New Video Offers Insight Into Your Favorite Jason?
Since we are in the “pick your favorite Jason” mode with the grudgematch in full effect today, I thought we should view a video that was uploaded last week that shows all of our beloved Jasons in action. I know some will be disappointed, but there is one absentee from the video and his name is Roy. Sorry “Repetition” supporters.
I found this video on The Springwood Slasher Youtube channel. Check out the channel as there is a lot of other really cool videos to view. Enjoy!

Posted by jasonsfury
Just in from a 12 hour night shift and that sure has perked me up.Makes me wanna watch one of these right now……………KI,KI,KI,MA,MA,MA.
Part 3 Jason is my favorite
Richard Brooker (part 3), Ted White (Part 4), Kane Hodder (part 7) and Derek Mears (F13th 2025) are the best. But Kane Hodder in part 7, is my favorite costume, amazing.
Ken Kirzinger was the WORST Jason. I always thought so but after watching 3 then 4 then 7 then FvJ then The remake a few days ago all I can say is wow. Ken Kirzinger is (to me) pretty much unwatchable. He had none of Jason’s Movements, none of his original look(here starts the coat and frankenstien boots) nothing that made me believe i was seeing Jason Voorhees in all his glory on the big screen. He was slow, Dopey, sympathetic i mean WAHT?!?!?! HES A KILLER. I dont want to feel sorry for Jason. I could go on for hours but you guys would either hate me or stop reading so whatever. Long live Kane (new blood is my fav look) and Brooker, White, and Mears but for god sakes lets just forget about Ken fucking Kirzinger >:(
I love Mears’ Jason. The clip towards the end of the video with a closeup on him? His eyes just look truly evil.
Mears has to be the best, followed by ted white, then C.j. Graham.
Best live Jason – Ted White.
Best zombie Jason – Kane Hodder.
My favourite look/costume – Part 7.
That was cool. For one the info on the part 2 Jasons was correct. Just sucks there was no footage from part 5. I dont know why so many hate on that film, its way better than Jason Goes To Hell and Freddy Vs Jason. And there are some brutal kills. And I agree with who said it above, Ken Kirzinger is the worst Jason. Although He kicked ass in Wrong Turn 2.
Brooker, White, Hodder, and Mears had the best performances as Jason. Truthfully though, I like Derek Mears the best. He has more screentime than any other Jason and he plays him much differently. The way he stalks his victims and the emotions he shows are memorable.
Kane is Jason!
Mears was cool.
Runny Yu dropped the ball with his Jason.
To me the best Jason(s), were Richard Brooker (part 3) and Ted White (part 4), I was never really a fan of Kane Hodder’s Jason, I thought that the way he portrayed him lost realism and I know it’s not supposed to be realistic because at that point he was already a zombie, but still. And as for Ken Kirzinger I actually thought he did a decent job in Freddy vs. Jason, even though the movie was a disaster. And finally the most recent Jason, Derek Mears, I thought he was really good and overall he had the right qualities that Jason should have. By the way my favorite “zombie” Jason is C.J. Graham (Jason Lives)
I know it’s not his fault, but I had a hard time getting into Kirzinger’s Jason because of the overall look of Jason in Freddy vs Jason. I haven’t seen Mears in the remake simply because I don’t like remakes. Nothing at all against the people who are behind the remakes, I’m just not really interested in them.
I’m such a huge fan of Brooker, White, Graham, Hodder & both Daskawicz & Gillette in part 2 (even though Gillette only did the ending) that it’s hard to pick just 1 or 2 as a favorite.
Im with 3 & 4 like most people. Followed by Mears then Kane. But, I always like the Ken Kirzinger look. I have a picture of that Jason on my wall now. If Jason is actually supposed to roam the wilderness, wouldnt he possibly throw on a coat? i know hes been a zombie for a decade by that point in the series. Im just sayin i dont hate on Kirzingers look the way some do. I do agree that hes dopey.
Jason part 2 rules.
Jason in “Freddy vs. Jason” was too Frankenstein like. Plus they showed too much of his eyes. Blackness = creepy. Go Mears!
Best Jason: Part 3 and Final Chapter.
Worst Jason: Kane Hodder.
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