Freddy vs. Jason on Blu Ray for an excellent price


If you’re interested in double dipping and upgrading your DVD copy of Freddy vs. Jason to Blu Ray, or if you never owned the DVD to begin with and have added a Blu Ray player to your entertainment system, then you’ll likely want to head on over to your local Wal Mart. Freddy vs. Jason has hit the HD market and store shelves nationwide and Wal Mart has the Blu Ray sitting there with the beautiful price of a measely $10! Whether you’re a fan of the film or not (and I am), you can’t deny that this is a great price for another chance to see that hockey mask in high def! Also keep in mind that this is Freddy’s first entry into the Blu Ray market and at a  complete steal!

The picture on the disc is phenomenal. Though the regular DVD isn’t nearly old enough to be considered dated, the Blu Ray disc is a noticeable improvement when you take into consideration how colorful this film is. The colors are vibrant on the disc and the sound is great. Well worth this price. If there are no Wal Mart stores in your area, you can get the Blu Ray on for just a little more at $11.32.  New Line will also be releasing the 2025 remake of  “Texas Chainsaw Massacre” on Blu Ray on September 29th. This disc will also be released at a discounted price.

About the Author

Tony Carroll

Huge horror fan. Mainly the slasher sub genre. Die Hard Friday the 13th fan. I'm not like a lot of viewers. I love the entire series. Yeah, there are things about some films that I don't like. But I can honestly say that I don't hate a single Friday flick. I love to write and to bring info to people. So this site and my love for that go hand in hand. You will also find me over at my site Feel free to drop me a line at

17 Responses to “ Freddy vs. Jason on Blu Ray for an excellent price ”

  1. I picked this up and the picture is awesome! When I posted about this Blu-Ray being released previously, a lot of people didn’t seem to impressed to go out and get it. I am still amazed how many people have gone cold on this movie since its release. I think it’s still worth the price. Go get it guys. It’s a great price.

  2. Yeah. I think it’s a fun flick personally. The dialog leaves a heck of a lot to be desired and the characters are flat, but I think the fight is great and if you don’t take it serious, it’s a fun movie. I really enjoyed it and still do to this day. It’s easily worth the $10 price tag. There is no doubt about that.

    They also have Evil Dead II on Blu and a few other horror flicks that they’ve had for a while all with the 10 dollar price tag. Halloween, The Devil’s Rejects, The Decent, etc. Good time to stock up on horror Blu Ray discs

  3. I agree. There is some terrible, cringe inducing dialogue. It is a fun movie and for $10 you cannot go wring. I know of people adding direct to video garbage to their collection for $5 more.

  4. It’s an okay movie, but I hate all the teenage drama crap and Jason and Freddy’s fight scene should have been longer. Still, if I had a Blu-Ray player, I’d pick it up. I’d love to see Jason’s cornfield massacre in hi-def.

  5. I thought it was great!!!!

  6. Actually, TCM (2003) has already been released in stores. I picked it up at Wal-mart for $15 the other day. It’s an excellent transfer as well. WB did great on these discs.

  7. this is the only ‘jason’ film i will not upgrade to blu-ray, not even for $10…price doesn’t matter to me when it comes to jason anyway. these losers don’t deserve another penny from me for disgracing jason’s character.

  8. Ahh. Thanks for the info bP. The Wal Mart website said 9/29 and has it listed for 9 bucks and some change.

  9. its a cool flick,not the best jason but still a fun movie,too bad i dont have blu ray tho…..

  10. I’ve always enjoyed this flick! Sure, it isn’t perfect, but it’s a fun romp. The chance to see two of my favorite big-screen boogiemen squaring off is always appealing, and the over-the-top nature of the entry just makes it an all-around blast! I’ll definitely upgrade this one to Blu-Ray!

  11. this movie sucked so bad. there wasn’t a single scene in this movie that had the feeling or atmosphere of a Friday flick.

    the comedy-aspect of the movie was aimed more towards the big Freddy fans (nothing against you guys)…but this just wasn’t tailored for true die-hard Jason guys..

  12. I am not a fan of the movie but for $10 i picked it up on bluray to add to the collection, video quality was great

  13. Check out the review at and see just how good the presentaion is!

  14. We’ve had this exact Blu-ray released in Canada for quite some time now (I did get it at a real cheap price too).

    I need the b-r for parts 4-6 and then 7-8.

    Come on Paramount!!

  15. Haha, I picked the up last friday at walmart for that 10 dollars.
    It is a beautiful film in HD guys pick it up. Im not a big fan of this movie as I was 6 years ago [I used to eat,sleep and breathe this movie] but still its a ok effort.


    Your right, I too feel that this film should have been titled A Nightmare on elm street part 8: Freddy Vs. Jason.

  16. $10?? That not a bad price for a Blu-Ray. One day I will pick this up once I get a Blu-Ray player soon. :)

    And brett, why must you bring up that “true die-hard Jason guys” crap? Just because some like FvJ doesn’t mean they aren’t “true Jason fans” or whatever. Seriously, that is getting old.

  17. Just a quick note, WB messed up one of the extras. They brought over most of the extras from the DVD, of which the “On Location: Springfield” featurette is another video all together!! On the blu, when you select this featurette, it plays an “On the set” featurette that I believe played on the Starz channel back when FvJ was in theaters. This is not the same as the DVD version. As far as I can tell, the Springfield featurette is missing from the blu. I don’t recall the Starz promo on the regular DVD (if it was, it was an easter egg). Just a heads up.

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