Watch Friday the 13th Part 3 in 3D on the Big Screen this Friday and Saturday
A visitor to our site, Jason, mentioned yesterday in the “Spend Friday the 13th with ” blog that he was going to see Part 3 in 3D in the Cleveland area. So, I dug around and found one theater in the area that is showing it. Not sure if there is another theater that Jason was planning on attending, but here is the one I found.
Showtimes listed in brackets indicate bargain price
11/13/2009 9:30 PM 11:55 PM
11/14/2009 11:55 PM

Awesome! I live in NE Ohio and have always wanted to see this in 3D. Thanks so much for posting this, jasonsfury!
Man, can’t they play this in Knoxville, Tennessee?!?!
Crap…it’s in East Cleveland. There’s no way I’m going there, man. Ah well, I’m still glad you told us about it.
I wish they would play this in Washington DC. They used to play them at the AFI in Silver Springs then they just stopped last year. Anyone know of anywhere else?
Hell yea, I live right by there, I’m so going
This was always one of my favorite movies in the series, even before i saw it in 3D on dvd, i would love to see it on the big screen, hopfully a theater closer to Denver will be showing it soon, i always see comercials for wizard of oz and movies like that showing at theaters around town, why on F13 3 in 3D? ah well
I wish they would play it in Rimini,Italy LoL
Is it part 1 or 3 because according to the link they advertise part 1 in 3D and show the poster for part 1 also? So which film will it be?
yes, the movie they are playing is part 3 in 3D AT THE CEDAR LEE theater.They played it last September but i was unable to attend do to work.So i pleaded with the guys the week after when they where showing AMITYVILLE 3D, that they must play it this year for me….I’ll be there with my Jason 3 mask! (Now i can cross this off my bucket list)
Is anyone aware of any other theaters showing it? Particularly in Michigan??? Any help would be appreciated fellow Friday followers!
Was gonna make the trip up from indy but i have surgery today and i doubt ill be feeling well enough saturday… def let us know if they play part 3 in 3d in the future
I tried Bigtdoe to find any theater at all in Michigan with no luck. There should be at least 1 theater in each state showing a marathon of the franchise each and every Friday the 13th!