New Forest-Slasher Tributes Bag-head Jason
I realized I’ve never shared this with the Friday The 13th audience yet so thought I’d remedy that immediately. This is the trailer to Dustin Ferguson’s Terror At Black Tree Forest, a modern slasher with some real retro sensibilities, notably its usage of the basic slasher framework. The killer was strongly inspired by “Bag-head” or “Hillbilly” Jason from Friday The 13th Part 2.
In full-disclosure I have a Producer credit on this, but if anything my minor involvement actually lessened the Friday The 13th sequel reference somewhat when I suggested elements of The Town That Dreaded Sundown (1976), an earlier movie to feature a bag-headed villain (and in itself a possible inspiration for Voor-Bag).
The flick goes out to an interested DTV distributor this coming week.

Haha. He reminds me of the little dude from Trick or Treat more than he does Hillbilly Jim-Jason.
On a side note, I totally dig ‘The Phantom killer’ from the ‘The town that dreaded sundown’. One of the coolest things was that he was a real person.
Thats cool, it has a retro look. And I like the music.
That was awesome.
That was good man.