Projects In The Works: Favorite Hockey Mask?

The website is working on a few projects at this time. One is the Crystal Lake Gazette, which visitors will hopefully see sometime in the next week or so. Don’t expect a huge offering right off the bat. This is going to be something that grows and hopefully with your input and help. Another project requires your input as well.

The simple question is, what hockey mask is your favorite? Do you like the John Carl Buechlers beaten down and weathered look for Jason’s hockey mask? Perhaps you like the classic original unscathed look of the Part 3 mask. Let us know below and give us some examples of why your mask is the favorite. You will see why this matters to everyone in the near future!

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33 Responses to “ Projects In The Works: Favorite Hockey Mask? ”

  1. My fave is a tie between the Final Chapter mask and the Jason Takes Manhattan mask. Both are equally cool to me.

  2. I honestly like the Jason X pre-uber mask, I just love the shape of it, it has a more menacing look to it. the shot where he looks over at the guard on duty. before it was jason take manhattan mask, but this one just is awesome.

  3. My vote is the part 3 mask.

    I like the part 3 mask better off Jason, but the part 7 mask better on Jason, if that makes any sense.

  4. I’m going with Part 7 simply because I love that JCB was so consistent with the damage to the mask from Jason’s previous encounters. I love to see that kind of continuity and attention to detail. You can tell JCB was a fan of the series besides just being a director of one of the movies. I wish the same could be said for a few other entries in the franchise that shall remain nameless.

    And sidenote: Jasonfury, I am STOKED that you guys are actually going ahead with the CL Gazette! I cannot wait to see what you all came up with!! Thank you for making my brainchild a reality!!

  5. remake looks awesome!

  6. Part 3 and The Final Chapter masks are my fave.

  7. I like Part 3 because it is a classic look for Jason without all the weathering and damages. I also like Part 7 because it’s a combination of all the previous masks into one, minus the chevrons. I do like the reboot version(if the reboot also counts) of Jason’s mask because I like the weathered look and the mask really suits Jason well.

    Between those 3, my fav would be the reboot because it combines the element from Part 3 and 7.

  8. My favorite mask is the one from part 3 and the final chapter. I like the way the mask looked in part 4 were the chevrons were merely visible. As much as I don’t like part 9 the look of the mask and how it was attached to Jason was cool also.

  9. Part 3 and 4 are my favorites. The part V is cool too.

  10. My favorite Mask in the series is the one from Jason Lives \Friday the 13th Part VII\

    I think the mask makes Jason look more evil. One factor may be that his eyes are blacked out, even though he only had one eye, not seeinmg his eyes made him even creepier.

  11. I’d would have to go with the Jason Goes To Hell Mask. The damage on it is amazing and love the fact that the mask was embedded right into his face.

  12. I like the New Blood mask as my favorite but I’m also a fan of the remake one.

  13. Thats a tough one. I have 3 favorites. Parts 3, 4, and 7. But if I had to choose one it would be the mask from part 7. Jason looks the most scariest in 7. And the mask just goes with His damaged look. When I was a kid and first saw part 7 I was scared off of His look alone. So part 7 is my favorite mask.

  14. FVJ Mask is my personal favorite. Love the Freddy slash marks.

  15. My favorite is the part 3 mask. I love the way it wraps around Brooker’s head…and the mild weathering looks great, too. Besides, it’s the mask that started it all! Gotta respect it for that

  16. First off, i just wanna say this is an awesome topic.
    Second if i was to choose my fav mask it would have to be the final stand mask at the end of the final chapter. The dirty look and only have a chevron at the top is just really awesome looking and ted white made it look menacing. choosing a fav mask though is honestly hard as i like em all, but i would have to say if there was a top three list it would be:

    1. The final stand mask (the final chapter)
    2. Final showdown (Jason Lives)
    3. Roy (A New Beginning) simply because it was different and looks sinister in my opinion.

  17. 3,4,6 & 7 are my favorites. Love the look of these masks and always felt they best represented Jason.

  18. I’m fond of the earlier masks from part 3 and The Final Chapter-classic. I do like the part VII look, and how JCB was careful to include every little bit of detail. Part 8 is cool. If I had to stick with one it would be the mask from Final Chapter. I just dig that pre-zombie Jason look. Scared the hell out of me as a kid, but then again, they all did.

  19. I definitely agree with Rog, 3, 4, 6, and 7 hands down…

  20. I would love to see them make a high quality, screen accurate Part 8 mask.

  21. Jason Goes to Hell mask.

  22. I personally liked FvJ’s mask the best. It just had a certain look to it that made it awesome.

  23. part 3 with axe cut

  24. Part 3 mask.

    - Shiny and new.
    - Scary and original idea.
    - Fitting replacement for the sack.
    - Bright red chevrons are evil and demonic.
    - Created an icon.
    - Fits Richard Brooker well and looks cool with bald skull cap.
    - Totally fits in with Jasons’ new clothes.
    - Shows wear and damage as movie progresses.
    - Saves Jasons’ life from axe to the head.
    - Cheers, BH

  25. your going to hate me but, part 5. its just a kool look.

  26. Love the remake mask

  27. Wow. This is a very tough question to answer because I don’t think there is one straight up right answer.

    I love it in part three… which has the beginning for the hockey mask. Yet, I love it in later films when it’s showing some of the damage… etc.

    I guess I will just go with the beginning, PT3. Tough call! Very tough call!

  28. Yea, this one is tough but I honestly LOVED the look of the mask from the reboot. I dunno, something about it made me love it.

  29. Part 7 is the best. Timateo up top said it best…CONTINUITY. I like Part 3 with that wrap around look. Part 4 as well, with the chevrons weathered a bit. Part 5 due to originality. And JGTH, much like Part 7.

  30. The New Blood mask…definitely the best of the series…

  31. Jason X mask….looks realy scary and tough! pre-uber.

  32. Part 3 hands down.

  33. X (Pre/Post Uber) and classic 3-D

    I’m really enjoying the uber-Jason now to as of late…I just recently sat down and watched it after at least 2-3 years and still have the same feeling I had opening night of X…Maybe we will get a Direct to Dvd sequal one day if anything…

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