SPOILER ALERT! Pictures of the all new Jason Voorhees Unmasked! (MORE ADDED)
It looks like we don’t have to wait until February to see what the new viseage of Jason Voorhees will look like in the upcoming relaunch of Friday the 13th! Click below to see some spoilerific pictures of of the all new look of Jason Voorhees. I think a lot of fans will be happy to see that these pics prove that the hair is nowhere near as prolific as they may have once believed due to earlier masked pictures that surfaced. Also, it would appear that the make up is only half way applied in these photos being as though there is a obvious line around the area where the mask will go. Still fun to see regardless. Friday the 13th hits theatres Friday February 13th, 2025! Credit horrorbid.com for the images below
EDIT: Many more images added 9/29 9:30 AM!

These pictures look cool. I think this movie is going to be really good. can\’t wait.
That’s it! I am convinced that this movie is gonna be ill as hell, nothing like FvJ or the Halloween remake which were both shi+ stained garbage. I love all the rest of the friday films though even a new beginning & Jason goes goes to Hell, & even though this is a remake, I have a feeling it won’t dissapoint (or at least I pray it dosen’t) 1 thing is for sure though, it’s gonna kill at the theatres!
Very cool! Jason looks awesome. Also, as noted these aren’t completely unmasked shots but shots of Derek with the under-mask makeup + no mask.
Alright, very cool. For once, we get some cool as all Hell, pretty crystal clear images of Derek in costume.
I can’t wait. And yeah, it’ll probably open 1# at the North American box office at first, proviced there is no real competition and as always, no one listens to the usual so-so and piss-poor reviews that genre films get over here in our continant.
Once again, big thanks, first rate pics, and bring on more, baby!
Not bad… we’ll see if the movie rocks or sucks.
This movie will be number one at the box office because it is going to open on V-day weekened and what better place to take a girl on a date to than a f13 movie?
Totally awesome pics. I know I’ll be there opening night for the new movie.
I agree with DemonJason about Freddy vs. Jason. As a fan of both iconic killers, I thought neither were done justice to their powers, especially Jason.
As far as the Halloween remake, I thought it was a terrific view. You can’t beat the original, but I think the newer Michael Myers was on par with Jason and Freddy after that movie.
Waitaminute! That’s Mears own face with a little appliance that basically only covers his right eye and cheek, plus hood of course but the left face is ENTIRELY HIS OWN, that’s not what they intended to have Jason look unmasked I guess/HOPE!
I’m still not digging the jacket look. He looks like a homeless vet living in California or something. It’s too much like the Freddy vs Jason look, and that to me sucked. I’d actually just prefer the overalls look from part 2 than this outfit. From the neck up he looks good though. But that damn jacket look…
the pics look good i just hope that jason act’s the same as the rest of the films (Not Freddy vs Jason as he was to slow).
I have a good feeling about Derek Mears as Jason & the people making it, I don’t know how it could possibly be worse than the last time we saw J
Yea Adam, I liked a few things about the new Halloween like some of the kills & buff they made him, but it seemed alot of it was turned into a retarded redneck (no offense to anybody) view of Michael & his family. Rob Zombie made it look as if Michael’s family was dysfunctional & that he was surrounded by negativity which lead him to act the way he did & become a “psycopath” when originally he was supposed to start turning somewhat autistic & emotionless as if he was almost being posessed or tampered with some evil when he turned 6. He was not supposed to be in his complete sense to know what he was doing was either right or wrong, & Rob Zombie made him an ordinary human & not supernatural force somewhat like Jason.
anyways, Kane Hodder in FvJ cuz he was going to, not that it’s Ken’s fault, it was that dumb-ass toilet brain Ronny Yu’s fault. Did anyone else beside’s me want to find & rip off one of his limbs for making Jason wear his mom’s sweater & fear water? & look what he did to Chucky too… I hope you get mugged Ronny Yu
(sorry for the long post)
my bad, I meant Kane shoulda been J, I’m hi right now srry
Love the pics, was scare with the first pictures because he seems to have way too much hair. But from what we saw here, it looks great. Will definatly saw it on the first weekend !
Now bring the trailer !
There are also three new pics of Lawrence (Arlen Escarpeta) out and about..elsewhere. Click my name to check those out.
This is clearly just the prosthetics Derek had under the mask, not the full unmasked Jason-design that he was talking about. I still say it looks pretty good though, you can clearly see his jawline this time, was afraid the neck would look too bulky. And I like the jacket, makes more sense then him wearing a completely spotless (and buttoned-up) shirt. I ordered a fiberglass replica of the new hockey mask – I love how it has a classic look, and it’s well worn but not really damaged. Looks great.
Yeah, I agree with most of the people who like Jason\’s new look. I still am not sold on the jacket but it makes him seem more intimidating than that green button up. I will always like that look the best though. I also still think the under shirt is down too low in the front but its growing on me. I really like the belt and machete holder now. He looks equipped for the job. Most importantly I was worried about the blond mullet but these new pictures reveal that from the neck up Jason looks great. He has the perfect amount of hair and when the unmasking happens it\’s gonna look bad ass unlike that retarded look he had in Part 8 and Jason X. This is the best he has looked since part 4 IMHO!!!!!
