Review: Horrorhound Friday the 13th Retrospective
I wanted to start off saying that the Horrohound magazine, in my opinion, is the best horror magazine in print right now, period. Everything they put into one of their issues is exactly what fans want in a magazine dealing with a crazy genre of film such as horror. They have well written articles that get to the meat of what fans want to know about and what they like to hear about. It’s not just the articles on upcoming movies that can pique a person’s interest, but also their retrospectives on past horror films that really are impressive.
Alot of time and effort is awarded to these retrospectives. It’s not just getting interviews with the crew, but location visits that include pictures and researching the memoribilia and sometimes screen used props that set these type of articles apart from the tired one-sided look-backs that I have seen in other magazines. I know the type of work put into researching what they have accomplished as I have done a lot of snooping around for info for this very website.
That being said, Horrohound Magazine’s retrospective look at the Friday the 13th franchise is simply amazing as it comes from the perspective of the everyday fan and what that fan would want to know and see in pictures. Peter Bracke’s book, Crystal Lake Memories, is a well informed document about every movie made in the series as told by the people who made it. For die hard fans of Friday athe 13th, it was a dream come true. However, reading interview answers is not everyone’s cup of tea. So, Horrohound’s approach was to have each of their staff writers contribute their thoughts on invidivual movies in the franchise while showcasing some amazing pieces of memoribilia that have been produced throughout the years.
Many of these pieces have been reported on and made available to see on our website within the last two years. However, I am sure there may be something that our visitors have missed in that time period, so this retrospective brings it all together nicely. The pages contain a beautiful archive of masks, action figures, lobby cards, posters and so much more.
I highly recommend that fans of the Friday the 13th franchise pick up a copy of Horrohound #24 as you will be able to read some very informative and personal accounts of every movie in the series. Couple that with some awesome imagery of everything conceivable for marketing and merchandising and you have a true collectable for many, many years to come. Get out to your local book stores and buy this copy or visit Horrohound’s website to order online!

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i just picked up 2 copys on sunday.
Me as well. ;)
This is a great read! Horrorhound is gonna be my new favorite horror magazine. I get so tired of some nerdy review guy trashing a new F13 movie, or the whole series in general. This magazine was great because they seem to acknowledge the history of F13 and applause it’s efforts. My favorite part of the article is the merchandise pictures. They’ve got almost every piece of F13 merchandise ever made! Very impressive. A lot of research was done to make this and as a huge fan of the series I thank HorrorHound for this Retrospective. This is a great collectible worth adding to your collection.
I’m left with one question though. Is there really a F13 part to due in 2025? It’s great that they are making a sequel but 2025? That’s a long wait. Better than never I guess.
Glad you liked it, evilekim. I think they unfortunately grabbed the 2025 date from IMDb as that is the only place I know of that has the sequel listed for the date. No one else has announced that as a date, so it is not official.
Awesome! I really need to get this mag. Very impressive gathering of images from what I can tell. Thanks for sharing this.
I got mine in the mail on Saturday and I am endlessly impressed. I spent the better part of yesterday afternoon outside reading it with a glass of Scotch. Perfect way to spend a summer afternoon. Thanks for giving us the heads up about it. Great stuff.
Looks like it’s worth the look. I’ve basically given up on printed horror mags. Not that they are bad but like print in general online info/opinions are very timely.
They did a nice one for Halloween 2 years ago so I’m sure their one for Friday the 13th is just as good if not better. I’ll have to see if my local Borders has this or I’ll get it on-line!
Richard, you should have no problem finding it at Borders. That exactly where I found mine.
Like Mr. Lester Romero, as I’ve stated before with Fangoria a few weeks back and it’s old timey sister mag of GoreZone, I gave up around mid ‘03 on printed genre film magazines as I was largely un-interested in both either continuing my subscription or in the physical print world myself for a number of reasons.
But I’ll call the local mall across the street as well as one other book store or two and I wanna see if they got it, as I heard this mag is fine and the old school Paramount-era Friday tribute would make an excellant collectible to save for a few years, as well as to buy another copy to keep in the est condition I possible can to see it years later on eBay and such, while the other will make great bathroom reading material. I basically already know the series, Paramount-wise especially, top to bottom, but I always welcome a retrospective like this that is very early ’80s and old school. Hope I can find a copy here. Big thanks for the heads u once again, Jasonsfury. :)
i want all those figues, they the same people tha make those bad ass predator figures?
I want a copy.
Picked my copy up on the way home from work today. Love all the Friday merch on display. Need to finish reading the articles on the movies. Only gotten as far as Part 3. Makes me want to dig out all of my old horror mags (which are mostly about Friday the 13th!).