Part 3 Store Filming Location
There has been a lot of activity lately in finding filming locations. Technology such as Google Earth has really opened up the search capabilities of the fans. It’s a lot of fun to go on the hunt to find these locations and every time something new is found I think it’s worth mentioning. I hadn’t seen the filming location for the store in Part 3 before, but daizab provided a detailed webpage that outlines his comparisons. Check out his full location finding and see what you think. Is this the place. I say yes!

That’s cool. I love Part 3. IMO it’s way too underrated, it doesn’t get the respect that it should. It’s like one of the best Horror movies ever. I love Dana and the chase scene near the end. The wind and isolated loneliness, and the ghost like atmosphere in the end, where Jason breaks through the door, then it’s some how fixed and he’s nowhere in sight. It was like Crystal Lake was haunted. That was great. Way underrated if you ask me.
Sarah, I couldn’t agree more. Part 3’s atmosphere and chase scene are the best in the series, if not the best in the entire Horror genre it’s self… Personally, Part 2 is my favorite, but 3 is a close second. It’s a crime that it’s so underrated that there’s people who only give it credit for the hockey mask. People like that must be totally blind.
parts 1-3 were the best
I’m glad to be able to help it.
But need in search of “Harold’s shop” and
“Vera’s house” is still left.
It will be full of difficulty very much……
Could be the place
Part 3 is also my favorite. i don’t necessarily think it’s underrated. It has the highest box office of the series (next to maybe part 1). Yeah people didn’t have home video back then and were forced to go to the theatres so the numbers are a little skewed. I still think it’s one of the most popular ones. I totally agree with Sarah on all points. Not sure how I felt about Mrs. Voorhees at the end popping up. Seemed too gimmicky. Love the intro with Jason creeping around the laundry while grabbing some new duds and ditching those terrible overalls.
Cool, now there is a google-earth F13-filming-location homepage … even if it´s in japanese.
Nthing the love for 3, which is also my favorite. I don’t know if it’s underrated so much as underappreciated. While it’s considered a series ‘must see’ because it marks the first appearance of the mask, it also gets an (IMO) unfair amount of criticism for relying so heavily on an ominous atmosphere, deliberately vague plot, and flawed cast. These are actually the things I like most about it, and while I can appreciate that they’re not everyone’s plate of Jason Fingers, I think Jason’s quite scary when he’s lurking in the shadows of an old abandoned building.
This is glorious! Great job, daizab. Keep them coming…
very nice! Always love to see the locations in past and present form!
Just a FYI if you have a copy of Crystal Lake Memories hang on to it. The cheapest price I have seen recently for it is $95 last week. This week the cheapest price is $120 used on Amazon! Jason sure does have a strong affect on the world doesn’t he!
i’m not sure who pointed this out, but another real cool thing about pt 3 is that the name Jason is never mentioned. I’m not even sure why that’s cool. But it is.
here are some of the coordinates I have found that aren´t on your page yet:
cemetery from Jason lives:
33°36′51.19″N 83°54′59.93″W
Filming location of Part 7 The New Blood:
30°47′53.71″N 87°53′41.57″W
I guess the houses stood at the north-west-end of the lake (or the “other” spot with the road a little to the south)
The Voorhees-house from Jason goes to hell is here (according o a call-sheet seen in the newssection of )
34°13′31.89″N 118°39′1.79″W
Friday the 13th 2025
Lost Pines Boys Scout Summer Camp in Bastrop, TX was used for some scenes
The lake to the north of the camp (Lake Bastrop) was used for the water-ski-sequence (and I guess the ending as well)
30°10′26.21″N 97°16′4.55″W
The Lake and the location of the camp from Freddy vs Jason
49°20′26.50″N 122°51′26.88″W
It’d be nice if Jason would find another clothes line in PD’s Sequel….
This whole google earth thing has rejuvenated my interest in this site by 1,000%. Stuff like this is really fun. The only drag is there isn’t street viewes available for all of the locations.
Part 4 is my favorite, 3 would be a close second. I agree with Sarah and Brooke… I think the fact that there are people who only give 3 credit for the hockey mask, does make it underrated. It has alot more going for it than just the mask. It has the best chase scene, the best atmosphere and one of the best final girls, Dana Kimmell… But I think Part 4 as a whole, is a better movie and has the best ending.
I agree with Sarah and everyone who agrees with me.
Yeah that looks like it! I mean look at the little hut-house and look across the street you can even see the 76 sign post in the same spot. I think we have a winner!
Im still holding my CLM’s cause though the 1st print sold SOOO fast I still had an early pre-order and got it long before it hit stores and I got a 2nd print session signed by author. Still wish I had paid the difference for the 7 sig one or even the Sean Cunningham one but it was so much more for one more sig I didnt do it. Figured I’d maybe hit a convention one day and get the rest.
Mr. Germaniac,
Thank you for the details of filming location.
I thank you very much.
However, a place does not seem to yet become clear a little to get those conclusive evidence…
We seem to still have need of the investigation…
Let’s do its best each other.
That’s it, no doubt.
3 does have a great chase scene.
I just didn’t like the way part 3 ended, it kind of ripped off part 1. I liked the part where Jason disappeared, and Chris going insane. Those parts were very original. Maybe if they went with the alternate ending, of the dream sequence where Jason cuts Chris’ head off, it would’ve been better. It’s still a great movie. And I agree about the chase scene, hands down, the best. Part 3 is my third fav after 2 and 4… Anyway, thanks for the info Jasonsfury. It’s always interesting to hear about filming locations. I’d love to go there someday.
that is cool it would be nice to take a trip to all the locations thats still around, i dont have a favorite f13 movie i like them all , as long as it says friday the 13th, and has jason in it i’m watching it no matter what people have to say about the series.