New Jason Lives Custom Figure Has Detail
We at are always on the lookout for custom representations of the franchise and today we are going to feature a new custom figure for Jason Lives by HanD-MadE-HorroR (HMH). He has a pretty good eye for the little details on his figures and his take on Jason from Jason Lives is great addition to figures that have been made for that film in the past. The detailing on the gloves, shirt, utility belt and pants legs are spectacular. Also, the figure does come with a display base that shows off the ending of Jason Lives when Jason is suspended underneath the water with the chain tied around the boulder.
If interested in more from HanD-MadE-HorroR (HMH), check out his youtube channel and send some comments his way.

Posted by jasonsfury
Cool Figure.
Handmade Horror in full effect hes a genius
This looks VERY nice.
Thats awesome.
A damn fine representation.I love when custom figures are covered here.I’d love to see One,HMH and customisers in general to take on their personal concept of what their vision of Jason should look like.This would make a great competition on this site if it was ok with Jasonsfury.I could even see it surpassing the sequel poster competition that ran earlier this year.I myself would would be very excited at seeing the results of any original concepts of Jason.Here’s hoping……………………KI,KI,KI,MA,MA,MA.
guess my figures arnt cool enough to add on this site
Hell no SPAZ.Send em to jasonsfury so we can have a look…………………..KI,KI,KI,MA,MA,MA.