Friday the 13th part 3 3D: Deluxe Edition Reviewed!
Ever since the early days in which movies could be bought or rented to enjoy in the comfort of our own home, fans have longed for an easy way to take home Friday the 13th part 3 and watch it the way it was meant to be seen; In 3D. Numerous attempts at bootleg versions have popped up since the days of the internet first began. Some were better than others. But none were the best of quality. So imagine the excitment of Friday the 13th fans everywhere when the word hits the net that finally, after all these years, February the 3rd, 2025 would be the day that Paramount would be releasing Friday the 13th part 3 in 3D! Jason would be jumping right out of your television, and practically standing in your living room! Not only would it be in 3D, it would be in the form of Deluxe Edition!
Was it worth the wait? It’s all a matter of preference. For one, the 2D version of the movie looks absolutely fantastic. It’s the best transfer to date and like the new releases for Friday 1 and Friday 2, it is Mastered in High definition with a new 5.1 surround mix. It really does look good.
How’s the 3D? The 3D that we are presented with is the traditional blue and red 3D. The disc comes 2 pairs of nice looking 3D glasses. They are white based on the front, with the iconic red triangle and blood stains. The sides of the glasses are black with “Friday the 13th 3D” logos on each side with blood splatters. I actually have to admire the fact that we got some gimmicked glasses since I was expecting some cut and dry 3D glasses. So what about the quality of the 3D presentation? In all honesty, it just depends on what kind of television you are viewing the movie on. I tried it out on a few TV sets. If your primary choice for viewing movies is your computer, stay away. I tried out the film on both my desktop PC monitor as well as my laptop and it just doesn’t work. There are small glimpses of 3D goodness. But it’s not worth it. I then tried it on a 27 inch flat screen standard def TV. It was better than the computer. But I still wouldn’t recommend giving it a shot. It wasn’t until I popped the film into a DVD player attached to a 42′ inch flat panel HDTV that I was actually impressed. Though it wasn’t perfect by any means, the 3D on the larger flat TV worked as well as it probably ever will on a home format. You’ll find yourself noticing things that you probably wouldn’t have even noticed. One scene that actually made me kind of jerk my head is a simple one and something I had never even noticed. When Harold is walking around in the beginning of the movie a moth flies by the screen. Yes…a moth. And I had to rewind the disc to make sure there wasn’t a moth in the room. The 3D works great on still objects. I feel a lot of people may be let down by the kills in 3D though. While they aren’t bad, the 3D does seem quite blurry when it comes to moving objects. But it was still cool to see the spear gun and the eyeball popping scenes in 3D as it’s not unbearably bad. Let’s move onto the special features shall we!?
What’s that I hear?
Why it’s our good friends The crickets of course!!
If you go into this disc expecting special features other than a 3D version of the film, you are going to be VERY disappointed unless you absolutely love the theatrical trailer. Don’t get me wrong! The trailer is awesome. But it hardly constitutes anything I would called “Deluxe Edition”! There’s nothing to see here folks. It’s a shame. We were even left with a cliffhanger on the part 2 disc in the special feature “Lost Tales from Camp Blood”. But do we get a conclusion or even another installment? Not at all. I even hear that the third feature in that series is the shortest of the 3 and would have easily fit onto this release. But it is not present. Such a shame. Unfair to the viewers, and unfair to their director Andrew Ceperley
Why…even Jason Voorhees himself wasn’t happy about the lack of special features! Just watch!
DISCLAIMER: No actual “Friday the 13th” DVD’s were harmed in the making of this film
All things aside, it’s great to finally have the best 3D version of this film available. It was fun finally seeing it in 3D for the first time. The lack of features is a definite let down. But, depending on your method of viewing, the 3D is worth checking out. Whether or not you can look around the features issue enough to warrant buying this film at full retail price is entirely up to you the consumer.
