New Guests Added, Location Revealed For Friday the 30th Reunion!

The guys at Pit of Horror continue to impress with the guests they are signing for this huge reunion. Check out the list below to see the new guests that have been added to the reunion. Many are first timers which will be awesome for all fans to meet and get those autographs.


As for the location, the reunion will be held at:

The Lewisville Convention Center
785 State Highway 121 Bypass
Lewisville, TX 75067

Check out the official website, to get all of the information on hotel availability, convention hall information, ticket prices and full guest list.

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19 Responses to “ New Guests Added, Location Revealed For Friday the 30th Reunion! ”

  1. Nice bunch added.

  2. God Damn if i miss this i will have missed probably the one and only time this will ever happen. soooooooo many awesome guests

  3. Kelly Hu! Awesome!

    This is getting better and better.

  4. i’ll have to be there

  5. Kelly Hu! Dana Kimmel! I now have to wipe the drool off of my keyboard!!!

  6. Texas is so lucky, this is the f13 event of a lifetime and im stuck here in California. well i guess its true what they say everything is bigger in texas lol

  7. O MAN!!! the lineup is getting better and better

  8. why the fuck is this in texas? i’d probably go if it was somewhere that doesn’t suck so much.

  9. i hope adrienne signs on, this would be mi first friday convention and want to see her the most.

  10. tommyblah,

    Well now, while your opinion my good man, keep in mind it does have Austin and several other noteable places that most certainly DON’T suck. Trust me, the Lone Star State has at least two more that doesn’t make it half as bad as surrounding places that it boarders. Austin, in particular, is a uniquely cultured (yes I said that right) Cinephile/moovie & music & art lovers paradise, in several respects. Sort of the Blue part of a very Red state, even this Red Stater would say. I’ve been there three times now, and love it more every time, so don’t be TOO harsh on it. ;)

    Okay, slightly off-topic rant over! *lol* Sorry ’bout that, hehe.

    Anyway, awesome up-dates for the guests! Truely. I’m SO psyched Melanie Kinneman is gonna be presant, as I’ll have to ask her in person, in a non-too-condescending tone, just what in the living hell she’s been doin’ the last couple of years, and why she was in only so many 35mm films (which I assume it was theater acting troupe stuff and the like, ect).

  11. I find it hard to believe that you wouldnt go to a convention of this magnitude based on the state that its being held in. Dont get me wrong, Im not exactly a fan of Texas either but I dont hate it nor do I think it sucks. For a chance like this I dont really care where they have it at. I will be there.

  12. “I find it hard to believe that you wouldnt go to a convention of this magnitude based on the state that its being held in. Dont get me wrong, Im not exactly a fan of Texas either but I dont hate it nor do I think it sucks. For a chance like this I dont really care where they have it at. I will be there”

    I SO agree with you, Jason. After all, it’s not like we’re havin’ this at the dead of Winter in late December close to Christmas when it would be inappropiate, in Stephen King’s home county of Bangor, Maine close to the Quebec province boarder, for Christ sakes. *lol* It’s a fine enough location, and for me, I’m so glad it’s so close myself.

  13. I can’t wait. Got my tickets. I feel like a kid waiting on Christmas! This will be great!

  14. texas doesn’t “suck”. i grew up in a military family, and moved around alot. i’ve lived in most states. there’s not much difference. different accents, climates, taller buildings… politics are different, but most people hate politics and politicians anyway, regardless of party. so that doesn’t matter… it’s kinda stupid to hate states that you know nothing about. and you can’t really believe what you see in the media and entertainment industry about the south. both of those industries are run by liberals. who are always trying to make the south look bad… you can’t judge a book by it’s cover. hearing about something and seeing for your self, are two different things.

  15. anyway… i’d really like to meet dana kimmell, she’s always been my favorite friday girl. she did a great job in part 3. i don’t think she gets the respect she deserves for her performance. that chase scene, was the best of any horror movie ever made. in my opinion.

  16. And may this good lil’ Catholic boy say a quick Amen to that, Terry! I quite like Texas. I was born in a fine place in west Tennessee named Jackson, a small, modest/normal sized city which reminds me a lot of Austin in some ways, and I’ve also lived in rural neighbouring south east Missouri known as the bootheel where my mother’s relatives are from, and now northern Louisiana. And trust me, Texas is NOT one of the worst and most backwards states as anyone would have you believe, and I do love and also really like at least three or more places in it, so as a neighbour who lives here, the Lone Star State is okay with me. Some people our loudmouths, but I suppose you meet them everywhere in life.

    Yes, there are SOME assholes & assorted bitches (so sorry ladies; I don’t like wearing my emotions on my sleeve, but hey…) out there, but hey, I have left the U.S. three times in my life I’ve been blessed, and some general ignorance asshole-isms’ are EVERYWHERE. Believe me, it is NOT just down here behind the Mason Dixon Line. Please don’t fool yourselves. Texas is probably in the top three or four states I would like to retire in, I’d say.

    However, a bit more off topic, I would REALLY love to retire to either the Portland, Oregon area, or better yet, get Canadian citazenship to that great land and to retire in Victoria, British Columbia. Anyway, so sorry for that off-topic post, but I agree: I’m tired of constant general bashing of the south and people inquiring about my modest Bill Hicks (RIP) like ‘twang’ the several times I’ve been in New England territory and the northern part of the Midwest. Sorry fellas, but we’re from the U.S. too, and rest assured, we’re not much different at all. Just had to get that off my chest.

    Back on topic: Yeah, Dann Kimmell is a fine heroine/final girl. I LOVE the Steve Miner directed sequels, even with the MPAA-imposed cuts and I wish they had gone with both intended endings for both instalments, but that’s never gonna happen. After the first five I don’t even really care that much about the series myself, so indeed, I SO wanna see the early heroines. And Dana is probably the most attractive out of them all as well.

  17. Yeah… Dana’s performance in 3 was great, way underrated. Best chase scene ever!

  18. Why are people always insulting the south? The north is no better than the rest of us.

  19. The South is awesome & I love the accent! Just a shame there seem to be many an ignoramus living there *pointedly looking at Captain_brandon* But yeah, a lot of cool cities there. I’m not into Texas myself but I’d kill to see Atlanta, Miami, New Orleans and perhaps Charleston too to name a few Southern cities.

    Sorry to be so off-topic, I was just answering Jamie’s post.

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