Friday The 13th: No Man’s Land, Watch Now!
We are pleased to premiere the latest Friday the 13th fan film, Friday the 13th: No Man’s Land! There are two methods to use to watch the film. The first method is to visit the site for the flash version. The second method is to watch the Divx version with an option to download the .avi file (compressed version). That option can be viewed below.
Visitors will need to download the web viewer for the Divx file in order to watch the entire film. If that is not done, then only the first 5 minutes of film is available to view. Have fun with this latest entry in the Friday the 13th fan film saga and congratulations go to Writer/Director Dave Hastings and crew for completing a great homage to the original series of films.
For those interested in acquiring a DVD of this film, we will be announcing that information at a near future date.
Friday the 13th: No Man’s Land is a thrilling new fan made venture which returns us to the terrifying world of Jason Voorhees, and the chilling area he calls home, Crystal Lake. When a group of youngsters, accompanied by two road travellers find themselves stumbling accidently into the now abandoned realm of the infamous and long since gone Camp, it isn’t long before they are picked off one by one by someone who isn’t too happy to have been disturbed. Shot entirely in the United Kingdom, F13: No Man’s Land brings Jason back once more to unleash bloody terror just in time for Halloween 2025.

Awesome! I’m loading it up right now,I can’t wait. Anybody want to see my hock collection check out my youtube page…… I just got in my part 3 hock called Higgins homicide by mike (Voorhessfanatic80) Peragine.he does great work.
Always like people producing films showing their love of the series. The British accents are a bit off-putting, but nothing major.
I didn’t like this. Its pretty cheesy. Sorry for the bad review, But thats just my opinion.
Hey at least SOME PEOPLE are making F13th movies this year….thats right !@##@$ you WB