Not bad. I’m hoping when we see Jason fully unmasked that he’ll look even better. I know that’s not the full look of him without the mask so I can only hope at this point for an awesome final unmasked look.
Hey demon jason, just for your information bub, the Halloween remake was great, I do think Rob Zombie did a great job at what is a new classic in horror, but yes fvsj was crap, but do not dis Halloween. The pics of jason are nothing but pictures, seeing it in film format will be a different story, yes it may look good now but when you see the movie it could be a disappointment, don’t be so quick to judge.
peace out.
I am liking this. He looks like he did around parts 2 – 4. Which is right about when this film is said to be taking place. I think this is a good indication that the filmakers are into the series and are paying attention ( homage ) to detail, at least with the look of Jason…which is a pretty important detail, no ?
Getting a bit more exited here.
He looks like the adult version of Jason from parts 1 and 4. I mean look at the bottom lip how it is deformed, it’s cool we get to see the jawline as well. I’m liking this look a lot. Hopefully the film version will be badass to see. In my opinion this is how Jason is meant to look.
Looks like it will be cool but……I wish kane was playing jason. maybe im wrong but in my opinion kane was the best jason ever. did he have a hand at all in mentoring or advise for derek.
Kane MADE jason. I,ll watch it but im just a bit disapointed already. Like when the ambulance driver acted like vorhees. thats how im feeling. lol just my rambling. Im sure derek will do a grat job!! just not like kane. OK one more thing. remember in fvj when the guy is in the fold up bed. anyone who loves this series new right at that moment something was wrong. jason would never stab over and over and over. one stab then fold in half then bam ..next scene.
this new friday the 13th will be one of the best…im sick of kane he was good for the time..but to slow..and super fake…this is the way jason is ment to be…fast and crazy…and human again yessss !! killkillkill
Sick of Kane???? he was perfect!! jason isnt fast and crazy. jason is a mentally retarded deformed boy who is not evil but fueled by revenge for the death of his mother. freddy is crazy. jason is calm and collected and as far as fake…. he has been killed like 50 times, i dont expect human , i expect jason.
jason is kane hodder and vice versa. ask everyone who truley loves jason. I do see what your saying a little because part 2 he actually ran. however, he has developed into something else. something calm, powerful and merciless. thats the jason I love.
These are our opinions and i can see your point a bit. I just like that what kane hodder has made this character is different then crazy , fast , and any other horror film freak of our time.
but this is the only horror series im really into so im a bit passionate.lol
chris wrote: “Sick of Kane???? he was perfect!! jason isnt fast and crazy. i dont expect human , i expect jason.
jason is kane hodder and vice versa. ask everyone who truley loves jason.”
Oh no. Not this again. The Kane argument is beating a dead horse. People have gone back and forth in the subject for far too long! LOL. Kane was good for what they were doing with Jason at the time (slow…powerful…undead) but this is back to basics. Back to the series roots. Back to Jason being human. Sorry you don’t expect human but he was human until part 6. Jason was “fast and crazy” in the beginning and not slow. The series was supposed to end at part 4 and Jason ran in those early movies. Since this reboot is paying respect to parts 2, 3 and 4 and uses elements from all three, its only fitting that this is the root they are taking with Jason. Kane’s Jason would not be right for this movie.
That’s what i’m sayin’, Jason is supposed to have some hair cuz they want his look from part 2, obviously most of you guys heard he’s gonna have the sack on for a while before he find’s his trademark mask & that it’s not gonna be the same way in part 3 how he jacked it from shelly. Jason was deformed but not mentally retarded like DAARRR! & it was definately revenge that fueled his rage wo eventually make him pure evil, nothing like Freddy who knew all along what he was doing was wrong & corrupt.
Real Fans know, Kane Hodder was & always will be the #1 Jason hands down so Fu<k the haters who don’t know what they’re talkin’ about. He walked slow because he was a fully zombified corpse who didn’t need to run to hunt down & chop your bi+ch ass up, he had become a unstoppable force.
& for JediMaster… ok man, everyone is entitled to thier own opinion & I won’t argue with you cept to say Rob Zombie’s Michael ain’t got shi+ on the original Michael who took 2 shots in the eyes with a 357 & didn’t die, but if you like Rob’s style of turning every movie he makes into inbred horror that’s cool, I liked The Devil’s Rejects but, I felt like he totally shat on the origin story about michael being more than just a psycho. Maybe it’s just me but, having danielle harris’ character (who was supposed to die) running around naked & not get killed was dumb, just like the part where Michael takes Laurie to his basement, takes off his mask & bows his head like some fu<kin’ emo trying to suck himself was so retarded to me. Anyways, tell Obi-Wan I said Hi
& I agree that maybe Kane may not have been best suited for a potrayal of human Jason, but I don’t know for sure
Ok im starting to see the point. the first movies that jason appeared in he did run and was more human. its funny cause in part 2 anyone could have thrown down with him. they would have lost of course but he was more vulnerable. if this remake is going back to basics then i can see the change. but DARNET kane can run too.lmao!! i just love what kane did with him. now on the rob zombie subject. his remake of halloween was great in its own respect. however, the whole mike meyers being from a drug and alcohol addicted white trash family was way out from the original. i loved the original and i loved the remake . but to me they were 2 different movies. I would NOT want to see him do the same with jason. I would probably picket outside the studios. lol
but in with all do respect robs work is awesome. I will go see the the remake of friday the 13th. i love all these movies. But I sincerely hope kane will have a lil influence on derek. ken sure as sh$# didnt get none.
hey has everyone seen the trailor? im diggin it. its a lil out of focus but check it out.