If you missed the reviews for the Friday the 13th: Uncut Deluxe Edition Blu Ray and DVD and Friday the 13th part 2: Deluxe Edition DVD click the titles below!
Come back later in the week where I will bring you some scene comparison pics between the new DVD’s and the versions of the film released in the “From Crystal Lake to Manhattan” set.

Well Tony, at least we have the DVD in 3D finally….I am happy about the Glasses too. Very cool.
Why o Why could they not at least given us one or two special festures?
I am still happy.
Oh yeah. I’m definitely happy to have it in 3D. I just need to point this out for those who crave features.
i can’t wait, i dont have an HDTV flatscreen though =(
Glad to hear it’s going to work good on my 46″ flat screen. I’m a little disappointed its the red-blue 3D method. Oh well, still excited to have it in 3d and in 5.1.
Anybody know the price of this DVD?
Not sure what they’ll run in stores, but it’s 11.99 on Not bad really
As I said before…these new editions is going to be a big dissapointment because they are never going to release the full uncut editions. Why would they anyway, then they would be losing money. So, they put this bullshit out to just keep they money flowing and the fans they can care less.
First, as always, very amusing/cool review, Tony. I loved the humor in the review, with the Crickets pic (“Why it’s our old friends, the Crickets!” was almost on the floor). Plus the short movie (starring you as Mr. Voorhees?) destroying the new Part 3 special edition.
I’m still gonna order all three of these next month, and all of the up coming F-13th special editions this year, but mostly as a complete-ist and for any new special features. And I know, shame on me, I know. *shrugs* Ah well …
They make a special edition of this and don’t even port the commentary over from the previous edition? Lame!
hehe. Yep. That’s me as Jason
You guys are too funny…This isnt some film company that started 20 years ago or something. This is Paramount, one of oldest and biggest film companies to date. They dont care about making fans of Friday the 13th happy. These guys care about oscar material films, not slasher films. I am shocked that you guys actually think that Paramount cares about horror fans. They got plenty of money and bigger films out there…
Its 3d isnt it? What did you have before this version? NOTHING!!!
Now if this film were 20 bucks I would be angry… Dont get me wrong, I would prefer a better special edition, but at least its pretty close to when I was a kid and saw it at the movie theater in 3D…Those were the good ole days…
i have a medium big size tv i think it will be good!
hey where can i buy a real mask ?? there was once a site on here where u can find 10 different masks from all the movies can one of you tell me so i can get one made thanks or post it under me
I can’t believe they used red and blue, this movie was specifically designed for clear glasses. Well, I guess the picture being remastered in Hi-Def and a 5.1 audio surround is better than nothing. Still you would think they’d at least include the special features from the box set.
if u ask me…where is the lost footage of the alternate ending?
hey shotz you can get some awesome masks at if you want to get one I could paint it for ya pretty cheap
Just hit me up at
Here’s a note on my review…this was originally going to be the pic I used for the crickets¤t=jasonycricket2.jpg
shotz10, definitely go for a Frightstuff mask. Not only are they made from the actual part 3/4 mold, you can get fantastic artists to paint them for you. Don’t be suckered into buying an easily breakable fiberglass mask!
Well, the commentary was on the previous disc so I don’t think its unreasonable to include it since they own it. Your are correct in that I don’t expect anything extravagant but recycling shouldn’t be too hard.
The glasses alone are woth getting this, but I have to think that Paramount will be releasing this on Blu-Ray in 3-D with the glasses and the extra features from the previous DVD. I just can’t bring myself to pay the money for this movie again, knowing that by Christmas time it will be on Blu-Ray in a version we all want. Great review Tony!
I’ve always wanted to see the movie in 3D so i’ll be picking this one up regardless of the lack of features. And how cool are those glasses! Like jasonsfury said, they’re worth the money alone!
I always wanted this to come out, especially because part 3 is my favorite. I’m disappointed though. I’ve seen pictures of an alternate ending and was hoping to finally watch it.
