Red 7 Hockey Mask Offers Cheaper Alternative
We brought you news on the ‘Black 7‘ replica hockey mask made from the screen used mask from ‘The New Blood‘ a few months ago and it was a huge hit with collectors. One problem for some fans about the mask, however, was the $300 price tag. Well, now Mario Kirner is offering blanks of these highly sought after masks at a cheaper price of $130. Here is what Mario has to say about his latest release of the mask:
Hey guys, the ultimate part 7 blanks just entered the collectors world! RED SEVEN! Same as with the BLACK SEVEN, these blanks come directly from the mold of the screen used mask. If you want to give it your own paint job or simply want to have an “as close as possible” blank on display by it`s own, go for this very exclusive run of blanks! Usual for blanks, they come without the holes drilled out, still in a rough shape and unpainted. It`s up to you to bring it to live the way you like it best!
The detail is amazing.. even the paint of the chevron is shaped through. The blanks are not simply vacuum pulled from a positive that was made from a negative etc. but was casted directly from the screen used hero mask and so kept all the details!! The first lay was done in white plastic, so the survace is ready to be painted. The second, third and fourth lay is red.. deep bloody red!
These blanks are produced in a run of only 25 masks and will hit Ebay tomorrow for a very reasonable price.
So, if you want to own of these exact replica mask, visit the eBay auction below.
Good luck to everyone in owning a truly remarkable piece of memoribilia.

Well thats somewhat cheaper, if I had the money Id get it.
What it says on the listing is FREE shipping, but if you read the description it costs $48 to ship!! So how much of a savings is it really? For another $100 almost, you could buy a finished one.
A finished Black 7 did cost $300 and the Red 7 costs $130. As far as I can count this is $170 difference. Both without shipping. I offer DHL for shipping but if you would like to have it shipped by Fedex or UPS, let me know and we can of course work this out. I explained the \free shipping\ thing in the forum and I thought it is clear now that it would not work otherwise Ebay technically.
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