Kane Hodder is what defined the inhuman unstoppable Jason. He brought out the indestructibility in him in the later films. I agree Kane is devoted to Jason. I agree with the fact that Kane wouldn’t be suited for this since the people who made the movie were looking for a leaner Jason, and they happened to pick the right choice with Derek Mears. We can only wait until February 13th to see how this film will play out, but I do not see it as a disappointment. I see this film delivering sheer brutality. I cannot wait for this movie to come out.
I hope they keep the story the same, just expand on it alot more like where his dad was, what was he like as a kid, how exactly he drowned (I doubt counsellors were buckin’ in broad daylight on a cabin in front of kids) & when did he resurface on land to start living off creatures in the woods, stuff like that. Though they probobly won’t show any of that stuff
No doubt now it’s gonna be the greatest remake of a cult movie ever made. Hope nobody’s gonna leak the end or something like that on the internet before it comes out!
I’m curious about the bus that Jaosn’s on top of. I guess he caused that bus to flip? Kind of reminds of pt.6 when he caused the RV to flip (one of my fav scenes BTW in a F13th flic, especially the aftermath shot of Jason standing on top of it while it’s in flames!). One can only guess until 2/13/09!
It looks like a wrecked old style school bus that has been in the woods for a long time exposed to the elements. My first thought was that is was a school bus used to deliver kids to the camp when it was still open. I’m not sure what Jason is doing there but I’m looking forward to finding out.
“hey has everyone seen the trailor? im diggin it. its a lil out of focus but check it out.
Yeah pretty much all the regulars on this site have seen that blurry teaser trailer Comic Con footage. The official version of that trailer or a full trailer will be released later this month online and will also be attached to Saw 5.
For those who didn’t read above, the shots of Jason/Derek without the hockey mask on are not showing what Jason will look like if the final version of the film shows an unmasking. It’s just Derek wearing the hood, prosthetic eye and makeup used when the mask is on.
As far as Kane Hodder having any influence on this movie I would have to say no. He has not been involved with a Friday the 13th/Jason related movie since the nightmare that was Jason X. Unless Derek (who is a huge Jason fan) adds something Kane would have done in there for those die hard Kane fans expect a new fresh take on the character. He is human again. He’s fast and smart. He was never mentally retarded. Derek has been quoted as saying he has so much misplaced anger and actually sets traps for his victims. As far as his look Derek said they took elements from parts 2, 3 and 4 and told fans that most people will be pleased. Judging by the pictures I’d say he was right.
He is right. As far as Kane goes, he is my favorite to have played Jason and that could change come 2/13/09. I would like to see Kane try to play a more human Jason, whos to say he couldn’t do it? Aside from that, I’m giving Derek a chance here and I think he’s gonna deliver big time! I think we’re going to see a whole different Jason this time around that is going to please all the hardcore F13th franchise fans and just fans in general. You can just sense it from all these photos and the comicon trailer as well (regadless of the shitty quality of the vid).
I think Kane Hodder was to muscular for the part, Jason was made out to be a supernatural freak and that is why the Friday franchise went to shit, Sean Cunningham ( the original director) says the same thing, Jason is made in to a goof and people who have made sequels after part four has ruined the character, I agree with Mr. Cunningham, Jason was no longer the scarey person when other film makers basically ruined how Jason should be, and with this “remake” or ” reimagining” will hopefully make Jason scarey again like in part 3 and 4, and like Michael Myers in the new Halloween. Kane Hodder sucked as Jason, Richarxd Brooker did an awesome job as Jason in part 3 and who ever played Jason in 4, after that, it is someone who thought they could play the role and really could not.
JediMaster, part 4 was Ted White. 3 & 4 were easily my favorites, and still the one’s I watch every Friday the 13th. Those Jason’s were the best in every way. This new movie is a god send for us fans, there is no telling which way it will go until opening day. One things for sure though, Jason is back, and that’s all that matters!
Go watch some fu<kin’ Star Wars, Jason was insane in all of em cept FvJ. If Sean Cunningham feels that way he should thank himself & for tree huggin’ hippies like you who get scared by the new Michael cuz you soft as cotton. I agree Warrington Gillette, Richard Brooker, Ted White & C.J Graham all did awsome jobs, but Kane Hodder is the one & only Zombie Jason, so go eat chewbaccas furry di<k.
It’s SW geeks like you who have the most retarded point of view on things cuz your brain is in a galaxy far far away, go get your head in check gooftroop!
