Friday Conversation: Having Ginny Fields Appear In Part 3
Many fans know that there was a brief moment that Director Steve Miner contemplated bringing the character Ginny Fields back for Friday the 13th Part 3. The idea was to pick up with the character after the events of Part 2 with Ginny in a hospital and for the new film possibly taking place in that environment for the duration of the movie. Eventually, that idea was shot down and the new group of kids at Higgens Haven and the 3D angle were introduced.
Would bringing Ginny back for the third film have worked for the fans? She is one of the most popoular characters in the series and would have kept more continuity in the early series. If she was brought back, would the hospital setting have worked, ala Halloween 2 (1981), or would having her back in Crystal Lake or a different area have been better?

Considering my appearance in Part 2, i still have to say the 3rd installment of the series is my favorite. I really like the way the film picked up to be honest; Jason has been cut down, gathers himself and gets back on his killing spree horse. He comes upon an empty market, gets some clothes, politely slaughters the people who provided him those clothes then does what he does best … finds a group of good looking young people to kill. Throw the 3D into the mix and i think it serves the fan better than bringing Ginny back into the mix. I also really liked the Higgins Haven aspect; It’s sort of set off in the middle of nowhere, the kids don’t really know their way around, they make enemies with a local biker gang & the manner in which Chris has her friends murdered and finds herself on her own for such an extended period of time makes this movie such a classic to me, it doesn’t need a Ginny return in any way at all.
Had i not taken an axe to the back of the head in Part 2, i would have loved to see Part 3 in 3D at a theatre
Death relly messes with your head(lol), officer. You got hit with the business end of a claw hammer!
That’s a great what if? If the film makers would have decided to go that way then chances are we would not have our beloved Jason as we know him today. So we should be happy the film makers went the way they did because if they hadn’t, we(as fans) might not be speaking to each other like we do and have that same love for the series.
Yea, being dead can alter your perception of how you got killed. A hammer was indeed the way ol’ Deputy Winslow went to the other side.
@eric True the series would have been altered and we may never have seen that hockey mask.
Sure felt like an axe, did u see the look on my face !
As far as bringing Ginny back for Part 3, i agree with Eric things ended up better the way they did. Most people on this site seem to agree that 3 & 4 are the best films of the series and that was the point in time where the people behind the camera seemed like they could do no wrong. Besides, Ginny peed her pants in Part 2 so i don’t know if she was really cut out for another one of these movies.
Good for a hypothetical, for sure. Ginny was great and it would have been cool to see her again, but that sounds like it would have been too much like Halloween II, with Ginny right afterwards trying to rest in the hospital and being stalked by Jason through the halls, you know? That said, I wish they had brought Ginny back eventually!
If they went this route with Jason would he have spared the babies in the maternity ward? Myers left them be.
That would have been great to see her back just as long as the mask and 3D was still there. Maybe she could have gotten out of the hospital and gone back to the camp to find/rescue Ted after he got back from the bar.
I think it would off been interesting too have her in part 3, i loved her character.
It would off been interesting too see her warn the new bunch what lies ahead, when Jason returns, and not going phyco herself!!
I think it wouldve been cool to bring Ginny back. She obviously survived part 2 so that wouldve been interesting to see how She is afterwards. And the hospital scene wouldve had to been short, because yes people would accuse it of ripping off Halloween 2. Although I couldve swore FT13th part 2 was released first, Ill have to check on that again. But I got to say one of the coolest things about part 2 is the return of Alice from part 1. I thought the death couldve been more dramatic figuring Alice killed Jasons Mom. I mean thats right next to Jason killing the teens that let Him drown. Alice didnt even see Jason. But anyway, bringing Ginny back for part 3 wouldve been cool. Maybe She couldve returned to Crystal Lake, possibly interacted with the teens from part 3. Kind of like how Clay was trying to warn the remaining teens in the remake. Ginny couldve been the wise one. After all Shes a psych major, and in part 2 She fooled Paul with Her car and killed Him at Chess. Shes probably one of the smartest final girls there is. I guess Shes too smart to return to Crystal Lake. I love part 3, but theres not much story going on in that paticular installment. Unless You count the “flashback” sequance where Chris is attacked by an unmasked Jason (so stupid and pointless). But it was all about the 3-D, I get that. Larry Zerner said without the 3-D it just wasnt the same. But I believe adding Ginny to the mix wouldve made it more interesting. Like maybe She wouldve tried to get inside Jasons head once more, and Jason looks at Her like “Oh come on, how stupid do You think I am”. Guess we’ll never know. I also wish they wouldve brought Chris back for The Final Chapter. Shes so messed up and deranged at the end of 3, I was always curious what happend to her. If She took Jason on again, She wouldve been more tougher than She already was. They should do a Friday survivors reunion movie. But I know, dream on.
