“The Man In The Lake” Update And Special News
Southlan-Films continues filming their fan film and recently Ralph’s death scene was completed. You can now see Jason in action once again by gaining a glimpse of him grabbing Ralph in order to dispose of the Prophet of Doom. So far, there is a lot of day time filming and death scenes in the daylight to boot. What does everyone think about Ralph being taken out by Jason again? Check out the photos of the scene mentioned below.
I also wanted to anounce that Southlan-Films has agreed to give away some DVD’s of “The Man In The Lake” when the film is completed. We will hold a contest for those DVD’s sometime this summer. There may also be some other goodies that some lucky visitors will be able to obtain. Stay tuned for our contest for “The Man In The Lake”

COOL i like fan films , i Saw Legends ,fredy vs jason vs michael ,friday the 13 mothers day,winter at cristal lake, FRIDAY THE 13 the storm OH wowwwwww, and i hope soon watch THE man in the lake
NOBODY CANT DEFEAT jason voorhes
THE FINAL CHAPTER uncut ultragore edition 4ever
This one should be good, Ezequiel.
I am really excited for this movie. Poor Ralph!
A Contest to win DVD’s?? Awesome. Also, I was wondering what the other goodies are that was mentioned?
Yes we will be sending several DVD’s to be given away here as well as some of the props used in the film. Not sure which ones yet but we will make sure to send out some cool stuff to be given away.
You guys can see more about Man in the Lake on our facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/MAN-IN-THE-LAKE-Official-Fan-Page/278862841916?ref=sgm
And on Cryptshow http://www.cryptshow.net/
WOW I certainly want at least a DVD copy. If we do not get lucky enough to win one will they be available to get by some other means.
I am looking forward to this fanfilm. Just watched the Halloween one, nice! Giveaways appreciated for sure.
I too have seen the Return of the sandman fan film and if Man in the Lake is of that quality I think we are all in for a big treat.
this is the only fan film I’m actually looking forward to seeing
I really like the quality of the production photo’s Looks like this is going to be the fan film to see. Where can I see this Halloween fan film that these guys made. I’d really like to check it out