The box art too, would’ve been cooler with the picture of Jason smashing through a window with an ax.
Oh yea, shotz10…..check out
Whoever put this disc together needs to go back to 1st grade and learn about pluralization all over again. Special FEATURES generally would imply more than one feature.
I love the poster with Jason smashing through the glass. I have a 3D poster of that hanging up that I got out of horror hound magazine a few months ago. Very cool.
I’ve seen the film with the polarized, flickering glasses that you can order online, but it would have been way too expensive to include those (and they don’t work on LCD or Plasma screens, I don’t believe), not too mention too confusing to set up for most people. Seeing the color is nice, but hopefully red/blue 3-D will give me less of a headache! I’m glad that they decided to do a red/blue version of decent quality, and I’m looking forward to seeing it. I don’t see why they couldn’t have at least put all of the special features from part 3 from the box set on this disc, though.
It would of been nice if they atleast put the commentary on the 2d version from the box set im excited about the 3D but im more excited about testing my sound system with that 5.1 Its too bad The Final Chapter wasnt part of this release I can tell from the trailers there are elements from the final chapter I love all the fridays But the final chapter is the best and I also think it had the scariest Jason (in human form the undead best is of course Kane Hodder)
Well, it’s on the way, so one more for the scrap pile. Nah, I’ll watch it in 3D and have fun. I’m glad they’re at least remastered. Looking forward to the comparison pics.
Why doesn’t Paramount make a exclusive disc for Best Buy which includes extras. Same thing for the 1980 Theatrical Version of F13.
Man, I only have a 27 inch widescreen tv. Hopefully that will give me somewhat of a 3D experience. I’ve waited soooooo long for this day and they give us Blue and Red 3D? I guess it’s better than nothing but I was so hoping for the same 3D experience I had 2 weeks ago w/ My Bloody Valentine 3D.
I dont know If I’ll get this one, but I’ll most likely get part 2 since my single layer DVD has no cover anymore.
3D doesn’t appeal to me, it was a failure.
blue and red glasses, NO special features and it’s NOT uncut. that’s fucked up!
Why the hell did they use blue and red? Wasn’t this movie originally designed for clear glasses?
No the kind of clear glasses you remember from My Bloody Valentine 3-D, they were flickering LCD glasses… if you think red/blue 3-D gives you a headache…!
Theres nothing deluxe about this release..part 3 isn’t a fave of mine so I won’t be buying it, but for those that love it this dvd really lets you down.
I watched this in the theatre back when it came out. It was great but, back then the glasses were clear, I don’t know about this blue and red. I might buy this if there’s a really big improvement in picture quality. The 5.1 will be alot better than the old mono anyway.
I\’ve got the F13th box set already and I\’m going to only pick up the new deluxe edition of the uncut 1st film as there just isn\’t enough extra there to warrant me picking up parts 2 and 3. Those red/blue 3D glasses always wind up giving me a very bad headache anyway. Plus, Paramount could have put forth the effort of finding the cut gore footage for both parts 2 and 3 and done with that extra footage like what the producers of the new uncut My Bloody Valentine did.
Freakin awesome. I’ll still buy it just because of the 3D curiosity.
I have a feeling that Paramount just simply can’t find the cut footage for Parts 2 or 3. Maybe it will turn up in their vaults one day (unless it’s already been destroyed).
Tony, why didn’t you mention the fact that the title credits are NOT in 3D? Reports elsewhere indicate that the 3D doesn’t start till the titles are over. This is a major disappointment to me as those titles are one of the best 3D effects in the movie.
Paramount have really dropped the ball with this.
Hey, Tingler, where have you read that? I really hope the titles are in 3-D, but I’m still happy we’re getting 3-D on DVD! I wonder if the title effect just didn’t work in the end. Does anyone have screenshots up anywhere (I thought there was gonna be a comparison posted here this week)?
They’re talking about it on avmaniacs, Cultmovieforums & Horrordvd’s.
