Friday Soundtrack On iTunes and Amazon
I know a lot of you do not like the soundtrack, but for those who care it is available at iTunes and Amazon. Two things make me mad about the release. One, there is only one track for Jablonsky’s score. Two, you have to buy the whole CD. You can’t even buy the one track. I’m hoping they release the entire Jablonsky score for purchase at some point as I actually liked it. I can do without the songs on the CD.

Yeah, it’s a real buzzkill that only one Jablonsky track was included, and you can’t buy just it. Like you, I enjoyed the score and would only purchase track 13 if iTunes would allow me!
Is it available in all good record stores also?
Same here. I was ready to buy the Jablonsky track, but i’m not buying the whole album just for that.
i looked on best but couldnt find it..
i think right now its only on itunes & amazon..
believe it or not I like a lot of the songs on the soundtrack, I just ordered it….
The Jablonsky stuff was good, no Manfredini but good, Im wondering if they’ll release a score with all of Jablonsky’s stuff?
This music doesn’t agree with me, but I was surprised with Jablonsky’s score. I really don’t like Manfredini’s last for Jason X, and only after having bought it did I realize I didn’t actually like Revell for Freddy vs. Jason either. Jablonsky’s was more subtle in some ways, that’s good. It never stuck out as bad at any moment.
Itunes never ceases to amaze me with their evilness.
I purchased the album last year, since it is very hard to find the soundtracks for these movies..I like the most part of the songs, especially My Favorite Book and Shuve it from’s a soundtrack from the movie..maybe not the entire score, but the songs do appear in the movie…There is actually a complete score album by Jablonsky, but I can’t find it on amazon or ebay…I searched at the soundtrackcollector website and it does exissed.
But to be honest..Manfredini’s first five scores are my favorites…