Japanese Movie Chirashi Flyers
We have featured numerous Japanese posters for the franchise throughout the past year and every single one of them are great collectible items for fans of the series. Each features either unique artwork or styling of imagery from the respective movies. Another Japanese collectible is the Chirashi flyers that were used to promote the movies. These mini flyers are 18 cm x 26 cm in size and truly are “mini” size version of the posters. The unique thing about these Chirashis are the description and images from the movie on the back side. If you are interested in buying these awesome little pieces of the series, check out the sale. They are selling for only $6.95 a piece, which is a great deal!
Check out some of the Chirashi flyers below to see if you are interested.

Gotta love how Tina from ANB wears a bra on that poster when she was topless in that scene!!!
That Jason X-poster is much better than the regular theatrical poster! Great image of Jason and shows you what the movie is about (slasher in space) without spoiling Uber-Jason!
WOW! A great addition to any fan’s collection-The photo’s are damn good! I think I’m picking all of the up.
Hey Jasofury, look close at the backside of part 3. I noticed that the axe looks cropped in his hand. Funny
I’ve always love that japanese poster of part 5, it really has the feeling of the early friday the 13th movies.
This is some awsome junk.
All victims and the murder methods were written in part3 chirashi.
It was a little regrettable….
The design of part5 Chirashi is wonderful.
“zannin shigyaku! kono seisan, kono kyouki!”
Some bloods and Roy’s left hands were added. Perhaps, even Tina’s brassiere might have been added.