I know I’m throwin’ some harsh words but fu<k all the Kane haters & let em bleed slow
geez, sorry i got it started.lol I just feel like kane set him aside from other horror villians. im a kane fan and always will be. all the ones before him did a great job for the type of jason those films called for. kane did his thing and made him what he needed to be for these more current films. im sure derek will be awesome for the film they are making. i hope kane isnt to old when they need unstoppable killing machine that was reserection jason.lol i dont care for the term zombie jason.lmao
I also hope that they dont lose site in this new film that jason really isnt evil. to me that is another thing that sets him apart. LIke maniac cop. why didnt that go anywhere???? lol
very nice Jason looks cool you can kind of figure out what he is going to look like he looks kind of the Jason from part 4 and the one from part 2,and by the way Kane Hodder is alright but the actor from part 4 and part 3 where kind of better for me personally.
who’s maniac cop?
never mind, I just found out it’s like one of those 80’s horror movies which aren’t that well known, but theres actually over 100 of horror films which aren’t noticed like the puppet master. That’s jokes how Maniac Cop had 2 sequels, are they any good? & why are you apoligizing when you didn’t start anything, it was JediHomo who started talkin’ shi+ bout Kane
srry if I offended any tinki winkies i meant JediHobo… JediHobo… a Hobo Jedi
What can i say… I’m hyped and excited to see Jason in action again. A new generation of Friday the 13th films and it’s shaping up to be pretty promising. I loved every single F13 film and thats why I’m here, I just hope they really catch that campy atmosphere from the first few films with a lil bit of next gen action.
i agree. part of what made them scary was the whole oldschool kids camp thing. bringing up to date is awesome as long as they stay true to the character.
Looking good. I’m still not liking the t-shirt and jacket thing though. Picture Freddy coming at you with a t-shirt. Regardless, I’m more hyped to see this movie than any other movie in recent memory! Even though we’ve had Jason X and Freddy vs Jason it just somehow doesn’t feel like Jason has returned….until now!
Yea, but Freddy always had the same fedora hat, red & green striped shirt & razor gloves in every movie but Jason always seems to change his attire. I liked jason with the regular button up forest green or navy blue shirt, but it’s just one of them thing you’re just gonna have to accept I guess. That reminds me though, I hope they have J use a whole arsenal of different weapons like a hack saw, meat cleaver & maybe even his bare hands
” I liked jason with the regular button up forest green or navy blue shirt, but it’s just one of them thing you’re just gonna have to accept I guess. That reminds me though, I hope they have J use a whole arsenal of different weapons like a hack saw, meat cleaver & maybe even his bare hands”
So true. The long sleeve olive dress shirt, buttoned up but left untocked, alive with kahaki trousers, made him in parts 3 and 4. Looked oddly menacing, and especially good, with the fiber glasws hockey mask. I mean the freshly cleaned, off Edna’s clothesline outfit truely fitted the almighty Jason.
Also, indeed: Please, film makers, I know it’s a bit iconic and it’s the weapon most associated with him, but please, don’t just glue that machete to his hand the whole damn film. Please have some variety. the first 8 films always had that in the Cashamount cannon, and I’m just honestly sick to death of seeing the machete kills, myself.
I’m glad someone wants to see some variety with spears, harpoon guns, nail guns, meat cleavers, hacksaw, scalpel, axe or hatchet, chainsaws (I once heard someone say it would ‘discredit him’, but I disagree, and I LOVE me some chainsaw killin’), butcher knive, barbed wire, large knitting needle, garden trowl, the claw of a hammer, broken bottles, arrows, icepick, ect.
C’mon film makers! Please just get the boxset and re-watch the original films for some weaponary ideas! There are practically TONS of inventive and possible classic kill sequences that your missing in view of wanting to get in as many machete kills in there. And yeah, his bare hands ain’t a bad idea at all. I loved his classicly cheesy squeezing of Paul’s eyeballs right out of his sockets in Part 3, and the like. Hell, his man-handling of that lovely Canadian actress (I forget her name) in the other wise super-shit (sorry to all 14 of it’s fans) Jason X for the liquid nitrogen frozen head kill was the highlight of other wise a totally un-original and boring/generic kill filled mis-begotten Mr. Voorhees adventure.
Great post, once again.
Wicked post Captain Brandon, you done named about every weapon/object Jason has used so props for that man. I’m also glad someone feels the same way bout this, you just pretty much laid it all down for em killa, I also wouldn’t mind seeing Jason use a chainsaw cuz he’s never used it yet, & who cares that it’s leatherfaces trademark killing tool, Jason would own it.
btw, have you ever seen this ad, it’s kinda dumb as hell but funny: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FDk2gXI8QxQ&feature=related
I have continued high expectations for this flic regardless. Although I do still have a little bit of worrying as well. Here’s my reason: I was watching Rob Zombie’s Halloween and while it was a good flic, my only real complaint is that he kind of made Michael Myers less scary with the whole back story of how he became to be the murderer we all know and love. That’s part of what made that character so scary to begin with. We didn’t really know anything about Myers in the original as far as why he began killing. The unkown is always scarier. After Zombie’s take we are kind of sympathizing w/ Myers instead of fearing him. They did the same thing w/ Darth Vader (yeah I know different kind of movie but it fits into my point of this catagory) too if you think about it. While we don’t really know if they’re going to do that with Jason (hope not)I still get a little concerned because they are using the back story for F13th. I know Rob Zombie or George Lucus (references from the previously mentioned films) are not directing here but who knows what we’ll get. Nevertheless, I remain positive w/ a small portion preparing for disappointment just in case only because I thought Halloween was going to completely kick ass and deliver without any shread of disappointment. Hopefully everyone involved in the new F13th took notes from the other remakes that were not as successful as they should have been. Again, it’s my opinion on a concern and I’m still optimistic about it.
