One’s Customs’ Original Jason Figure
One’s Customs has been creating some exceptional Jason figures and one of his next figures is an original concept Jason that combines a lot of the features of previous Jasons into one. The figure will come with 3 masks. Two hockeymasks, The Original and The Renegade and also a custom sack mask. Accessories will include a custom machete, hunting knife, double sided axe, a teddy bear and his mothers head and all will be carried in a sack on his back. The figure will also include a base and a custom female victim figure that is fully poseable.
The figure is still being created, but below are some early photos. The figure is not being posted for sale yet. Check out One’s Customs’ YouTube channel to see all of his creations and to contact him.

Posted by jasonsfury
NICE , ultimate jason , U hope bracket challenge the best girls of alls fridays
holy shit that\’s sick
Sweet lookin’ figure.
I love the handcuffs on his right hand and the torn up overalls.
wow thats an awsome figure man cant wait to see the finaal product
Is that a backpack he’s wearing or a prop to hold the axe into his head ? lol
Cool design !
The last photo is the best. This figure is awesome.
For some reason, it reminds me of the Jason vs Leatherface from Topps comics some years back. Still, this is cool. Wish I had some talent.
yeh that is a mad figure i make my own figure now im working on a all halloween michael myers young michael myers and woflman one again another masterpice figure ones custom makes
hey im workin on michael myers too check out my youtube channel onmuphuckinone thanx
Great custom man!
Damn one you are the bomb
damn one you are the best mack me a friday the 13th 3 or 4 figur pleace
one you are the best mack me a friday the 13th 3 or 4 figur pleace
one mack me a part 3 or 4 figur of that man jason pleace