Jaw Dropping Part 3 ‘Hideous Looking Man’ Bust

Crash Cunningham truly is a master of perfectly replicating anything regarding Friday the 13th and Jason Voorhees. When we interviewed him last month, he revealed a great deal about his talents and what he has worked on related to the series. At the beginning of the year, he revealed a project where is was creating a lifesize Bust and mask offering from Friday the 13th part 3. The mask was designed to follow the original Stan Winston makeup for Jason that was eventually jettisoned in favor of the look we see in the film today.

Recently, Crash posted photos of his finished bust at the Night Owl forums and it looks so amazingly accurate to the film, that you would think it is a screen used prop. Check out the photos below, which also include one of Crash’s custom Part 3 hocks and shirt.

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Email questions: jason.parker@fridaythe13thfilms.com. Follow me at: www.twitter.com/jasonsfury

13 Responses to “ Jaw Dropping Part 3 ‘Hideous Looking Man’ Bust ”

  1. That is pretty much spot on. Outstanding work.

  2. That’s a museum piece right there.

  3. how much,I must have it

  4. A master piece!!!!!!!!!!!
    Blimy that looks real!!

  5. I just want the mask.

  6. excellant.

  7. Jason – you are one ugly motherfucker!

  8. Crash really knocked this out of the park!

  9. Damm, thats freakin sweet. Damm fine work crash.

  10. I am afraid to ask…but is he selling this….and for how much?

  11. for anyone interested in the HLM
    you can contact Crash here
    or here on his facebook page
    tell em SPAZ sent ya :D

  12. I have one of these, its amazing in person

    Pics do it no justice at all

  13. go take a look at Darkside Studios 2025 new line up.Brute (2010 Lineup)

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