Paramount Announces Part 7 and 8 DVD Release

part7Thanks to “fceurich” for commenting on this in a recent blog post. According to DVD Times, Paramount has  announced the Region 1 release of Friday the 13th Part 7 and 8 for DVD on September 15, 2025. Check out the specs and cover art below. Paramount still has love for the Roy hockey mask, except red is better than blue.

Friday the 13th Part VII – The New Blood

-2.0 Surround, Mono, 5.1 Surround
-English, French and Spanish audio/subtitle options
-Portuguese subtitles
-Commentary: - Killer Commentary by director John Carl Buechler and actors Lar Park Lincoln and Kane Hodder
-Jason’s Destroyer: The Making of Friday the 13th Part VII
-Slashed Scenes with Intro
-Mind Over Matter: The Truth about Telekinesis
-Makeover by Maddy: Need a Little Touch-Up Work, My Ass


Friday the 13th Part VIII – Jason Takes Manhattan

  • -2.0 Surround, Mono, 5.1 Surround
  • -English, French and Spanish audio/subtitle options
  • -Portuguese subtitles
  • -Commentary: - Killer Commentary by writer/director Rob Hedden and actors Jensen Daggett and Kane Hodder
  • -New York Has A New Problem - The Making of Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan
  • -Slashed Scenes
  • -Gag Reel

About the Author


I've been dedicated to this franchise for most of my life and am happy to be contributing news and information to all of the fans out there. Happy Friday The 13th!

76 Responses to “ Paramount Announces Part 7 and 8 DVD Release ”

  1. and the boxed set will be released . . . .

    Cool features for these two, but I’m surprised they got more love than the 1st group of deluxe editions. So who is going to do the fan editions w/ reinserted gore footage?

  2. Whats the release date for this?

  3. i really wish part 7 would have a branching feature where the deleted gore footage can be seen reinserted to the film now all we need is the friday the 13th series 3rd and final season to be announced i recieved a newsletter from paramount saying it is also slated for september but no official confirmation yet

  4. 9-15-09 for 7 and 8
    also 4-6 blu-ray will probably come out also but paramount said they are waiting to see how sales do for 2 and 3 blu-rays i got part 3 because it has bonus features and the 3D is better than the dvd release

  5. Well crap, no teasers or trailers on these editions? I really love the teaser to Jason takes Manhattan. Would liked to have seen pt 7’s too.

  6. it is early so special features could change but i doubt it iwould of liked to see teasers or trailers but atleast the lost tales from camp blood saga ended at part 6 and no more crystal lake massacres revisited that ended with the conclusion of the TOMMY JARVIS TRILOGY

  7. Well the teaser to part 8 was clever in that it almost makes you think its Michael Myers takes Manhattan until Jason turns around. Loved that

  8. They better release 4-6 on blu-ray! It’s the only reason I haven’t bought those DVDs yet, and I’m dying to! I ordered 2-3 on blu-ray, darnit.

  9. LOVE the covers!
    CANT wait!

  10. No part 7 uncut, what the f@#k.

    The slash scenes will probably have all the uncut stuff, but like fceurich said, all the “deleted footage should be reinserted to the film”.

    The uncut part 1 was better with reinserting of deleted scenes,
    The killer cut of the reboot was way better then the slashed theater version.

  11. I can’t wait to get my hands on the manhattan DE. I however am letdown that the trailer will not be included. Nice covers though.

  12. Why on earth do they keep using the Roy mask?? Don’t get me wrong…I’m probably Roy Burns biggest fan…but I don’t understand why they keep putting that mask on every DVD release.

  13. I love the Manhattan cover. I think its the best of all the re-releases so far.

  14. So when is the boxed set comming out? Is it comming out? I love the covers. Part 7 is my favorite Ft13 movie. I hope they do release a box set, and do it like the Freddy box set (where all the spines make a picture of Jason). I need to replace my VHS’s.

  15. WRONG CHEVRONS! WRONG COLOR FOR RAYS CHEVRONS! WTF! Absolutely unacceptable. They need to stop this crap. It almost looks like they shot new images for these covers.

  16. The film elements for the gore effects in Part 7 were destroyed, so all that exists is VHS footage of the deleted gore scenes. Same with Part 6. I’d still be okay with the VHS footage being spliced in, though. With some color correcting and tweaking, I think it would work out fine.

