The “Ultimate III” Is Astonishingly Accurate
His masks have been displayed here at in the past, but none of his work has come as close to perfection as his new “Ultimate III”. While visiting his blog,, jasonlivessince1980 has put together quite possibly the most accurate Part 3 hockey mask I have ever seen. He has been working on this for some time. Just look at the comparison shots that he made below. Check out his blog for more pics and read his description below.
So just to show how accurate Ultimate III is I put these together earlier today. My camera is not the best quality (hence the pink chevrons), but as you can see I got damn near every scratch, ding, spot and paint crackle on the original. The part 3 is perhaps the most complex mask in the franchise and the most difficult to pull off accurately but I went all out on this one, all the crackle is hand-engraved rather than drawn on so it looks convincingly real even closeup in person. The closest you can get to the real thing…

Beauty, great attention to detail
The only thing that would make this better is if it came with Richard Brookers head inside.
This is a great mask but is this the only mask this guy has ever done? What about the others? Can he do all of them this accurately? are the best. are the best.
thats funny
fiberglass masks are ok
you must not have been around for a while
there are so many masks and makers that BLOW fiberglass out of the water
The man knows his way around a hock! The straps are a bit off, but other than that, the detail is flawless.
FridayLuver, I have done all of the masks in the series until part 6, you can see pics on the blog. Thanks!
Well done.
Are you going to be selling this or are you keeping for yourself?? I know you want to sell it
I am currently accepting commissions on these, (the first one I am keeping), you can email me at for details.
Thanks again!!
Beautifull!!!! It could be the one used in the film!!
I wish they would use this for Friday 2!!!
did you guys notice in the bottom picture of richard brooker, hisright eye is saggy. but in the photo on top his eyes are straight! did they not apply the facial makeup for all scenes with jason?
Very nice love the pics.
As I said before bro, that is some awesome work!!!
Looks Awesome! Part 3 is one of my favorites in the series and this is without question the best looking mask ive seen for this movie. Nice work