I’m really liking what I see thus far. I really feel like this is going to be a really great movie, and that’s just what Jason deserves. [=
This is gonna be ill
I wish I could change my avatar, o well… fu<k it
I know this has nothing to do with Jason, but it’s for those who admire fine ass chicks
“Wicked post Captain Brandon, you done named about every weapon/object Jason has used so props for that man. I’m also glad someone feels the same way bout this, you just pretty much laid it all down for em killa, I also wouldn’t mind seeing Jason use a chainsaw cuz he’s never used it yet, & who cares that it’s leatherfaces trademark killing tool, Jason would own it.”
Whoa, big thanks once again, Demon Jason. Really bro.
And yeah, I pretty much feel exactly the same way: I wanna see the film makers take that damn trademark machete out of his hand for at least most of one instalment untill the final reel, as I’m plum tired of seeing it dominate the last few boring film’s kills. There is an entire arsonal of weapons, as well as plenty of others that haven’t been used in his almighty hands just yet, and the film makers act as if there all out of ideas. My draw litterally almost hit the floor when, after first thumbing through my copy of Crystal Lake Memories, I saw a large quote from Jason X scripter Todd Farmer that read to the effect that “What can you come up with kill scene wise that hasn’t already been done? Jason’s killed in SO many ways!”. Eh, true, but there are PLENTY of inventive killing sequences a really good writer chould think of–your just too much of a hack.
Ah well; at least he admits in the book that putting Jason in outer space was a just plain stupid idea.
Gotta agree there as well: Someone very badly need’s to but a well oiled chainsaw in Mr. Voorhees hands one of these days! It’s used in the popular spoofy imagery of the character al of the time, and it’s about time. I feel the lame-o and overrated Bushmaster 2025 killing of Dr. Crews in the dullard Part VII, even, was just a small taste of his work with power tools. The Jason Voorhees character is just *begging* for an out-of-nowhere truely horrifying chainsaw attack sequenece.
Haha, that was an amusing Spanish language Direct-TV ad. Much gracias! Indeed it was incredibly silly & even kinda dumb, though. gotta agree with some posters that Darth Vader isn’t a horror icon like the Universal owned Mummy or the many Slasher Icons, so he shouldn’t really be there. I wonder how they got the rights to use all of those characters? Interesting.
This is nothing similar to the othe Friday films. Jason running after his victims, kicks ass. And these images of Jason, are great. All this and a decent cast, should prove to be one of the most profitable Friday films ever. Cannot wait !!!!!
ok but dont hills have eyes US with this movie..hes not a fukin hillbilly…stik to JASON story n thats it,,cuz already see a dam trailer home in the pics..please dont ok..jus cuz its white trashy n hillbilly shit dont make it scary,,cuz i know platinum dunes n what they mite be thinkin…jason looks cool…hair is still gayer then ever but whatever..
Hey Chris, here we go again, it\’s cool that you like Kane so much but to say he\’s the best… no way. First he was a zombie, so why does he have to stick out his chest and breath real heavy? ZOMBIES DO NOT BREATH!! They\’re DEAD, no breathing!! and another thing, it was NEVER proven that he was retarded. He runs and he is fast in part 2, 3, and 4. Kane is no longer Jason, thank God, so people have to get over it. No ofence bro but come on. Brooker all the way!! Brooker, in my opinion, created the movment\’s of Jason. He didn\’t realy move like that in part 2. I mean he kind of did but not realy.
Hey Chris, here we go again, it’s cool that you like Kane so much but to say he’s the best… no way. First of all he was a zombie, so why does he have to stick out his chest and breath real heavy? ZOMBIES DO NOT BREATH!! They’re DEAD, no breathing!! And another thing, it was NEVER proven that he was retarded. He runs and he is fast in part 2, 3, and 4. Kane is no longer Jason, thank God, so people have to get over it. No ofence bro but come on. Brooker all the way!! Brooker, in my opinion, created the movment’s of Jason that we all know and love. He didn’t realy move like that in part 2. I mean he kind of did but not realy.
I have to agree. I have nothing wrong with Mr. Hodder personally, but I quite simply, as a huge Jason Voorhees/Friday the 13th films fanatic (especially of the first five), simply don’t get all of the fan boy love & gush over him. Steve Dash, Ted White and of course Mr. Richard Brooker, was almost 10 times the Jason Kane was. If the outrageous and hugely popular John Carl Beuchler created Jason suite wasn’t made for Part VII and Kane wasn’t cast as well in Part VIII, then I doubt he would be discussed anymore then C.J. Graham or Mr. Tom Morga or anyone else would be, ect.
Just my own two cents. And yes it’s fine (and frightening) that Jason runs, as SplitSkull noted, he does in Parts 2, 3 and 5.
“Just my own two cents. And yes it’s fine (and frightening) that Jason runs, as SplitSkull noted, he does in Parts 2, 3 and 5.”
And 4!!!!!