There are some 3D screenshots at cultmovie forums that look pretty good. It’s just too bad about the titles.
I’ve never seen a 3-D movie before. Does the blue and red distort the color? Does it make everything in the movie look either blue or red? I’m sorry if my question sounds kind of stupid, but I’ve never seen anything in 3-D.
This type of 3D, known as ‘anaglyphic’ does produce a rather muted sepia type of colour.
Not like the full color of the new ‘real-D’ clear glasses system, as used in My Bloody Valentine 3D.
Just got my copy of Parts 1-3 & the new “His Name Was Jason: 30 Years Of Friday The 13th”. The glasses are very awesome, however is there in any way of getting another pair rather then buying ANOTHER brand new DVD? There just has to be… Two pairs is better then one indeed, but I have many friends who are also fans and wanted to watch it with me. Many fans will also probably lose thier glasses or faultly wreck them because *ahem* they are very cheaply made. Getting new standard ones also doesn’t compare to the unique OFFICIAL pair that came with the DVD release. I hope I can get more pairs…
I also thought I’d bring this up as well… So are they re-releasing the rest of the films on DVD INCLUDING “Jason Goes To Hell” and “Jason X”? That would make sense to follow and would be really cool to double dip into the new features. Also, they ABSOLUTLY HAVE TO release PART VII: THE NEW BLOOD UNCUT AND RE-MASTERED since they already released the original UNCUT and part 3 in 3D, finally answering to the loyal fans this time around after all these years. If they do, I’d be beyond happy and would gladly purchase the rest of the films with or without any features. Just part 7 alone… Has to be uncut. It is called “The New Blood” for a reason -.^
Picked this up last night and watched it. The “remastered” 3D picture sucks! Thumbs down, Paramount.
Just bought the new “Friday the 13th Part 3 3-D” yesterday at Wal-Mart and I have to say that the 3-D held up a lot better than I expected.
I am a little dissapointed that it is the red/blue 3-D, but at least it does not give me a headache, and stuff actually looks like it is coming or poking out of the TV screen.
Planning on getting the new Deluxe Editions of “Friday Parts 1 & 2″ when I get my paycheck this Friday.
Now, all Paramount has to do is release Deluxe Editions of 4, 5, 6, 7, & 8…and I agree that Part 7 has to be released uncut because the damn MPAA really butchered that film!
Well, the only existing uncut footage of 7 is nowhere near good enough quality to use. An uncut 6, however, is possible.
Why am I the only one COMPLETELY DISAPPOINTED in this DVD? It looks like a VHS copy that has been watch 600 hundred times. Isn’t it supposed to be Remastered??? The 3D effects were even WORSE! Horrible! All the images were “doubling” and blurry.
Did I get a bad copy? Is this possible?
The reviewer above said that the 2D version never looked better. I think it has never looked worse! Jeez
I am a huge fan and have the previous DVD versions…..those are better!
Some one please help!
I personally loved it. Yes the 3-D was the red and blue and it is sometimes hard on the eyes but if you read Bracke’s book it was said in there that any 3-D will kind of mess with your eyes.
I found a lot of the shot to be much creepier when watched in 3-D just because you could clearly see a background and whats in front of it. Things moved on screen in a really odd way and could play tricks with your eyes.
Many of the planned 3-D effects in the movie were good like the pole holding up the clothesline, the sheets in the scene looked really good, the fruit juggling, the yo-yo, the popcorn, the rat on the plank, and the skunk shot (chuck in the cellar).
Some of the murder effects and certain others fell a little flat. The Eyeball shot was good but could have been better, the snake jumping out at Harold was not great, The speargun shot was much better than I expected. The pitchfork shots in the barn were kinda bad.
My two favorite shots were the machete split, I thought it worked really well. Also, the ending sequence when Jason get’s the axe and his hands are up, I thought it was great.
