The Jason Goes To Hell Demon Model Set: Where is it now?

A few months back, one of the demons from this model set was sold on ebay. At that point I was curious about the whole demon model set and how the one demon came to be sold on eBay. For those of you that do not know, the end sequence of Jason Goes To Hell was suppose to use a model and puppets that KNB effects had created. Sadly, time constraints forced the use of the model to be discarded. View the workprint footage below to see test shots of the model that was going to be used in the film.

I asked Mario Kirner about the model to see if he had knowledge of the model and where it might be today. Here is what he had to say.

KNB, the FX company built two of these models. One with a complete Jason and
one with Jason sticking in the ground. The last one is the one you see in
the auction pics. The standing Jason is now in possession of Planet
Hollywood Restaurants and was the last time on display as part of a
Halloween display in 2025 in their restaurant in Las Vegas.

Jim, who bought the Ebay model from the studio did some restoration on this
miniature model. He shaped the display down and was then selling some of the demons.

Check out the before and after pictures below. Jim, who bought the model directly from the studio, had to make some major restorations to Jason and other parts of the model as stated by Mario previously. It is some great work and is an awesome piece to have in your collection….. except for all of you JGTH haters out there. :)





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13 Responses to “ The Jason Goes To Hell Demon Model Set: Where is it now? ”

  1. i still say that JGTH isn’t nearly as bad as people make it out to be. it’s one of the few Friday flicks that attempted to step completely out of the box and have a different storyline other than the same ol’ formula with the kids at the cabin in the woods.

    i’ve learned to really appreciate JGTH. not to mention it’s got some of the most memorable things about the series if you let it. like how cool was the Jason-themed food at the diner, and the tent scene where the girl is riding the guy and then get sliced in half.

  2. I had a few pics taken of the complete “standing” Jason miniature back in 2025 when it was up on display at Planet Hollywood in Vegas. It was in a display case together with one of the hockey masks from JGTH (the one worn from the scene when Jason gets shot in the head, until the bomb exploded). Sadly I lost all the pics throuh a computer crash two years ago. Fortunately I had a pic of that mask up on a site that I could re-safe this way again. Find it here:
    The miniature Jason pics are lost though. As a side note, it was in a blameless, unrestored condition.

    Here`s a unpublished pic, coming directly from Robert Kurzman, showing him on set working with the miniature Jason.
    Additional pictures can be seen by KNB`s Greg Nicotero in the book “Crystal Lake Memories”.

  3. i liked the movie,although i would have liked to see the actual jason more,and the model is great

  4. I’m going to agree, I love JGTH.

    This movie had such great atmosphere, very close to part 1 (albeit in different ways) and a little better than part 6.

    The opening was a good as any F13. Very classic from the drive to the girl to the cabin. When Jason makes his first appearance missing with machete and when he walks out the cabin door to look around are two amazing shots. The very opening shot of the lake looks like they went back to Blairstown, NJ to take it.

    And I think that this was also the best looking Jason. That mask fused into the head–brilliant.

    I wouldn’t mind a follow up to this movie at all.

    Sure its weird. But the whole movie gives the feeling that something really bad is happening in Crystal Lake tonight, and I love it.

  5. Hey Mario! I know u are a prop aficionado with the museum and all; I have a question about a prop that I recently acquired & would like your opinion on the legitimacy of it. Can u email me at Thanks buddy!……. or how could I get a hold of you??

  6. crystallakehiker09 I agree with you, cheers

  7. Yeah I’ve posted things on here before about JGTH and I still really enjoy this movie after all these years. But this is also coming from someone who loves part 5: A New Beginning & Halloween 3. I was 17 when JGTH came out and it was great seeing this in the movies with my girlfriend at the time. So this is a personal movie for me and I love it. The coolest thing for me is John D LeMay being in it. I loved the TV show up until he left so to see him in this was a huge highlight for me. Plus you got Kane calling Jason “a big old pussy” only to be killed by demon Jason. And then there’s that little Evil Dead moment. This is a classic to me. Always will be.

  8. @ Bigtdoe

    Mario can be reached through email:

  9. gotcha! thanks Sicness!

  10. wow very well mended!!
    Not one off my fav “episodes” off it tho

  11. Very awesome job on the restoration. This film is pretty special to me as it was one of the first i seen and actually remembering seeing the trailers on tv. Although now, its not in my top 3.

  12. I’m not sure who started this mess but NONE of those photos are of a KNB miniature used in Jason Goes to Hell.

    I was the visual effects supervisor on that job – KNB built ONE miniature set with a cable-controlled full-body Jason figure. There was never any miniature with Jason sticking halfway out of the ground.

    So, I’m not sure who purchased this model off of Ebay but whoever it was got scammed.

    Sorry, guys . .

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