Speaking of part 4 the only part that bothers me is when Rob is getting attacked by Jason in the basement and he keeps yelling “Oh God he’s killing me….he’s killing me” over and over again. But yeah he did run in 4 as well. He ran into the house and up the steps after Tommy and his yummy sister
Jason didn’t run in part 4 though, Tommy just kept seeing him for some reason, I think you meant Roy who may have ran a little bit.. I think
Uuum yeah Jason did run in part 4. Go watch it again and see for yourself. After he gets up from having the TV smashed on his head he runs and chases Trish down the steps and runs after her outside to the other house where he then runs up the stairs after her. Then she jumps out the window.
Yes J Miggidy is correct.
Parts 2, 3, 4 and 5 are my favorites for various reasons, and he does run after Trish when she leaves the house for the second time (this time without poor Rob). Hope I helped.
O shit, My bad im sorry, I was ripped as hell off them purple trees man. LOL! You’re right I thought you meant a new beginning. That w33d was fu<kin wit me bad.
Real sorry again man (gotta stop comin on here hiiiiiggh)
LOL @ people complaining that the new Jason is deformed. There wouldn’t be a hockey mask or Jason if he wasn\’t deformed. Anyways I like the new look and as you can tell since there are so many different looks in all of these pictures, you can tell that this won\’t be the final, unmasked look. You guys have any idea how much money that would cost, to constantly put on the final makeup everyday when he might only be shown unmasked in one scene? However I\’m stoked to see the trailer coming out this month let alone the whole movie. Most horror movie remakes have been terrible, I have faith in this one.
Hey J.Miggidy, I LOVE how Rob was saying , “He’s killing me”. I thought that was prety disterbing. And I love when he coreners Trish in the hallway and he taunts her right before running after her as she jumps through the window. One of the creepiest parts IMOP is when Trish is standing in the living room when she finds out that Tommy is still in the house and Jason slowly creeps up to the front doorway and she hears him.
BTW, might I add a few things. I wonder if he’s going to have the overalls and woven shirt when he has the sack over his head. No offense to the makers of this movie, but I don’t think the jacket and t-shirt goes well with the potato sack. If they use it then I guess I’ll just have to accept it. Another thing, if this movie is covering the events of the first four movies, then I wonder if they’re going to have the people be killed off on different days. For instance (spoiler) they mentioned the opening sequence being that a group of people, including, Whitney and Mike, would be at a campfire and stumble upon Jason by entering his house, and the rest of the group gets killed off. They also mentioned that a group would be staying at Trent’s (Travis Van Winkle) cabin. They also mentioned that there’s a role of a clerk, could this be like the beginning of part 3 were Jason kills the storeowners and gets new clothes. Another thing (spoiler) is Donnie (Kyle Davis) going to be like Shelley from Part 3 since they revealed that he is the owner of the Hockey mask?
P.S. For those that have watched the trailer, who’s the actor that Jason jumps through a window and grabs?
kane had 1 good move part 7 the rest sucked donkey balls jason goes to a city,jason a body jumping demon,and jason in space what hell.yes ill agree he did help developed the character but his movies sucked everybody sticking up for is just saying u like shitty jason movies
Personally, I like the Jason from Part 6 the best.
In a way, I wish they had the same guy that played in each of them.
I mean, you can’t do Nightmare on Elm Street without Robert Englund.
I guess I should be glad that Jason doesn’t talk, or it would have really ruined it.
I think as far as the “Jason-Look-O-Meter” goes from best to worst:
Of course I’m leaving out 1 and 5…I did like Fake Jason though. It was the “Halloween 3″ of the franchise, but at least they kept Tommy in to tie them all together. Plus it was the closest thing to porn from any of the movies.
Eh you can have the Freddy vs Jason, Jason Goes to Hell and Jason X versions of Jason. I feel he looked best in 3, 4, 6 and 7.
“Eh you can have the Freddy vs Jason, Jason Goes to Hell and Jason X versions of Jason. I feel he looked best in 3, 4, 6 and 7.”
I feel the exact same way. No offence, but I was just never into Hodder at all, or the way Mr. Voorhees was presented in the New Line Cinema (now RIP) instalments. I also prefered his look in Parts 3 and 4, and even the earliest on land Jason in Part 2 as well.
Just give me the first hockey mask from Shelly, complete with the kahki trouser pants and the buttoned up Olive dress shirt, and I’m automatically frightened for a reason. It’s a more Human look, indeed. Once he’s Zombiefied, I’m afriad, he’s just sort of an anti-hero. Which is interesting, but still, just to me, not nowhere near as frightening as the one who just stole all of that new clothing from Harold and slaughtered him and poor loud-mouth Jersey girl sounding Edna.
But to each they’re own …
It’s funny, even though I felt Kane personified the Undead/Zombie Jason, I never really liked 8, Jason GTH or Jason X, Kane was ok in em but storyline wise it lacked bigtime, not like 1,2,3,4,6 & 7.
I agree that earlier dipictions of human Jason in the movies had me shook till I was 9, but I seriously think pert 4 did it for me, that movie was so sick man, it’s like in part 2 we see Jason with the sack on his head but they still made it a little jumpy, part 3 they made more jokey, but still delivered kills & story, & part 4 was like the most seriously crazy one IMO.