I like the direction they went, keeping jason in the woods. But Ginny is one of my fave final girls. The fact she didn’t appear for another seuqel solidifies her survival. We know how returning for a Friday sequel (with the exception of Tommy Jarvis) can get you killed. It’s interesting to think how an alternate part 3 would have turned out following Ginny in a hospital. Was it supposed to be a medical hospital or psychiatric hosptial? One thing’s for sure, at the end of part 3, Chris definitely went to a psych ward.
I’m happy they didn’t bring Ginny back. She is the best of the final girls and if she returned she probably would have shared the same fate as Alice. I’m glad they let her live.
Either way, it sounds like pt.3 would have wound up good. Jason’s place is in the woods though. I think these movies have a lot to do with why I am not an outdoors kind of guy.
We did get a little bit of Jason in the hospital in TFC. I liked the scenes, but I am glad they were limited to just the open sequence. I know they used a hospital in the original Halloween II, but in reality a hospital has far too many people, surveillance, and access to law enforcement for it to be a real good stalker setting. Jason grew up and lived in the woods and was in his element there…but what the hell… if you can put up him on a cruise ship, in times square, or even a space station, you can put him anywhere.
That set up sounds cool but Halloween 2 already played that hand two years prior. Outside of that I wouldn’t have mind seeing Ginny back in there in a certain capacity.
I think about this a lot. It wasn’t just part 2; part 1 was originally supposed to continue Alice’s adventures, but that turned out to be impossible, so we got Ginny instead. Then Ginny was supposed to return for part 3, but that didn’t work out either, so we got Chris instead.
While I like both Alice and Ginny and would gladly have watched another movie with either of them (still would, too), I think it was ultimately better for the series that both films brought in new casts. The biggest advantage is that it let those movies keep its characters in the dark; Ginny would have known if Jason were chasing her and Alice (after her encounter at the very end of the first movie) would have at least suspected it, giving them time to prepare and escape. To Chris and the Jarvis family, who are in what they consider a safe place, the murders are still something that happened to someone else. They could be kept oblivious to the danger until it’s almost become inescapable.
Oh, it’s “Ginny Field”, by-the-way…
It would have been to much like Halloween II, I think taking Jason out of the woods and camp crystal lake is a mistake! Jason takes Manhattan was bad and out of all the bad stuff in it, I think taking it away from Camp Crystal lake was real bad!
I think the idea of bringing Ginny back is fine. Bringing her back and basing the film in a hospital is stupid. That plot line ranks up there with the later movies in the series. What reason would Jason have to stalk her all the way to the hospital? Is he Michael Myers all of a sudden and she is lost sister? Sure part 3 is pretty cheesy and the 3d effects don’t work too well, but it is still one of my favorites. I love the barn at Higgen’s Haven, Andy’s death scene, the spiral staircase and Richard Brooker is the best!
Part 2 was the first Friday the 13th movie I watched when it aired on HBO so many, many, many years ago. It’s the movie that got me hooked on the franchise.
Funny thing is, until a few years ago, I actually thought that that WAS Ginny we saw come out of the lake at the end of Part 3. It never occured to me that it was Jason’s mom. We knew that Pamela had been decapitated, and Ginny was the last person we saw wearing the sweater. So I always figured that Jason had killed Ginny “off-screen” and dumped her body in the lake.
ever noticed her character was named after production designer Virginia Field from Friday the 13th and part 2 as well??
Ginny (Amy Steel) was also great in the original April Fools Day. Which I thought was a great concept for a horror story line. Now that movie needs a remake with Amy Steel to reprise her roll.