  17. I am so happy to see a deluxe edition for Part 8. It’s my favorite of the series after Part 2 and let me tell you why. Rob Hedden, the director of this film, knew how to keep things fresh and interesting after the series took a dive with Part 7. He saved it by expanding the mythology of Crystal Lake. I can’t believe it took eight films before fans discovered that there was actually a water way between the lake and the Atlantic ocean. Also, the make-up effects for Jason sucked ass in A New Blood. I never thought of Jason as a rotting skeleton. It’s unrealistic that he would be able to slam a girl against a tree without more meat on his body. His strength could only be justified by muscle mass which Hedden made sure to pack on. Jason looked like the Michelin Tire Man from Hell in hockey mask. It was brilliant! Also, no director before Hedden was ever bold enough to give Jason speaking lines in a film. Hedden did. Until Part 8, all we ever heard from Jason were grunts and heavy breathing.

    Thank god for Friday the 13th Part 8!

  18. for some reason part 8 has always been my least favorite of the looks, i always prefered parts 3 & 4 and i really loved the look of Jason in part 7

  19. So………I guess we are not getting Director’s Cuts

  20. I never realized there were slashes scenes for pt.8. Very interested in what they are even though pt.8 is by far the worst Friday in the Paramount Fridays. 9/15/09 huh? I’ll be buying that day.

  21. No, JayWood, you are wrong. Part 8 is the best Friday film after Part 2. You can’t just come on a baord and offer two lines on disagreement and expect people to be sold on your ideas. Come on, man! Where else do the make up effects justify Jason’s strength? Where else do we hear his voice? Where else do we see the water way that takes Crystal Lake from an inland camp ground to the Atlantic Ocean. Mosat of the other movies are stale next to Part 8!!!!

  22. horrible covers

  23. I also agree that part 8 is the worst of the Paramount era, mostly because of the end that suck so bad, I remember when I first saw it once released how pissed I was. And I’m also on board for the greatness of the makeup in part 7. The spine and cheek effect were amazing. I can understand that some people love part 8, but since everyone is entitled to his opinion, I stick to mine. But since i’m a sucker for those thing I will still buy it once released on blu-ray !

  24. first im not just comming on board i used to be on the originia. message board my name was AddictedToBase81 on there and i have been reading this one ever since that ended, and second of all chill out it was just a point of view just like yours was. and i fyou noticed i did not say i think part 8 sucked i was talking about Jasons looks no the movies.

  25. and if you noticed i did not say i think part 8 sucked i was talking about Jasons looks not the movies.

    (correcting my errors)

  26. says the release date for part 7&8 will release on September 15th

  27. The Walmart Man, why have a go at JayWood for stating his opinion? He didn’t hurt anyone with his comment. And at least he wasn’t name-dropping Walmart like you do with practically every comment you post!

  28. friday part 8 was a fun movie part 7 is my personel favorite, cant wait to see the extras on both!

  29. I will get Part 8 even though I didn’t like it to much. I think it would have been a way better film if they spent more time in New York. If they did that, there is a chance that instead of Jason being melted by toxic waste (Lame), he gets knocked off of the top of the Empire State Building like King Kong. That would be awesome.

  30. I’m just glad that we’re finally seeing a little love from Paramount on this series after how many years of groans? Sure, it’s at cost, but I don’t care. It’s new footage! Ok, it’s not everything… Love that there will be commentaries by Kane on 7 and 8. I’d like to hear him do commentary on the first 6 films as well.

    What I want to know now is… is there any uncut footage from New Line’s entries of the series and how about some new editions of those?

  31. Nice, now give jason X and jason goes to hell some nice treatment. put them togeather in a box set with the rest and the fans will finaly have a decent box set.

  32. Cool!

    Finally we get to see Roy takes Manhatten! The true uncut version.

  33. why roy from part 5 is on all the covers??

