In Progress “Shrine Pamela” From Dead End Hollow
This is an in-progress project from Dead End Hollow. There have been a few Pamela heads created in the past and offer another collectable from the franchise for those diehard fans. While Josh Stephenson is finishing the final touches on his Pamela head, an official name has not been chosen for the project as of yet. Keep an eye out for the finished product in the near future. Meanwhile, if you had a chance to name this, what would you call this mummified Pamela head?

Posted by jasonsfury
Very sweet!!!
Josh has done a great job so far. It looks great!
I would call it either “Mommy Head” or “Mommy Pam”.
I’d call a mummified head “Tasty” or how aboot “Palin”.
That one, I’d call “Rotten Apple Pam”.
They should make these for Easter, looks delicious. All jokes aside, nice work!
Josh just put this one on evilbay
“Palin” did cross my mind…what a horrible woman. Thanks guys, the one on eBay is just the test copy, the paint on all the rest will be somewhat lighter in tone, or per request. Email me if int’ersted.
That looks badass. Great job.
I agree with every little thing you’ve said, but such as you said at the end, I always find yourself going again to how I used to do things. It’s a never ending circle. Writing issues down is a good idea. I’ve recently beginning storing changes in each day processes in spreadsheet information, so I can use them like a test list. The only problem then is that the checklist will get too lengthy and I begin lacking bits out! Getting right into a rountine when something is modified is the perfect advice I can give.