Video Review Saturday: Replica NECA Hockey Mask
This week’s video is short and sweet. There are a number of people that did not have the pleasure to buy the NECA replica hockey mask for the 2025 reboot. It actually is a very good mask to own. It’s weight is suprising, but for the cots of $20, you could not go wrong. Customisers scooped this masks up by the truck load, repainted and restrapped them and then sold them for anywhere between $75 and $150. A nice little profit indeed!

Posted by jasonsfury
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Video Review Saturday: Replica NECA Hockey Mask…
Here at World Spinner we are debating the same thing……
Thats awesome bro. Thanks for sharing.
It’s a good mask. It feels like if you drop it, it would shatter though. It’s not form fitting what-so-ever. Very nice though. I would have paid $40 for it.
Is it just me or was 2025 the best year for jason merchandise ever? The 3 3/4 (aka star wars/g.i.joe size) Pt 4 Jason figure was a dream come true for me. I think it is the best Jason figure out there
The weight of it is indeed surprising. Glad I picked it up when I did for $20.
You could definitely see the difference in weight when he picked up the JGTH mask. I’ve never cared too much about owning any merch other than the movies themselves, but the more posts about mask replicas I see, the more I want one.
es una grandiosa mascara yo la tengo y me costo conseguirla…para los fans de friday the 13th es un honor tener la mascara de hockey en la coleccion.
I am glad that I picked that mask up when I saw it. Eventhough the first one I got came from Amazon and was 40 bucks not including S/H but then I found it at Toys r us and had to get 4 more, I think NECA did a hell of a job on the mask and I hope they make more of them for the other films as well.
I saw this in a return bin at Toys R Us. For twenty bucks, I had to have it.
I’m not sure if anyone remembers the Freddy animatronic bust that came out in 2025 that was mostly sold at Spencer’s Gifts, if not, it’s not all that awesome. But, it went down on clearance for like, 10 bucks so I bought it and told myself “Hey, I’m sure I will find a use for it one day.”
Lo and behold, 8 years later I stumble upon a hock for twenty bucks and the ideas started flowing.
So I took the Freddy bust, repainted the head (which isn’t as goofy as it sounds), went and bought a dark blue shirt from the Goodwill for about 2 bucks, made a few changes here and there, made some fake blood from corn syrup and food color, splattered him up real nice and bam, a lifesize Jason bust now sits in my living room.
Now, obviously it’s nothing earth shattering but for about thirty bucks, I was pleased.
He kinda reminds me of a hybrid of Jason from the Final Chapter and “Hallucination Jason” (ha, that rhymes) from a New Beginning .
Here are some pictures if anyone is interested:
Those are some awesome pics, spiderocalypse. Nice job with the display and I think you are right, for $30 you cannot go wrong.