  34. I happen to agree with JayWood … There’s nothing better to me than Parts 3 and 4, and in that order. There was just a gritty, dark and suspenseful feel to those two films that none other in the series has been able to capture. Of those three aspects my favorite was the suspense; Those scenes where nothing would happen for a few minutes and you just knew that somewhere out there … Jason was watching and getting ready to attack his victim. Sometimes you would even just see him standing off to the side, watching what was happening in front of him as he plotted his next move. There was the eery, ominous music; the thunder and the lightning and the dark shadows. I don’t know to me, there’s nothing better than those two movies and those are the ones of the series i love to watch more than any others, and i do love them all … but nothing like 3 & 4.

    Speaking of this subject, part 3 on blu ray should be sitting in my mailbox, waiting for me when i get home from work today, yesssss !

  35. ok im a first time poster but a life long fan of the series. so be kind. i will have to agree with most of you that part 8 is probably the least favorite of the series. but it does have its charm, jason magically appearing wherever he wants and that killer song j.j. jams out to, anyone know that tune by the way ?
    the makeup of j for VII was decent especially the rotting back and bones look, good stuff. but my true jason look is the parts 3-4 look without a doubt.

  36. Part 8 is fucking hilarious….thats pretty much all I have to say about it.

  37. box set?

  38. I’m digging the box art for 7 & 8, but seriously WTF with the Roy mask?

    I fully expect Paramount to re-release these films in a few years with the Roy chevrons digitally added to the masks in 3,4,6,7 & 8. And probably on the burlap sack from 2 and Mrs. Voorhees cheeks in 1 as well.

  39. While I thought Deluxe releases for Parts 1-3 were decent at best. I thoroughly enjoyed the new commentaries and releases on 4-6. Especially 4 and 6 being my favorite entries in the series.

    Hopefully 7 and 8 deliver as well. Truthfully IMO there is not an unwatchable film in the Paramount portion of the series IMO. I like them all for their own reasons over others.

    Once you get to the New Line stuff, the series becomes less watchable mostly with X. As weird and unforgiving as JGTH was I thought it still was violent and kept most of the elements of the series outside of Jason body hopping and I thought it was Kanes 2nd best outing even if there was little screen time for Jason.

    It took re association no matter what the re association was with Paramount in order for them to get back to basics with the remake which I thought was a good mixture of all the Paramount films essence in the series.

    Hopefully a sequel set in winter time which is long overdue continues to deliver the goods. Right now is a good time to be a F13 fan because as far as im concerned the Remake stayed true to the series whereas Halloween went off course and TCM was a mixed bag. Who knows what will happen with Nightmare.

  40. It is such a tragedy that they still don’t release part 7 like Buechler wanted it.
    The slashed scenes in this one is fantastic:) Maybe some day Paramount will do it justice.

  41. Part VIII was the first one I saw in the theater so it holds a special place in my heart. Where the hell are the trailers though??

  42. The first four movies are the best. I still say the series should’ve ended after The Final Chapter. Jason Lives was okay, it could’ve been better without the comedic element. Part 7 was good, I saw Jason Takes Manhattan at the movies when I was a kid, my father took me to see it, the only things I didn’t like at the ending was the way he looked and his transformation sequence where he becomes a regular kid. That film went against what was shown before. Jason was born as this mongoloid, he wasn’t born normal looking. I wouldn’t be surprised if the cut footage was tossed away, Paramount didn’t think it would be worth that much back then to have it put into the vhs’. Now they realize their mistake they made by screwing the fans out of something that would be really worth seeing. The gore footage was nice, but like I said if they weren’t so afraid by the MPAA they would’ve left the extended gore scenes intact. But being the wusses that the MPAA are, they wanted the gore footage out. That’s why I hate censorship, they cut out the really good stuff for no apparent reason.

  43. The mask Jason is wearing on the cover for the part 7 dvd looks a little bit like the mask from part 6.

  44. I would have loved cleaned-up copies of the original art work for all these new releases. They are great and classic.

    I do love Part 7 and do like Part 8 (too bad about that whole boring tunnel/dissolve stuff at the end and some kills had way too long a build-up).

    I’ll never like Jason Goes To Hell.

    I did quite like the first hour of Jason X - it was when they changed him to uber-Jason and that ruined the last half hour for me (and that frakin’ ending…hurling through space…booo).

    Speed up the release dates for Pt 4 - 8 on blu-ray, please :)

    OH, Joe - your last paragraph is dead funny. Cheers for the laugh.

