Todd Farmer Not Michael’s Friend, But Pinhead’s!

Last week we mentioned that Todd Farmer (Writer, Jason X) had visited the Weinsteins in New York for what could possibly be the final steps to Todd bringing Michael Myers back to the big screen. However, it was just reported at Shock Till You Drop that Todd and Patrick Lussier will be ressurecting Pinhead instead for a new remake! How is that for a curveball. I have to say that I am pretty excited to see what these two can do for a dead franchise.

I know Todd will knock the script out of the park, so congratulations go out to him and I look forward to seeing more news about this in the future!

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8 Responses to “ Todd Farmer Not Michael’s Friend, But Pinhead’s! ”

  1. Oh god here we go, another remake and 800 sequals to the remake.

  2. I’m confused… they are doing the remake and also a sequel o.O

  3. Dimension films is producing a sequel in order to maintain the rights to Hellraiser. It’s nothing more than a rush job, they filmed it in 12 days. It’s just basically to keep the rights until they can get the remake going.

  4. Out of all the remakes this is the one I dread the most. I hope the guys behind this movie will get it right and focus on the family drama which is the core of the first movie, Uncle Frank is the true monster and the cenobites are the fringe attractions. My biggest fear is that a remake will make it all about Pinhead.

  5. I agree with Lester. The original film was about the evil of the family, more specifically the uncle. Pinhead is what will sell the film, so I think there will be a good dose of him in the film.

  6. Yea, I am not very high on this idea. This franchise should be dead.

  7. Thats great news. I know Todd and Patrick will do an awesome job. Im not too crazy about this upcoming Hellraiser:Revelations (part 9) direct to DVD flick. Can You actually believe they replaced Doug Bradley? They should just forget about Revelations and just do the remake.

  8. What is it with Hollywood and coming up with their own ideas ? This is just what we don’t need…The remake to Friday stunk, Halloween stunk, Amityville stunk, TCM stunk, The Day the Earth Stood Still Stunk, Hills Have Eyes stunk, ANOES really stunk, Pirahna stunk, Last House stunk, Prom Night stunk, My Bloody Valentine stunk…..I did like Dawn of the Dead though so I guess one good remake out of 20 isn’t too bad.
    Let these classic series rest in piece. I don’t mind a quality sequel, but our horror genre is becoming a laughing stock to outsiders.

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