Take A Video Tour Of Friday the 13th (1980)
Now that we have entered June and Summer is closely approaching, the celebration of the 30th Anniversary of the original film will be put into full swing. We at fridaythe13thfilms.com have lined up some great articles, interviews and contests pertaining to the original film. What better to kick off the month of June than a video tour of the shooting locations of Friday the 13th (1980).
The following video is one of the best recorded and narrated video tours of the shooting locations for the film that has ever been created. There are great references to town history and how some of that history relates to the film Friday the 13th. A lot of details are given to the audience about familiar shooting locations. So, for those fans that have yet to visit these very famous places, sit back and enjoy a trip down memory lane and rediscover what makes your love for the franchise so strong!

Oh man, great stuff. I live in Europe(The Netherlands) and don’t suspect I’ll be able to see these places anytime soon. So, thank you!
That was an incredibly detailed video. I even learned something about the town. Pretty cool! It was great to see so many locations from the movie. The diner was great and I like the fact that it’s right across the street from the main buildings. In the movie, the diner was supposed to be way far away from town.
I would love visit the diner and see ifthey have a side of Jason fingers.
I’ve seen this before, I wish there was some new video though.
This is wonderful. It would be a dream come true to visit this place one day
This is awesome! Thanks for sharing. The coolest the about the old Friday flicks was the fact that they used REAL locations. I have seen 2 other vids like this for Parts 2 and 3. Very cool stuff and great to see those old locations looking so well preserved. Viva la Mask.
Good video. I really enjoyed it! Thanks for posting it.
That was a cool video. One day Id like to visit any of the filming locations from parts 1-4. Thatd be a nice vacation