  45. Why do they keep using that stupid mask from part five?! The killer in the series is Jason Voorhees, started by his mother with a stop off a Roy Burns, not vice versa!

    And John from June 19th, I totally agree with you on the evil that is censorship, turned the FCC into a useless organization and created two more useless ones: MPAA and ESRB

  46. 6-8 are a waste of money.bad acting, bad writing, bad lighting these films are so bad they make roy\’s part 5 look great.they had five examples of how to get it right and screwed it up for 20 yrs.buying these dvds gives the mistaken belief that these are good additions to the series.if i want to see a zombie it will be one of romero\’s not jasonzombie.i would be happy if jason takes manhatten was the worst of these films ,but no then we get jason goes to\’s night of the creeps jason instead of zombiejason.bad,bad,bad,sorry

  47. Bad lighting? What the hell are you ranting about Rocky? ‘buying these dvds gives the mistaken belief that these are good additions to the series’ Seriously, if you hate half of the movies this much why are you here?

  48. Jason takes Manhattan is underrated. The ship setting felt very claustrophobic and creepy. Imagine being trapped in the middle of the ocean and running from a killer through narrow, cramped hallways! I’m kinda glad most of it took place in a ship because it’s an original idea and was used excellently.

  49. Bad lighting in Part VI? I’d actually say that one has the best cinematography and lighting of the entire series. When McLoughlin said the film could easily be watched in black and white, he wasn’t kidding. It looks kickass that way AND with color. Also, it’s a fantastic film. The only one in the series without a dull moment.

  50. Hi Lammert,

    I tried to contact you trough your YouTube-page. Did you received my message?

    On topic: I actually do like the cover for Part VII!

  51. chris-just think they don’t look as good as the early films in the series probably look so bad because there not filmed in new jersey and look really fake.over lit.bad acting i.e. tiolet paper man in 7,everyone has their own opinion but when you see this series from the very 1st one the decline in the series is something that pisses me off.i wish their was 10 good friday films instead of only 5.just like nightmare on elm street these films started out great and just got was bad enough they made freddy a joke box with power gloves from nintendo,then they take a small budget movie like friday 1 filmed on the east coast and give it the hollywood treatment which made 6-10 awful but hate no i don’t hate them.just think that they bring the series down in every one wanted them to be good more than me.i actully had my money robbed at the theatre watching that crap.1-5 then that should’ve been the end.everyone after part 5 had me wondering what the hell paramount was doing they were losers then at that studio and those fridays were made for money and not for fans cause they would’ve been a hell of alot better.overlit yes the woods in 6&7 look like a walmart parking lot.


  53. Rocky, only the first one was filmed in New Jersey. The second was Connecticut, the third, fourth and fifth in California. They all had different looks. But why have ten films that all look the same?

    And with regards to the acting, they’ve all had hit-and-miss acting. The third has the worst of the series as most of them weren’t even actors.

    Aside from Kane Hodder, I find The New Blood one of the least satisfying, but they all have something which I enjoy.

  54. QUOTE: voorhees13 “looks good…but WHY THE FUCK IS ROY ON EVERY FUCKING ONE”!?

    The only thing that I can think of is since New Line owns Jason now that they also own the trademark mask and chevrons. There were never any RED Roy chevrons so maybe Paramount used those on the covers so they wouldn’t have to pay New Line any $. I could be totally wrong but that’s all I can really think of other than Paramount being complete idiots.

  55. Now that Part 7 and 8 have a release date I don’t think its too soon to start asking when the box set is coming out. Has anyone heard any rumors yet?

  56. Chris, how can you say Part 3 was the worst….its so fucking brilliant.

  57. chris-haha thanks for the reply and not ripping me a new a-hole,agreed part 3 does have a few elements that i thought were bad,dana kimmels over-acted the dream sequences and the windows blowing open like jason controls the wind r things that were bad but,jason being alive and running and feeling pain(leg stab).and stalking them in the day and attacking them at night made it one of the best in the series and i’ve seen it in theatres in 3d it was kick ass!!i’ve also met every jason with the exception of tom morga,was most impressed with ted white and richard brooker.thought they did the best jobs,not to take anything away from the others

  58. chris one last thing having read part 3 novel by michael avallone also makes part 3 one of my favs.great book !!

