When is Jason in Stores, NECA Updates Us

We revealed the packaging for NECA’s 7.5 inch Jason Voorhees figure in the beginning of August after covering the figure from the first glimpse at the SDCC 2025. The one question by fans at that time was, when is the figure going to be available in stores? Now, NECA has updated us on the release of the figure.

“Re-make Jason in 7.5″ format has arrived. Should be in stores very soon. In plenty of time for Halloween. On shelves this week or next depending on where you live – Jason & Machete.”

So keep an eye out on the shelves in the coming week or so to pick up your Jason figure! We might have one for the visitors to our website as well …..

SOURCE: Twitter

About the Author


Email questions: jason.parker@fridaythe13thfilms.com. Follow me at: www.twitter.com/jasonsfury

11 Responses to “ When is Jason in Stores, NECA Updates Us ”

  1. NICE!

  2. ooh, can’t wait. It looks a helluva lot better than Mezco’s rushed attempt. What was that anyway?

  3. The Mezco figure does seem now, in retrospect, to be a bit rushed. NECA’s 19″ figure and now this scaled down version are much better in comparison.

  4. Can’t wait! Mezco’s sack head version was great, but the hockey mask version and the 12″ were bad. NECA has had a lot of time to make this, so it will look amazing in comparison.

  5. I can not wait to get this figure. Here is hoping NECA wakes up and one day releases figures from part 5 and 8, and that they quit using the excuse of those movies not being popular among fans as the reason not to make them.

  6. entertainmentearth.com has them for pre order…here is the link

  7. The figure is on Toys R Us web site so they should have it in their stores. NECA: would love to see a part 5 and 8. Thanks!

  8. oooooohhhhhhh for the visitors ey!!!!
    Must get one!

  9. Looks awesome.

  10. I ordered one off the site “House of Mysterious Secrets” and I should be getting it by the beginning of next week.

    Once i do, i will do a review and post it here

    The site still has the figure in stock for people wanting it.


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