The New Friday The 13th Forum Now Live!
The Friday The 13th Forum is now online. It’s a beta version meaning there may be some bugs to work out, so if you catch any please do let me know. It also means everything is very ‘early’ in nature – notably the design, and structurally some sections will end up merging or expanding depending on how user activity flows over the next few weeks. But it’s basically all there.
Note, joining gives you a basic slightly restricted account, but after a measly five posts you’ll become a full member with all the privileges you’d expect to come with that.
What are you waiting for? Sign up now!

Posted by Dusk
Well done, Dusk!
Glad to see forum back again!
I signed up, great forum!!
Awesome, Im new to this forum thing. But it sounds cool.
Interestring forum layout but it’s already flooded with spam. Might want to see to that or it could kill it before it starts.