Friday Conversation: What You Would Like In A Retrospective
In lieu of the announcement that David Grove will be creating a comprehensive retrospective on the original 1980 film, Friday the 13th, we thought we would find out what our visitor’s thoughts were on what they would like to see in this type of book. There is so much that can be included in retrospectives. What type of information would you most like to see about Friday the 13th 1980?
Obvisouly, interviews with cast and crew are must haves. Anecdotal stories about behind the scenes issues are always juicy morsels for every fan to chew on. Probably the biggest contribution to a retrospective are the images of the crew working behind the scenes. These inclusions are what fans yearn for to better understand why they like their cherished movies so much. Outside of these offerings, what else would be a welcomed addition to a retrospective?
If you had a choice, what sequel would you like to see a book soley based on with respect to a specific Friday the 13th film?

I would like to hear from the unsung heroes behind the scenes, especially from the first film. How difficult must it have been filming a movie without proper lighting? What kind of tricks did they have to figure out to achieve lighting, mood, etc? I’d like to see a book go this in-depth.
“If you had a choice, what sequel would you like to see a book soley based on with respect to a specific Friday the 13th film?”
New Blood by far. We know what went on but a deeper probe into that troubled production would be a great read.
A New Beginning would be intersting to read more about. I wonder what everyone’s reaction was to the fallout from this movie not being a Jason Voorhees film.
I would love to see a book on A New Beginning. It is still the most mysterious shoot of all of the films in the series.
I would like to see more on pt. 3 and The New Blood.
I would definately love a retrospective book of The Final Chapter, because obviously its my favorite.
But as for the part 1 book, I would expect it to be as informative as the Crystal Lake Memories book. Interviews with cast and crew obviously. Behind the scenes pics, as well as pics from the movie. Articles from magazines and newspapers from 1980. Posters, bloopers, facts We may not know about the movie. And maybe a where are They now section for the cast and crew. Just basically everything there is to know about one of the greatest horror classics in history. Im really looking forward to this book.
recent photos of actors and locations
I’d pay a pricey sum for a book on just JASON X, which has some of the most interesting behind-the-scenes professional conflicts.
Definitely a book on Part 3, I would pay big bucks if it included \now & then\ photos, where are they now, etc, along with pics from the set, filming, etc.
How about more from Victor Miller? I mean, the guy pretty much imagined Friday the 13th and created Josh (better known as Jason). I’m assuming there wasn’t much going for it in the initial scriptwriting, but by the end, there was definately a supernatural element. Other than that, just the usual cast/crew interviews, behind the scenes pics, etc… There’s really not much more you can do with that, but having a book solely dedicated to the first movie sounds really interesting.
Part 3D! With 3D images enclosed
I would really like to see more and read about that alternate ending. Hearing an accurate origin of the hockey mask would be great too. Part 3 really got me into Friday the 13th movies. True 80s nostalgia.
I’d like to have more info about the music that Manfredini did, including the song heard in Sandy’s Diner…more personal details about what happened after the movie came out, maybe a bunch of interviews of other actors, and how they experienced this movie, being a low-budget production and de-throwning Empire strikes back.
For my choice of another Friday movie being captured into a book, I’d love to see more info about part 5, and X.
I’d like to see: location photos, then and now; a day-by-day account of what was filmed; deleted scenes from the script (if they were filmed or not); in depth look at the special effect scenes; a copy of the script as an extra; memorials to deceased actors, a fold-out poster, alternate poster art…
i’d really like the book to be as in depth as JW Rinzler’s Making Of Star Wars coffee table books.
I would like to see a retrospective book on each individual movie of the series. Would love to see them all done in the vain of Crystal Lake Memories
I second the motion for a Final Chapter retrospective. Would love in-depth details about its production. It is by far my favorite entry of the series.
For part 1 I hope to see….in wishful thinking of course….some comments from Kevin Bacon. You think he could spare a few minutes of his time for just a few questions. Anyways if I could have just one book dedicated to any other Friday the 13th movie it would be part 3. Cause it was the very first Friday the 13th I’ve ever seen. The one that introduced me to the character of Jason.