Pick Out the Death Scene In Unique Artwork

I found these really cool pieces of art browsing forums a few days ago and I thought everyone would get a kick out of trying to pick out which character is which and what their death scene was. Can you remember who the victim is and where in the movie they were killed. Have fun and good luck!

Part 1 (1980)


Part 2

The Final Chapter

A New Beginning

Jason Lives

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12 Responses to “ Pick Out the Death Scene In Unique Artwork ”

  1. LOL pretty cool. Entertaining but very very well well done.

  2. i sAW THIS DRAWS wen i visit for the first time the site and ,yeah are very nice

  3. looks like one of the artists from MAD Magazine when i was a kid

  4. These pics are so sweet. They were over at campblood.net a while back.

  5. very cool pieces, be cool to own as posters

  6. Cool – Love different takes on the films!

  7. messed up. on part 2, who is the guy in the lower left? Paul?

  8. i like how they go in order. except part 5 of course. that would’ve been tough to pull off

  9. You forgot to link/show the image for Part 6

  10. ;)

  11. i love these!

  12. Where the heck is part III? And why is Robbi Morgan’s hair blonde?!

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