“quote” SplitSkull
Hey J.Miggidy, I LOVE how Rob was saying , “He’s killing me”. I thought that was prety disterbing. And I love when he coreners Trish in the hallway and he taunts her right before running after her as she jumps through the window. One of the creepiest parts IMOP is when Trish is standing in the living room when she finds out that Tommy is still in the house and Jason slowly creeps up to the front doorway and she hears him. “quote”
SplitSkull, you hit the hammer on the head ( no pun intended to the part where Trish hits Jason on the head with the hammer), but that scene was fantastic. Its parts 3 & 4 that still creep me out to this day. its the human factor, the fact that he sneaks around and has to be quiet, the fact that he is a serial killer stalking people and not a zombie wandering thru the woods ( i wonder what George A. Romero could do with zombie Jason?). its the way Brooker and White moved, there was something about their posture and flow, especially White. He was the best! also, with parts 3 & 4, you can notice the old Frankenstein trick, where they use a little bit smaller clothes to make him seem a little bit bigger compared to the rest of the guys who played Jason. part 6 was great, CJ played him great, and looked good. Someone mentioned before about Kane being to muscular looking, and i have to agree there. i like Jason as a big strong dumb country hick, not someone just out of the gym. Kane was good, but he wasn’t the best, IMHO.
all in all, all the actor’s that potrayed Jason had their strong points and if we could put them all in one and make a super Jason, can you imagine how great that would be. Maybe the remake will try and do that…….take that little bit from each Jason…..we can only hope
These remakes are out of control. People just have no f***ing imagination anymore. The original F13 should be left alone. Especially when it’s being meddled with by the same MTV dude who shot the TCM remake with a glossy Michael Bay filter and turned it into a damn comedy. How about a new horror character for once? Does no one have the BALLS to make a new horror franchise? As for the pictures, he just looks like a rehash of what we’ve seen before…yawn.
“Its parts 3 & 4 that still creep me out to this day. its the human factor, the fact that he sneaks around and has to be quiet, the fact that he is a serial killer stalking people and not a zombie wandering thru the woods ( i wonder what George A. Romero could do with zombie Jason?). its the way Brooker and White moved, there was something about their posture and flow, especially White. He was the best! also, with parts 3 & 4, you can notice the old Frankenstein trick, where they use a little bit smaller clothes to make him seem a little bit bigger compared to the rest of the guys who played Jason”
I must congradulate you on a truely fabulous post. Honestly, such fine words were never spoken about the almighty Jason Voorhees. I love him and his sneaking around in Parts 3 and 4 (and 2 as well). Your absolutely with the the too big of clothing reasons (a size too big shirt from Harold in Part 3; and look at his demim jean overalls in Part 2, ect). you just nailed everything about the character that I love (I mena his human years that is).
I’m sorry, but like many, I just never got into the Zombie-fied Jason of Parts 6, 7, ect. The last Friday I truely enjoyed was the Exploitation elments and feeling of Part V, as I feel it’s just hated blindly, and not even that many truely hate it and a few lie and secretly are heavily into it; just my own two cents. I do find parts of Part VIII surreal and Rennie an interesting last heroine/final girl for ol’ Jason, and I like the cruise ship idea actually, and the final reel totally out-of-Crystal-Lake-setting. Look at that 360* tracking shot. Even Jason has to look around and take it all in. Some nice, surreal touches there. Plus, by the time Part 5 was made and the MPAA got ahold of it, there was pretty much no more on screen gore, and just after math shots, left in the series. Which of course really hurt the series for me.
Later …
well thank you kind sir! well i was just watching some clips on youtube, and one thing that really stood out, especially with part 3, is that you could see his eyes. the eyes add to the feel. you try and look into them to see what he is seeing and why. like i said before its the human factor, and when you look into the eyes pleading for your life, you almost think that you might just be able to talk your way out of it. lol, but we all know none of them did.
also, one of the cool moments for part 4 is that slow walk up to the window after Trish jumps out. the way he looks out the window with a feeling of accomplishment and a job well done, only to see her start to move and get up. damn fine, damn fine!
one other cool shot with part 4, and for some reason this took me a long time to notice, but when i did, i was like WOW!!!, was the slow breath that comes out when he is placed in the morgue. what a great effect to send chills up your spine.
in my playing around on youtube, i found some “modernized” trailers for parts 1-5. watch these clips, they will grab you by the booboo and you will want to go and watch them right away. it makes the movies seem like they were just made yesterday. enjoy!
part 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=240QxVU6ygg
part 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SjvhMNDoSUI
part 3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NcD_VgQjsT8
part 4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sEE5iJbDC78
part 5 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6U4qAv_6sUQ
parts 2, 3, and 4 are the standouts here, i think i will go watch one……..
I never understood wht everyone gets in such an uproar about Kane Hodder playing Jason. I mean yeah he was good but maybe the reason the producers of these movies don’t want him is because in his tenure as jason he faught a girl with psychic abilities, went to Manhatten, jumped from body to body before entering Hell, and last but not least was cryogenically frozen and sent to outer space… All very stupid concepts. I am a fan of part 7-8 and 9 was ok but Jason X was pathetic…Also when youre trying to reinvent this series and the character of Jason you don’t want the old pro on set telling you how or what to do with Jason.
all that being said i’m still a huge fan of the series and there is no denying Kane’s on screen presence as Jason.. It’s just time to accept the change
“It’s got a death curse!!!”