The fact that this edition has no special features and is not un-cut doesn’t make it not worth buying. Try it out and you might enjoy it.
I’m a huge FT13TH fan and I have been waiting for this since I knew the movie was shot in 3-D originally and I gotta say I’m not dissappointed.
the best way i watched it was on a sony hd tv,sony blu ray player and my tv picture setting to cinema i also put both 3d glasses on and it looked alot better
i sure hope when paramount releases parts 7 and 8 deluxe edition dvds that part 7 will hopefully be like the lionsgate my bloody valentine dvd with the gore footage inserted into film or will be able to watch it separatly anyone else think so
i really think that is the only way paramount can improve the deluxe edition of part 7 the new blood
Chris, I agree. The Deluxe or Special Edition of Part 7 really needs to be uncut. I heard or read somewhere that the director of Part 7 said he’d be willing to work on an uncut version if Paramount wants to. I’m not sure how reliable this info is, but if it’s true then I don’t see a reason for Paramount not to release it uncut.
To the people that have watched this DVD in 3-D, please let us know your opinion about the picture quality. I haven’t bought it yet and I’m still not sure. I’ve already bought the bare bones DVDs and the box set, so I really don’t want to waste money on these unless they’re really worth it. I’m not trying to be cheap, I just don’t make alot of money.
I watched this on one of our small pre-show digital projectors at the theater where I work tuesday night. It took about an hour of playing around with the color settings and the focus to get it to look right, but the 3D effect worked pretty well once we got it all set. Some of the bigger, jump-off-the-screen sorta things still looked a little blurry, but the background and basic added depth effects looked great.
I wish I could say it looked as good on my tv at home, but unfortunately that’s not the case.
After purchasing a Mitsubihi 65″ HDTV 3D ready TV in early December I pre-ordered this back in December and finally got it earlier this week. I didn’t view it until Friday night. Based on the reviews I read about it being double images, blurred pictures, and color distortions I thought it would be the same old lame release as in the past. So my expectations were not that high. I put my TV in 3D Mode with the 3D glasses option on my TV, slapped in F13th 3D in to my PS3 and from the DVD menu selected 3D version of the film. As this film starts off from where part 2 ended and as the close-up of Mrs. Voorhees head moves closer and closer the words “Friday the 13th” popped out of my television and into my living room. And then the Part 3. I couldn’t believe it!!!. I actually was viewing this movie the way it was when I saw it in the theater in 1982. This was surreal!!!! I thought I needed special equipment to view it in 3D even with a 3D ready HD television. But no I didn’t. I thought I was looking through a viewmaster from the 70’s. Images were popping and coming off of my TV screen. From the rat that was on the ledge(I felt like I could reach out and pet it.) as Etna is about to be killed to Vera getting hit with the arrow in the eye it was like I was there with them but viewing it from my living room. I guess most of the negative reviews are coming from people who don’t have 3D ready HD televisions. This is the key, you have to have a 3D ready HDTV in order for you to experience the 3D effect. You don’t need any special equipment that will cost you over 100 dollars, no internet connected PC, or special software, just the 3D glasses provided with the DVD, that’s it. Put your tv in 3D mode and enjoy theater like 3D quality from you living room. When I say theater like 3D quality I’m talking My Bloody Valentine 3D theater quality!!!. I saw MBV 3D in the theaters and this DVD version is almost neck and neck with the theater. Also to get the best effect you have to turn all the lights off. I’m still in awe of the 3D I witnessed on my TV last night. I know most of you have HDTV’s but their not 3D ready. If you decide to upgrade I highly recommend you get a Mitsubishi or a Samsung they have TV’s smaller than 65″ that are 3D ready. The only negative is there are some double images throughout the film but the effect itself far outweights this. When the Blu-Ray DVD comes out it will be a clearer version of this film from my sources. This version was well worth my money and the unexpected suprise I got. I highly recommend every F13th fan buy this DVD and when you get an HDTV make sure you it’s 3D ready.
where is lost tales of camp blood part 3 to watch online since it isn’t included on part 3 3D dvd
Even when you have the 3D glasses on, the 3D version still appears in red! A BIG rip-off!
