Deluxe Edition DVDs Parts 5-To-8 Out Of Print!?
At the end of each year, I try to go through my Amazon cart and pick up those titles that have been perpetually marked ’save for later’. This may sound shocking, but the Friday The 13th part 4-8 Deluxe Editions have been stuck there forever. Wait, wait – don’t mark me a non-fan just yet. Not living in the states, I tend to let my orders stack up really high before I pay so that I can save on international postage. Sometimes I even play Wall Street and wait things out till the global currency conversion is at a rate that can easily mean nabbing an extra DVD.
Anyway, when the Deluxe Editions started trickling out last year (I’m not talking parts 1-3, I’m talking the real Deluxe Editions – 4-8 produced by Dan Farrands of His Name Is Jason) I noticed the early films getting re-releases on my end of the globe. Different cover art, but also different extras – Friday The 13th part 3 lacked 3D, however did have the missing chapter of Lost Tales From Camp Blood so I made the decision to follow the train of local releases. I waited and waited. Eventually we got shitty bare-bones editions of part 4 onward instead. Mind-boggling. So I slapped the USA Super Deluxo’s in my digital cart and… timejump to today.
Friday The 13th Part IV: The Final Chapter – $11.99 – bingo! Not so fast, bucko. A New Beginning, Jason Lives, The New Blood and Jason Takes Manhattan all ranging from – $24.50 to $26.99 or completely unavailable at all. Sure, Amazon Marketplace can help, but individual postage from each buyer is going to make a buy there a no-go. Alright, back-up plan: screw the certificate and take my moolah to DVD Empire – but the truth doesn’t get much better over there when they confirm those four sequels are Out Of Print.
Ouch, man. That hit me right here in my hellbaby heart.
I figure it’s an elaborate conspiracy to teach me a very large lesson to strike while the iron’s hot, haste wakes waste, he who hesitates is lost, etc. etc. etc. But listen, I’m seeking a solution. I’ve relied on Amazon for a decade (and Ebay for single purchases) so haven’t stepped foot outside their perimeter into the online DVD retailer market much. Perhaps someone out there can recommend a reputable place I can get all four for decent prices?

Best buy (not a fan) has them for $14.99 (5-8) and $12.99 for part 4. Hope that helps, website is
Yea I had some trouble getting my set of them also…I wanted them all 2 have the sleave on them and most places didnt have them with it on…but yes my set is and has been done 4 some time now…well anyway the best place 2 look is…they got them. I know it dont help much but while christmas shopping this month I came across parts 5-7 at Big Lots.
Just so happens yesterday i completed my deluxe collections buying parts 5,7, and 8 suprisingly enough at Big Lots Closeout store for $5 apiece. I dont know if these stores are located all over the US, but they are pretty prevelant in the southeast. I live in Myrtle Beach, SC.
Walmart had the blu rays for 9.99 before Christmas. I’m waiting for a bly ray box set.
I came across parts 5-7 at Big Lots recently, for $5 each as mentioned above. If I didn’t already own them, it would have been a steal! Of course this probably won’t help you much, being outside of the U.S.
I know this is off topic Dusk, but I have to ask: Is Jason Parker aka Jason’s Fury no longer with
Just had a thought. Perhaps these titles being OOP already is a sign that the Bluerays are coming soon…
Off topic sure…but Something you guys may not know: Amanda Rhigetti voices characters in PS2/Wii’s: SCARFACE…just thought you’d wanna know…if its the same girl of course…but it just has to be…
I found “F13 Part 5: A New Beginning” at Big Lots for $5 or $6, however it didn’t include the cardboard slip. I didn’t see any others.
Oh, fart! I need to get ‘em too! Ugh!
Ok I know this is off topic, but where has jasonsfury been? Just wondering? Now on topic for Christmas I finally picked up the Friday the 13th box set from crystal lake to mannhattan, but I still need JGTH, Jason X, and Friday the 13th 2025, I’ll be picking them up soon, I’ve been wanting to get the whole collection for some time now!
“I know this is off topic Dusk, but I have to ask: Is Jason Parker aka Jason’s Fury no longer with”
“Ok I know this is off topic, but where has jasonsfury been? Just wondering?”
Hey guys, I know longer write for the site. I have moved on to a new project. Hit me up at my at my Twitter account to see what I have been up to. Hope everyone had a good Christmas!
What???? You can’t leave!
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! Jasonfury come back….. Now I’m the only one left who likes Jason Goes To Hell…….. Come Back!!!! @jasonfury….. I wish you nothing but the best but please come back sometime for a guest blog if you can.
Don’t worry he has another site!
That sucks 5-8 out of print!!
Just went to Big Lots and all the editions were there at 5.00 a pop….must have been 15-20 copies of each one.
this is really sad. friday the 13th is dying out or has already. i’ve noticed this lately that the audience wants something new. they dont want to see the same old stuff. i hope the next friday the 13th will be the last, but i hope it will be the best out of all of the friday the 13th movies. of course though i would go continue seeing them if they continue making them.
Man, i have to hit up big lots. The one by me is all dirty and ghetto so i dont expect them to have much. Worth a shot though.
I honestly wouldn’t worry. I really don’t think Paramount will ever stop making these on DVD. They still sell. Think how many versions have come out just since the inception of the DVD? Personally I think they will be out again soon, maybe a different look, and HOPEFULLY they will listen to us fans and release them on BLU RAY!!
I just wanted to say thanks to everyone who recommended big lots for the deluxe editions of parts 5-8. I hadn’t bought those ones since they were released and have been meaning to pick them up. After reading everyone’s posts last night, I went to the local big lots by my house and picked up 5-8 for five bux a piece! Very happy and excited to have found them for so cheap! Thanks again for the heads up everyone! Happy New Year!