Reminder: Doug Benson And Larry Zerner To Screen Part 3
That’s right everyone, your lovable Shelly will be in attendance and have live, running commentary along with comedian Doug Benson. This is event is all part of the Comedian Death-Ray Movie Series that runs every month at the Cinefamily. Each night, a different comedian showcases their favorite film in 35mm, and also shares short films and clips that they’ve either made, starred in, or just love.
The screening of Part 3 will be held May 24th at the Cinefamily at 8PM. Tickets are $14. So, if you live in or near the Los Angelas area, find out more information and buy tickets by clicking on the banner below. Enjoy and have fun hanging out with Larry and Doug Benson during what I am sure will be a crazy hour and a half of fun. Thanks to Larry for letting us know about the screening!

Now this would be cool! I would love to watch this movie with Shelly. Ha Ha Too bad I am no where near LA.
You guys should check out Doug Benson’s podcast “I Love Movies” Larry was on the show a few months ago and it was pretty funny.
Yea, DIrty, we actually had a blog about that when he was on the show. Larry even stopped by for a moment to say hi!
I see no mention of 3D, plus the theater is advertised as silent, so we’re talking about a 2D showing with only the live commentary for audio? (Not that hearing live commentary from Shelly wouldn’t be cool. Same for the chance to meet him.) Have always wanted to see Part 3 on the big screen, in all of it’s true 3D glory.
That trailer us fucking brilliant!
They have silent Wednesdays for silent films at the theater, but I did not see anywhere mentioned on the website that Part 3 would be silent. I am sure there will be audio.
The screening will unfortunately not be in 3-D, but it will have sound (although we will be talking during the movie). Without the disco soundtrack, what would be the point?
Hey Larry,
And I agree, it would not be the same without a little disco action!
Thanks for stopping by and letting us know!
I like the modernized trailer, pretty cool.
Thanks for the information. Perhaps I will make the drive to L.A. And I’ll bring my disco pants!
I have to agree with joeycypher, its a f***ing brilliant trailer
Just bought my tix haha! this is going to be so much fun.
The theater has been retrofitted for sound. Everything except the facade is modern. Otherwise, it maintains the art deco architecture from the 20s/30s.
I will go to this. I want to personally apologize to Larry for making up that stupid radio commentary that got me banned from this website a few months ago…in all honesty, I think he was one of the few people in the series that really knew how to act.
Los Angeles, what a shock.