I take that back. I just watched it again on a flat screen. Its way better on a flat screen. A classic movie and im glad the 3D version is finally out.
I bought this movie yesterday and was SOOOOO excited. I love these movies and never got to see it in 3D before. I am so DISAPPOINTED!!! The 3D was TERRIBLE, everything was blurry and out of focus. I couldn’t even make it to the parts everyone was raving about because it SUCKED so bad. I am contemplating taking it back and exchanging for something better…
the 3D isn’t that bad just needs some adjusting on my computer montitor such as a little darker and adding some color, regular tv’s don’t cut it though, as for special features, yeah it is lame, on “his name was jason” disc 2 there is a featurette called “fox comes home” where she re-visits the F13th pt.3 set
and ranch, guess anchor bay wouldn’t let paramount use/share it.
otherwise a good addition to the box set but i’m not sure if i
would re buy the special edition versions for a few seconds that never made it to the original edits.
Hell, the Superbowl was in 3d with the clear glasses, and there are some dvds in 3d that use the clear ones. There’s no reason why this shouldn’t have been clear. And the polarized versions do work on lcd and plasma tvs, you just have to change the picture setting on your dvd player from 720-p or 1080-p to 720-i or 1080-i. You just have to change it from progressive to interlaced.
not happy with the 3d effect very blury, not good at all,
There’s some sections of the film that have simply horrible 3d.. with the layers sometimes projected upwards and downwards as well as left to right. It’s my understanding that you’d have to tilt your head in specific ways to make these scenes work in 3d.
I dunno if that means I got a defective copy or not?
Immersion into the film seemed impossible because there was a blurriness to most of it. Vertical lines became a jungle sometimes, while the horizontal lines became kind of clear.
The red-filter lens itself was blurry, and there were ghost images all over the place. I wear glasses normally, and my left eye is weaker than my right. My brain is therefore apparently used to semi-ignoring information coming from that side if it doesn’t seem right, and that blurriness was making it discard the information sometimes.
The BIG gags, like the baseball bat poking into the camera didn’t work for me at all, but they did for my stepson and my girlfriend. My girlfriend’s daughter insisted (after watching it for about 15 minutes in the middle of the film) that she couldn’t see any of it.
My set-up was a standard 32″ curved-face tv.
I’m going to try and run it on my computer tonight if I have time, and use a screenshot to make adjustments to my monitor and video card settings to see if there’s a way to maximize the effect.
My copy was blurry too.
Plays much better on my computer than tv. 3-D works better on my computer screen
I’ve seen plenty of red/blue 3D video’s before and they’ve all sucked big-time. This one however, for whatever reason, really works well. I’m so happy with it. Maybe Universal could do this good a job with ‘Jaws 3′???
Let’s clear up some info.
Friday the 13th Part 3 in 3-D was shot in the polarized or “clear” 3-D format. This requires a silver screen. The Drive-in version was in 2-D, because of the lack of a silver screen.
The polarized 3-D in Part 3 was amazing, probably the best 3-D up until the modern era.
Polarized 3-D is possible at home, but only with special equipment and glasses. This equipment requires a CRT TV, and will not work on flat screen TV’s. This explains Paramount’s decision to go with anaglyphic. (Blue and Red)
The current DVD is passable, but IS NOT the best this will ever look at home. The industry will soon standardize digital 3-D at home for Blu-Ray. When this happens, we will all be able to experience Friday the 13th part 3 as it was intended.
The SuperBowl commercials were NOT in Polarized 3-D. They were in anaglyphic. (Blue and Red)
Patience my Friday friends. this $10 DVD will have to do until the technology catches up. We WILL have our Jason in Hi-Def 3-D eventually.