Great pics, I am stoked for this film. I hope the atmosphere at the cinema will be same as when the original sequels were released. I have seen all releases from Part 4 in the theatre (I think I saw three but can’t remember). Anyway I want to chime in on all of the Kane bashers focusing on the poor story lines of 7/8/JGTH/X. It was not Kane’s fault for how the story was written, if not for Kane the Character of Jason would have lost any continuity. IMHO, Kane could have been cast for the part, even as a more human Jason. Would he have been the best for this rendition of Jason I don’t know. I will say I did not like Ken’s portrayal of Jason in FvJ. I am looking forward to see this new/revamped version.
Very cool!
I love my cat. His name is Jack, and he’s extremely sick.
Unfortunately, we don’t have near enough money to take him to the vet, and it seems like he is getting worse and worse everyday. He is always coughing and wheezing and it takes his entire diaphragm to just get in the tiny breathes he can, and I am so worried sick.
That cat is my best friend, and a huge part of the family. If any of you can donate, even just a little something, it would help out so much, and would be so greatly appreciated.
Click here to help.
Not bad. Although the makeup is only partially complete, it seems they’re going for something of a subtle look, and appears to be very tasteful.
That trailer made me want it MORE!!!
This movie is going to be insanely awesome or awesomely insane…. I’m not sure which one yet
sorry bout your cat sierra, but try & post it on some people who have enough $ to feed over 5 homeless kids like Tom Cruise on my space, i’m serious though that guy is giving all his cash to his belief in lord xenu
While I’m also truely sorry to hear about your kitten, sierra, do you honestly feel that this is the proper time & place for posting such? Again, I mean no direspect disrespect, but I was just very curious since I read that earlier last week.
It looks like the makers of this film are going in the right direction, and that is good(hopefully) for all us die-hard fans of Jason. As with any “remake”, there will no doubt be all sorts of debate and such,…but we should all be happy that Jason is human again, and back at cyrstal lake! Little things like how he looks and his dress code are out of our hands. But they do look satisfactory for the most part. I personally dont like the jacket, but hey, I’m glad Jason is kickin ass again man! Hopefully the DVD will be unrated! And we will all get our verdict in on Feb. 13th! Jason rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, we all know what happened the last time someone remade an original classic. Anyone remember the “reimagination” of Halloween? Yeah, mega fail.
I doubt this will be any better.
People need to start coming up with their own movies, instead of remaking the good ones.
in response to Chris… jason DOES in fact stab over and over again… watch part 3 again and watch how he goes to town hacking away at that biker dude in the barn. i love reboots, and after jason x… this series seriously needed to start over and give jason a definite origin. i can’t wait to see it.
Kane did his thing, and during those years, people loved it. We’re all looking back on a ton of films now, and some of us are 30 and some of us are 15. (I’m 32). I don’t know of a scarier image than from part 3, at the end, when she imagines him without his mask in the window, then running out the door toward her. Jesus. The big-neck, slightly hunched, deliberate walking (sometimes running) Jason from 3 & 4 was terrifying.
I just watched Part 6 last night, but couldn’t stand the story line. The acting was brutal. I was fast forwarding to see Jason.
P.S. I used to be sort of ashamed to be such a fan. I don’t own any comics or figurines, but that’s a shame. For whatever reason, these people created a very, very memorable and interesting character. Damn, this dude has staying power. The mask is off the chain iconic. Somehow this hillbilly, deformed, retarded kid is a very interesting story!
Can’t wait for the new film to come out. While the later ones weren’t that great, I do remember having a lot of fun w/ FF and FvJ in the theater. JX seemed like a straight to DVD release and I never saw it.
Anyway, I wanted to comment about the ‘He’s killing me!…’ comment. I just re-watched part 4 and noticed that. It is friggin’ hilarious. I mean, I guess I don’t know what I would yell while being bludgeoned, but probably something more like, “AHHHHHHHHH!” or “Stop!” “He’s killing me” is just stating the painfully obvious. Funny.
Also, did anyone else wonder about the whole Gordon (the dog) jumping out the window scene. It was very random and never really explained.
For what it’s worth, I added some of these observations on the Wikipedia site for part 4. I would encourage other fans to (responsibly) add and update the movie pages. While there is some good info on there, many of them are pretty bare. I know there are other resources (like this blog), but Wiki is read by a lot of people for informative (and hopefully accurate) info.
Peace out.
Think this is the first movie I’ve looked forward to in a few years. I hope it is as good as the expectations are for it. Strange saying that we expect much from a slasher film, but the legend of Jason is huge. Which leads to huge expectations
That looks really cool how they made his neck and shoulders look all huge like that. Usually when filmers try to use fake prostetics, they look pretty obvious. Im glad, because I was concerned about how good Jason was going to look when I saw the actor who was going to play him. The guy is tall enough, but doesn’t quite have enough muscle. I hope they never show Jason in just the t-shirt though, or else it will look stupid how small his arms are in comparison to his upper body. This movie looks f*ing awesome
jason was unmasked a few times.he looked messed up before.Now he takes the word messed up and ugly, combines them, and takes it to a whole new f***ing level.Jason is the best horror icon ever!his movies ROCK!
PS i hope they ake another friday the 13th movie.
wow, not a single part 2 movie yet. but on november,there’s a friday on the 13th