Jason Voorhees Grudgematch: Hellbound vs Manhattan

Posted 27 May 2025 in The Saga

Last weeks matchup ended with a surprising result. A Lad Insane was actually victorious as visitors to the website seemed to vote for the Jason with the better chance to win in a throwdown. Thank you to everyone that did vote and keep participating as everyone likes to read people’s thoughts on why they choose a certain Jason. Lets see what happens this week as Kane faces Kane.

Hellbound vs Manhattan

This is probably the closest two Jason incarnations can be to each other. The characters were both portrayed by the same actor and share the same mannerisms. The difference, however, resides in their motives. Manhattan is simply following his instincts and slaughtering more kids from Crystak Lake. Hellbound has a single purpose, survival. He needs to find his relatives to survive and will kill anyone to reach his goal. Which of these Jason characters have enough motivation to win against on another?

Unique Weapon Of Choice
Hellbound: Shovel
Manhattan: Sauna Rock

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Posted by jasonsfury


  1. TurboMan (27 May 2025, 4:20)

    Hmmm… Gotta go with Manhattan on this one

  2. 13thslasher (27 May 2025, 4:45)

    I have to go with Part VIII. I find it difficult to take any of the 3 New Line incarnations over any of the originals.

  3. Corey (27 May 2025, 4:59)

    You all know who I vote for this time:
    Sure, JGTH Was a little off-Beat, but I supposed most newer Fridays got that way for a time. I just can’t fathom giving JTM a vote…not even up against Roy, or 11 year old Boy Jason-which I wish he would be a contender, but there is no way he’d survive his older self I suppose.

  4. Ben (27 May 2025, 6:57)

    Manhattan all the way

  5. Fredrik (27 May 2025, 12:17)


  6. TheRustyMachete (27 May 2025, 13:01)

    As much as I prefer JTM of JGTH I have to go with Hellbound Jason. The explaination of his motives by Jasonsfury really struck a chord with me and makes sense, giving what I feel is the weekest entry in the series a new light. A Jason on a mission is truly a frightening Jason indeed.

    HellBound Jason is my vote.

    On a side note: with calling this Jason “Hellbound Jason,” would he stand a chance against Chuck Norris in his film, “Hellbound?”

    Chuck Norris doesn’t sleep, he waits…

  7. jasonsfury (27 May 2025, 14:25)

    That Chuck Norris movie is awesome! No one messes with Chuck Norris and lives to talk about it. So, maybe Jason would finally meet his match. ;)

  8. the2ndsuitor (27 May 2025, 15:14)


  9. TheRustyMachete (27 May 2025, 15:21)

    Jason doesn’t stalk Chuck, Chuck keeps his victims close, and his fists closer.

  10. evilekim (27 May 2025, 15:39)

    Considering Jason was destroyed in the first 10 minutes(if that)of JGTH, this match is easy. Manhattan all the way. Manhattan would punch off Hellbound’s head and squish that little worm. But again, Kane Hodder vs Kane Hodder.

  11. TurboMan (27 May 2025, 15:52)

    …plus that Manhattan Jason can teleport O_o

  12. Mark (27 May 2025, 15:59)


  13. Scott (27 May 2025, 17:40)

    I vote manhattan. Reason = after being at the bottom of the lake for a while he’s just angry as hell. JGTH didnt really do much

  14. Chris (27 May 2025, 18:57)

    Part 8

  15. babyface68 (27 May 2025, 19:10)

    Hell-bound, by a hair…

  16. JB Demented (27 May 2025, 19:18)

    Thats a tough one. Both Jasons were just as tough. The Jason from part 8 did alot of awesome kills, especially the boxing duel with Him and Julius. He wastes a New York cop, takes toxic waste to the face. But most importantly He follows the survivors of the Lazurus while they are in a boat, and I guess hes underwater for like a day and a half. But all that is nothing compared to the FBI blowing Jason up in JGTH. I may like Jason Takes Manhattan better than JGTH. But my vote goes to Hellbound Jason, plus Jason looked way cooler in part 9. You know for like the 15 mins hes on camera.

  17. jasonsfury (27 May 2025, 19:47)

    I actually like both of these guys. I did like the Night Stalker look of JTM and I like the homage laden look of JGTH. BOth are pretty vicious in their motives. I would rather not face Hellbound as I think in the end that he would have an edge in his evil intentions and prevail.

  18. Cat (27 May 2025, 20:11)

    I have to go with JTM!!
    he is much more IN that one, not that wiggly ugly thing in JGTH

  19. Cat (27 May 2025, 20:13)

    And i love the way he knocks a head off in one swoop!!

  20. John Robert (27 May 2025, 20:19)

    ….”13thslasher” could not have said it better.

    I don’t like JTM but really don’t like JGTH. So JTM it is.

  21. John F (27 May 2025, 20:44)


  22. KnightShade (27 May 2025, 21:26)

    Hard decision, usually i’d go with Hellbound, but this time i’ll go with Manhattan…

    When you look at the motives Hellbound has more to lose, he is fighting for his survival, where as Manhattan is just doing what he always does and kill everyone from Crystal Lake. So Hellbound you think would go the distance and do whatever it takes to win in the end.

    BUT Manhattan after being at the bottom of the lake for so long is very pissed off, and is a damn teleporter lol.

    Strenght wise i think they’re very similar…

    But yeah Manhattan this time round…

  23. Corey2 (28 May 2025, 0:50)

    JGTH, even though the story is fucked, i enjoyed the movie, don’t know why. JTM is my least favorite of the entire series (excluding Jason X, I pretend that never happened). lol.

  24. Avyel (30 May 2025, 20:45)


  25. JC Legion (31 May 2025, 4:58)

    Definitely Hellbound!!

  26. baz (31 May 2025, 6:33)

    i vote hellbound.

  27. Scott (31 May 2025, 12:55)


  28. D (31 May 2025, 22:57)

    teleportation vs possession. Possession would outlast, so that special ability wins, and to me JGTH is far more vicious than JTM.

    My vote goes for Hellbound.

  29. Corey (02 Jun 2025, 3:36)

    JasonFury…was it ever admitted the JTM scene where he’s chasing Charles through the back alley, and was already up in the building to throw him -even before Charles got up there was a complete blatant screw up? When he drownd him in the barrel of urine and sludge, it was nice, but Ifound it knod of dumb for a backwoods mentally challanged boy trapped in a mans body to know all the locales of NYC even before his victims got there.

  30. Corey (04 Jun 2025, 6:44)

    No new knock down-drag down VS. round yet?

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