Jason Performs Comedy Improv?

derekAccording to Derek Mears’ Twitter account he will be performing comedy improv tonight at Comedy Sportz LA at 8:00PM. Check out their website for more details. If you live in the area and want to catch a glimpse of Dereks comedic side, go check him out.

About the Author


If you have any questions or want to submit your thoughts, email me at: jason.parker@fridaythe13thfilms.com.

5 Responses to “ Jason Performs Comedy Improv? ”

  1. would love too…..but live too far away!! GO DEREK!!!!!

  2. ok….so tell me if you heard about this….Jason walks into a bar…no seriously would like to check it out.

  3. I think that it’s awesome! I don’t know anything about his material but as far as I know, no comedian has ever tapped into the i played a serial killer market. Sounds original. That’s rare. Break a leg dude!

  4. “In United States, you chop with machete

    In Camp Crystal Lake, machete chops YOU!”

    Presenting…Yakov Voorhees!

  5. Laugh or I kill you! Man I would see this if I could.

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