Everything that was just “cleared up” is bullshit. Polarized 3D working, has nothing to do with the TV being a CRT… The DVD player has to be set to interlaced instead of progressive scan. It will work on any kind of TV, and you don’t need “special equipment” for it to work. Think about it, we’re talking about technology from 1982.
Yes it does, jackass. To watch polarized 3-D, you need a video transmitter device that hooks up between your DVD and TV, and special shutter glasses. Here’s some info from Ultimate 3-D Heaven, a leading reseller of 3-D equipment for home use. (such as IMAX DVD’s)
“Please Note: CRT or “Tube” type regular televisions are highly recommended for use with the 3D Video Viewing Systems. These types of televisions refresh their image in a very consistent manner, which makes it very easy for the 3D system to synchronize to the signal. So if you have a regular television read no further and press buy it now for an amazing 3D experience”
“HDTV, Plasma, LCD, and many projection television systems refresh their image in a random manner making it so that many of these televisions are not compatible with 3D viewing systems. Basically some are compatible and most are not.”
So, because of the added expense, and the fact that many people now own flat panel TV’s. Paramount when with the anaglyphic 3-D for this DVD. It is far from perfect, but anaglyphic works everywhere, which is why it’s so commonly used for 3-D on TV.
Japan used to have Laser Disc players that had the 3-D video transmitter device built in, and you plugged the shutter glasses into the player. This was never released in the States. My hope and assumption is, that with 3-D becoming popular again, we’ll see something like this built into Blu-Ray players in the future, utilizing a digital 3-D effect which will work on flat panel HDTV’s.
Neither one of you really know what you’re talking about. First, polarized 3D is not technology from 1982. They’ve been doing it on a large scale since the 50’s. Ever hear of Creature From The Black Lagoon? House of Wax? In fact, the only pratical difference between the 50’s technology and today’s over-hyped RealD is that the latter uses digital projection instead of 35mm.
Second, you’re confusing polarized 3D (which is a theatrical process involving lenses) with field sequential 3D (which is a process used to watch 3D films on a home tv). These are two completely different things. Field sequential 3D requires LCD shutter glasses like the ones Razor sells, the converter box, and a tv and player that output in interlaced mode. Some HDTVs can do this and some can’t. Older CRT televisions do.
Japanese 3D players were not laserdiscs, they were VHD. Two totally different things.
Full-on 3D in the home is extremely unlikely, since it’s a short lived fad that’s never lasted more than a few years at a time. Think about it, the first 3D film was made in the 1920s…it’s been off and on since then and people always get tired of it quickly. The only reason it’s being pushed so hard again right now is theatre attendance is terrible and they’re desperate for any gimmick to get people back in the seats.
One last thing, to the guy that was talking about his 3D ready HDTV, that has nothing at all to do with anaglyph 3D like this dvd.
Ignorance is not bliss.
First of all, saying that the technology is from 1982 doen’t mean it was invented in 82, it just means it was around back then. Mr. Confrontation, you took that comment out of context. For someone who said “ignorance is not bliss”, you sure are showing alot of it… The point some people are trying to make is that, this movie could have been released with some form of clear 3-D technology. The term “polarized” probably came up because of people remembering that Friday Part 3 was designed in polarized 3-D for the theatrical release. I think all people care about is the DVD being in some form of quality clear 3-D. And the only types of HDTVs that don’t work with some types of 3-D are the older LCDs that have a problem with responce time, but the newer ones have a cinespeed technology that works just fine. Alot of times when people are having a problem with 3-D on HDTVs, it’s because they didn’t switch the DVD player from progressive to interlaced. The people who mentioned that in some of the comments above were just trying to be helpful, while Niles Mitchell and Mr. Confrontation were just trying to be smart ass know-it-all pricks.
