2 Hillbilly and Reboot vibe. The flannel shirt is a new twist on the character and the head is a complete homage to Part 2. An awesome extra bonus to this figure is the camp display base that is custom made complete with camp fire, empty alcohol bottles, cel phone, and roasted marshmallows.

Let us know what you think and what type of Jason would you like to have made if you had the chance to own one of these awesome custom figures.

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21 Responses to “ New “Concept Jason” Figure Goes Retro ”

  1. I love the outfit, but the face…it just doesn’t look like Jason to me. It makes him look more like a Wrong Turn villain

  2. Look everyone!

    Friday the 13th Part XIII: Jason Goes to Seattle

  3. Yeah the flannel is cool because it stick with the outdoors/rural look but I don’t like the jacked up mouth.

  4. Unfortunatly for me, it just doesnt do anything for me. I do agree though, they definatly hit the hillbilly mark if thats what they were shooting for.

  5. Not feeling this at all….leave the trailer trashing to Rob Zombie and his Myers. Yuk

  6. Interesting twist, though I agree the face is more wrong turn, which is not good

  7. If anything, I think his face/head looks like Chop Top from TCM 2.

  8. The face looks more like he pulling a face, but the rest is very very good!!

  9. I can see where you guys don’t like the face. It is a little different, but it is an original concept, so it’s supposed to be outside the box. Great detailing on the figure, regardless of the different look for Jason.

  10. I see alot of people saying this figure is simlar to wrong turn
    but Wrong Turn’ Hills Have Eyes the remake and early Jason Films were all similar looking tell me you guys didnt see those other films and think “he looks like Jason” the features I took were all Jason features meshed together notice the cheak bones on the leftside of his face that part 4 the reddish facial hair thats part 2 the overall shape of the head is part 3 the teeth well thats just like every friday film big and crooked if I drooped his eye down on one side then he would be morn like Jason I didnt want to do that so is this Jason like Wrong Turn? or is Wrong Turn like Jason? oh by the way Jason Reboot had a bow and arrows like the charcter in Wrong Turn I almost did that here lol thanks for the feedback guys much appreciated

  11. I still think it’s a great figure, man. I’m not a fan of the face but the rest looks awesome. The flannel shirt and JTM-style hock were good choices too. I wasn’t trying to put down your work or anything…I’m a very big fan of your figures.

  12. Not big on it. It’s too Wrong Turn/Hills Have Eyes for my taste.

  13. It’s a work of art. A seriously fresh take on the legend without disregarding what’s come before. I like it a lot. Very well done.

  14. He could star in Wrong Turn 4.

  15. Cool figure. I like how you went the flannel look. He also look like a slack jawed inbred, but great sculpt neverless. Keep up the good work, One’s! :)

  16. Nice I like it actually. It is a concept so it should not look like what previous Jason’s look like. I like the campfire and marshmellow sticks, and is that a cell phone? Cool. I hope to do a sick concept life-sized Jason and Myers in the near future.

  17. I just want to say I truly do appreciate the comments I did not feel anyone was putting my work down I still consider saying he looks like a wrong turn villain a compliment those dudes were awesome looking to me lol but I wouldnt be a true artist if I couldnt except criticism but yeah it is a concept though. I have traditional stuff coming like a 1/6 scale Roy and part 8

  18. @ One’s Customs, Aren’t you the one who makes the custom GWAR figures that were for sale on Ebay a while back? OR am I thinking of TP Studios or something? I could have sworn we have seen your name on with uploads of respective characters performed as on stage…Either way man, I can really give a thumbs up on your creation of Jason this time around, he does look simliar to “Chop-Top”, but, I can’t “attack” you for originality…It’d be an instant seller for some die hards though if that one left eye was abnormal though!

  19. I actually would love to see the remake Jason in an outfit like this one, a red plaid shirt with a dirty yellowish-brown t-shirt! :-) The red plaid shirt should be buttoned up though but not all of the way.

  20. dude that looks a lot like my custom suit i did up a while back.I went with the dirty long sleeve, but cut off the sleeves on the flannel.
    Cool figure bro.I love it!!

  21. Awesome Concept! I gotta say I love the flannel. The whole outfit screams 80s Jason, which is great. I might of went with a closed mouth, but I think it’s a lot like part 2. Another work of art by One’s Customs. I really want a remake figure in that scale. Hook me up One!

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