“Now Playing” Podcast Review of Friday the 13th Franchise
Last year, Now Playing Podcasts reviewed the entire franchise one movie at a time, each week, leading up to the release of the reboot. Each movie review lasts between 45 minutes to an hour and is pretty entertaining. Sometimes the people in the review can come off as uninformed about the franchise, but they went into these reviews watching these movies for the first time in maybe 20 years. So, if interested visit their website and listen to some truly entertaining reviews of the movies you love.

Posted by jasonsfury
I agree with you jasonsfury. I dloaded a few of these and they are entertaining.
These reviews are very entertaining, they’ve also done a series on Halloween, Star Trek, Terminator, Saw en now they’re doing one on Back To The Future. Plus, this year they’ll be doing one on A Nightmare on Elm Street. Indeed, very recommendable.
this is great! thanks for posting!! I love F13 podcasts
These are really entertaining. Thanks. It’s interesting to hear the guy’s perspective who never saw any of the Friday the 13th’s before.
After listening to them all….really, they like JGTH an JX better than Part 3????? Weird.
Yea, I thought it was very interesting that hey despised Part 3 so much. However, I was surprised that they liked JGTH as I am a fan of that movie and they saw some of the things in that movie that I have that makes me like it as much as I do.
JGTH is actually a good movie. Best kill ever for a Jason movie.