I was fortunate to get to see this film in 3-D at the Byrd Theater in Richmond a few years back (shortly before they stopped their midnight movies… I was lucky, I came into school there just after they started them, and left not too long before they ended). I would have had a better experience if I was sure which was the glasses were supposed to go… see, they told us that the shiny side of the glasses should be outside. Of course, they told us this AFTER turning off the lights… very helpful.
I will say, however, that once we got past the pole early on, there was nothing too incredible… I switched the way the glasses were periodically, and was never that sure which way was the correct way. And this was sitting towards the center, in the middle, seeing it in an actual movie theater (with the old film, too… the show started about a half hour late because it took them extra time to set it up after the prior film let out).
So, comparing it to the DVD version on my 42 incher… they’re about the same. The original 3-D wasn’t that incredible, and this isn’t any better. But, I’m happy to have a home version in 3-D, even if it is using the stupid blue red glasses…
Its really bad only a few scenes look good. The rest is a headache!
I felt the 3-D was a mixed bag. I have a 27 inch flat screen and I have actually watched other 3-D films on it, so I know the system can handle it. Where this disc succeeds is the increased depth perception. It really looks as if there is a fair amount of space between something or someone in the foreground and the scenery behind them. This is especially effective during the climactic windstorm/barn fight.
Unfortunately , the producers of this DVD saw fit to replicate the experience of an 80’s 3-D film down to every last detail-including some of the major problems with the red and blue polarized process.. Where the 3-D falls short is any sequence wherin objects are tossed at the camera. While they do appear to project from the screen, most of the time the objects in question culminate in a rather noticable double image (the worst offender was the old man holding up the eyeball). In fact, the ghost image curse of red and blue 3-D is fairly constant during this one and-as always- the saturation of the 3-D colors renders the images somewhat murky.
If you’re a die hard fan who must have the film in 3-D, any 3-D, you’ll probably be satisfied. As I mentioned, the added depth actually worked quite well, so I don’t consider it a complete washout. However the ghost images and murky colors have me suggesting that if you are not that jazzed about 3-D and already own the previous 2-D release, you should skip this one.
I bought friday the 13th part 2-4 the deluxe edition and in part 3 was a dissapointment because the widescreen is different from 2 in 4 also it’s not in 3-d that’s a gimmic just to get you to buy it, i still have the vhs friday the 13th part 3 and i hope they make a fullscreen version friday the 13th on dvd.
my bad! if you look at friday 13th part 3 in 3d on the deluxe edition on a flat screen tv the 3d is solid! but the widescreen sucks! i hope they put friday the 13 part 3 in 3d in full,screen!
Probably one of the most irritating 3D releases ever (almost as irritating as the method of posting messages here). The bootlegs I have seen are better than this!
1.) Opening credits on the anaglyph release are in 2D! WTF??? The opening credits are awesome in 3D, but presented here FLAT!
2.) Left/Right eye images are HORRIBLY misaligned. This is what gives people headaches…if you look, you will see that the red channel (left eye) is often stacked on TOP of the blue channel (right eye)…they should be adjacent for 3D to work…stacked atop one another does NOTHING 3D-wise…this is an unbelievably inept release…how expensive could it be for Paramount to hire someone who knows about 3D to make sure the release was done correctly–it’s just NOT that hard! I hope they do better with a blu-ray 3D release.
“Full-on 3D in the home is extremely unlikely, since it’s a short lived fad that’s never lasted more than a few years at a time. Think about it, the first 3D film was made in the 1920s…it’s been off and on since then and people always get tired of it quickly. The only reason it’s being pushed so hard again right now is theatre attendance is terrible and they’re desperate for any gimmick to get people back in the seats.”
um, they are producing 3D televisions now and 3D blu-ray players, AND i just watched some of the masters tournament in full-color 720p hi-deff 3D on my 2025 3D-ready HDTV…3D has been a ‘fad’ for several years now (spy Kids 3D, My Bloody Valentine, Coraline, Monsters vs. Aliens, UP!, Final Destination 4, etc. etc. etc.).