  59. That’s a good point about Jason still being alive, running and feeling pain, Rocky, that always made him far more scary instead of Kane Hodder’s walking quick. That’s why I never understood the fan hostility about Jason running in the remake as that’s what he originally did.

    And yes, the novelization is pretty sweet! :-)

  60. Whoever designs these covers needs to be shot.

  61. chris-your a smart man,he ran in 3 and 4,another complaint i’ve seen about the new friday is the music score.yes the score is a classic,but if they used it in the same old way then you would know that a kill was about to happen and if you know that where is any kind of days when you think a characters about to die they the old ones they didn’t do that you’d think their gonna die now ,but then they didn’t.and it continued to build on suspense of when and where because you know eventualy they’ll get it.jason needs to run he shouldn’t just walk that’s to much like michael meyers

  62. My biggest problem with the remake was the writing. The characters were one dimensional and boring. But Jason himself was pretty badass!

  63. Looks like some good features. I just wish they had done a better job on the Part 2 dvd as its the best one of the series.

  64. Those special features sound good!

  65. The least they could\’ve done was add the Twin Towers to the VIII cover. Then you\’d know it was Manhattan circa 1989.

  66. The least they could’ve done was add the Twin Towers to the VIII cover. Then you’d know it was Manhattan circa 1989.

  67. so all of the censored gore footage from parts 4 & 8 have been recovered. how many more years will we have to wait for them to edit it back in? i’m working on an edit of 4, and man its a pain in the ass using the low-end tools i have…especially considering there’s no audio, but there are tricks to get around that.

    the people who originally made these movies have the tools to slap something together fairly easily. i wish they would just do it already.

    oh, and to all of you who have been claiming for years we’ll never see any of this footage because it doesn’t exist. SUCK IT! i’m usually not one to say i told you so, but I TOLD YOU SO!!!

  68. Adding the twin towers would offend people, I guess. They were beautiful structures and I would love to see them grace that cover, but this PC society just would not allow it.

  69. The Part 8 cover makes it look like hes taking over Milwaukee or something.

  70. Unless Paramount decides to release part 2-8 uncut,the old franchise will never get the justice it deserves. They released part 1 on dvd uncut so what’s so hard,that they can’t do the same for the other 7?

  71. Eagle Eye, I would love that as that is where I am. Maybe in part 37…

    I absolutely love the part 7 cover, but I absolutely hate the part 8. And I’ve liked the other covers so far.

  72. once the next special edition series comes out, we’ll all refer to this one as the “roy collection”

    the part 7 cover is the best so far from a graphic design standpoint.

  73. fceurich says paramount is waiting to see how the 2 & 3 blurays sell to consider putting 4-6 on bluray. anyone know if they consider those of us that couldn’t wait for the US release and had the imports shipped over from the UK?? i have no reason to rebuy the US ones because the only difference is part 3 in 3D, which i could care less about…but i’d like to help the figures.

    these movies look soooo good in hi-def…i really want the whole collection on BD soon.

  74. why does everyone keep saying that these are the roy masks?? if the chevrons aren’t blue then it’s not roy’s mask.

    the masks that they’re putting on all the new dvd artwork are hybrid mixes of both styles. let’s not be too picky guys, lets be grateful that our beloved franchise is STILL pumping out specials for us.

    and by the way, part 7 had the most intnense jason battle easily by far (nobody ever gave him such a fight like tina did). and part 8 is extremely underrated. just appreciate it for the fact that the producers and directors wanted to change the setting after 7 straight same-ol same-ol settings.

  75. Yeah Kevin, considering Milwaukee never gets any recognition and it fucking blows, it would be cool.

  76. brett,

    I agree that Part 8 is underrated. It is the best Friday film after Part 2. Friday the 13th Part 2 is like The Godfather Part 2 in many ways. For one, they are both sequels to excellent films. Part 8 is like Scarface to me. In the Godfather it was just Michael Corleone and “the family” but in Scarface, they took Michael Corleone out of his element and took him to Cuba. It changed the whole dynamic of what a Godfather movie was about. The same is also true with Part 8 where they took Jason out of Crystal Lake and brought him to Manhattan. I was SHOCKED when it didn’t win an academy award for Best Horror Film in 1989.

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