Danielle Harris Interviews Kane Hodder
I know that this has been out on the net a few weeks, but I still thought I should add it here. Danielle Harris of Halloween fame interviewed Kane Hodder on the set the web series Fear Clinic. It’s an entertaining interview with a lot of questions that Kane is not use to getting from the fans. Check it out below.

Posted by jasonsfury
Danielle Harris is yummy!
Nice interview, Kane Hodder can just look right into the camera and you can “see” Jason ! I appreciate the tip on slapping a cop although im not sure if im going to try it myself anytime soon.
Oh and Danielle Harris is looking FINE ! Although she should stay away from any more of Rob Zombie’s “Halloween” installments cause those kind of movies can ruin a career !
Wow. A guy who listens to side projects by members of Insane Clown Posse, can also qualify for MENSA. That alone is worthy of a news headline!
I saw Danielle Harris at last years horror hound. She is very short. Like 5ft1? Despite that she is also very beautiful.
Danielle Harris is a lovely young lady. Got the chance to meet her years ago and couldn’t have been nicer.
Very cool. I suppose she’ll be doing interviews and such like this often since she’s going to be opening her own horror website soon. Here is my interview with her from a few weeks ago where she talks about opening her own horror site
god i love her.
my girlfriend’s really into her too.
if only…..
Got my tickets to friday the 30th reunion! Can’t wait
i would love to you know what , short chicks rule
I remember meeting Danielle Harris at a Horror convention a few years back. I met her around the time the Halloween remake was hitting theaters, and since I wrote movie reviews for my school paper, she let me interview her about the film. My teacher (a big horror fan) thought that was awesome.
i met her to and shes cool i meet kane at the same convention in orlando fl, along with robert gunner doug betsy zombie 1 and some ppl from friday 3 , mainly shelly, and the original creature from the blacklagoon,nice time i had.what the shit is mensa?
Im gay and I think Danielle Harris Is One Of the Prettiest Woman In Horror
Also I Love Kane Hodder (Not in a Gay Way
I never liked Kane Hodder, he just seemed ultimately lame and plus he played my least favorite Jasons.
I’ve had a major crush on Danielle Harris since I was a child!!! She’s so fuckin hot it’s beyond words… How she’s not a bigger star is beyond me, and I think Zombie screwed up when he didn’t cast her as the lead in the new Halloween movies.
Still loved every scene she was in… She’s so hot…
Did I mention she’s hot? heh
I liked Part 7. All of the ones that came after that, not so much.