Jason Lives: First Day Of Shooting, Dan Bradley as Jason Voorhees
Shooting commenced on Jason Lives on Monday March 10, 1986. For those that do not know, Dan Bradley played Jason Voorhees for the first week of the shoot of Jason Lives. The first day of shooting, which included Dan Bradley, was the famous paintball scene. Dan’s scenes were left intact and used for the final movie, but about a week later, Dan Bradley was let go and C.J. Graham was brought in to play Jason for the rest of the film.
Below is the Call Sheet for the first day of filming which lists the actors who are to appear in the paintballer scene as well as date and time. Notice Dan Bradley’s name as well as the shooting location for the infamous scene.

Thats freakin cool!
I never noticed the lump on Jason’s head in that scene.
Love it! Thanks for sharing your information.
i always wondered why Jason had man-boobs for that one scene only…built up from the grave i guess!
Has the exact shooting location on the call list. That’s pretty sweet.
Heh thats pretty cool.. You can see in the deleted portion of that scene that Dan Bradley was awful as Jason… he had a huge beer gut and had this sort of awkward walk. Easy to see why they got rid of him in favor of C.J.
Wow! This is awesome I have never seen one of these call sheets before! There is some real cool info there. Why is it called Aladin Sane?
Damn…there’s another actor who has played Jason in one way, or another.
Horror Guy: They use fake names for productions of notoriety, sometimes, to discourage trespassing looky-lous. And also, people tend to get sue-happy on productions they know money is behind.
I don’t know if the specific reason for the name “Aladdin Sane” is because it sounds like “A lad insane” but that might be it.
Aladdin Sane is a David Bowie reference, I believe
Yeah “Aladdin Sane” is a David bowie reference and also a play on the words ” A lad insane” thats what the director said on the friday box set that came out a few years ago. I remember when I was a kid watching this movie and wondering back then why Jason had different colored eyes.
LoL. cool. I always thought the paintball scene was cool… but I also believed it didn’t really fit into the movie. The “different” Jason is obvious to anyone paying close attention. It’s really no big deal though. Just some fun facts here! Oh yeah… thank GOODNESS Jason didn’t have that paintball splatter throughout the whole movie. That would have been… weird. Who knows though, it might have become as big as the hockey mask????? LOL
Does Dan Bradley ever do signings at conventions? I mean, if Warrington Gillette shows up at them for one scene in Friday the 13th Part 2, why wouldn’t Dan Bradley do the same???
Dan will be at the reunion in August to sign autographs.
Wow…for once there is something I didn’t know about “Friday The 13th”.
I’ve never minded the paintball scene in Jason Lives – I just hate the stupid smiley face on the tree at the end of the scene. Stupidest gag ever.
Also, I never knew the guy who played Roy (Whitney Rydbeck) was the nerd with the ventriloquist dummy on the ferris wheel in Spielberg’s 1941. Cool.
Good language are used in this blog for the everyone.Thanks for good pictures with detail statements are helpful also Wow! This is awesome I have never seen one of these call sheets before! There is some real cool info there. Why is it called Aladin Sane?
Brad – It was a clever way of saying “A Lad Insane”
I could always tell something was off with Jason in this sequence.